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Everything posted by Cameroni

  1. Because the Ukrainians, much like their armchair supporters, are losers, it is just common sense. Ukraine is being decimated on the battlefield as we speak. Since their economy is a fraction of the size of Russia it is plain to see that in a long conflict Russia will prevail. Ukraine has to give up territory. No other sensible alternative.
  2. The US does subsidize Canada with 60 billion USD each year. Let me explain it to you. If you make shirts and i make coats, and I sell to you 100 USD worth of coats and you are selling me 160 USD worth of shirts, then I am subsidizing you with 60 USD. This is what Canada is doing with the US. It is just not a good deal for the US and Trump is right to call Canada out on this. Simply not true, Canada has been bending over backwards doing a ballerina pirouette telling Trump "pretty please we are now improving border controls, do not tariff us". And yes, the US can get aluminium from Russia and most likely on better terms and prices than from Canada, and probably better quality too. This would have the added advantage of not having the crazy rip off trade deficit the Canadians have got away with for so long, like thieves in the night.
  3. The US is subsidising Canada with 60 billion USD each year. What does the US gain from this? This massive trade deficit with Canada is not in the US interest, and if the tarriffed items can be obtained elsewhere, say from Russia the trade deficit with Russia would be nothing like with Canada. Plus it would give the US more leverage with this important country. Canada is not important, as you can see, so it makes little sense to be so economically tied to Canada. Well, good luck with your boycott of the US, it will be a tad difficult I can tell you now. And will of course ultimately fail.
  4. President Donald Trump imposed new tariffs, effective March 4, 2025, including a 25% duty on imports from Canada and Mexico, with Canadian energy resources subject to a reduced 10% tariff. Tariffs on Chinese imports were raised from 10% to 20%. Tariffs on products from Mexico and Canada, eligible under USMCA, are excluded from the additional tariffs. Approximately 50% of the products of Mexico and 38% of Canadian products qualify under USMCA. USMCA covered products include automobiles and parts and produce. While some potash, used in fertilizer, qualifies under USMCA, other potash, which is not qualifying, will carry a 10% tariff rather than 25%. Starting March 12, global steel and aluminum imports will face an additional 25% tariff. https://www.gtlaw.com/en/insights/2025/3/tariffs-update-imposed-paused-changed-and-reciprocal-tariffs-involving-the-us-canada-china-and-mexico-as-of-march-7
  5. It is perfectly coherent. What you fail to grasp is the reason why Canada, Mexico and China are slapped with tarriffs. Canada is effectively being subsidized with 60 billion USD each year by the US and the US is getting nothing in return for this. Now obviously faced with the current tariffs Canada will offer the US a lot more, as indeed it has already been doing. If not, the US can get its aluminium, potash and lumber from other sources which are not ripping off the US. So the tariffs are certainly not "for nothing". These tarriffs will reshape the economic relationship with Canada in the favour of the US. Gas is not easily substituted, if you knew anything about this process they had to build specific facilities in Germany for the new gas, it was process that required some work. But it is actually not that hard to find aluminium and steel and other materials, Russia would be a happy supplier. Again the rapprochment with Russia is starting to make a lot of sense. See, coherence`? As for your "resentment" it is only felt by certain contingent in Europe, many people love America in Europe and will continue to do so, a boycott is a non starter. Just ask Israel.
  6. Liar. You're paying for her.
  7. The USA can and will substitute tarriffed imports, did you not witness how easily Germany could susbitute 96% of its Russian gas with gas sourced elsewhere? Infrastructure has to be built? GREAT! More jobs for Americans!. Yes, a little disruption and extra cost initially but the benefit you clearly fail to take into account. You have to weigh this up with the benefit of tariffs, which make foreign products more expensive and thus domestic products cheaper which means people will buy US made products. Which means saving and creating US jobs. It's very sensible from a US perspective. Unlike France, Germany, Japan, the USA is NOT an export dependent country and instead relies on its strong and deep domestic market. Exports only make up 10 percent or so of the GDP of the USA. Even if ALL of them fell away tomorrow the USA would retain 90% of its GDP, 24 trillion USD. Of course it won't happen, people will still buy Maglites, Nike Shoes and Apple phones. As for a boycott, Israel has been killing women and children for decades, how is the boycott against Israeli products going? Ok then.
  8. It's okay, I've in turn now made a specific effort to buy US-made products, so we cancel each other out. I just bought a US made maglite torch, it's magnificent. If you want to support courageous and peacemaker President Trump, buy American!
  9. You can make SAVINGS from social security payments???? Oviously they are way too high then.
  10. Trump is gutting the bloated, fat, useless underbelly of US government, filled to the brim with corruption, engorged on US taxpayer funds. Good! Great job president Trump, keep at it. DOGE has so far saved 4 billion USD of waste and corruption. FOUR BILLION DOLLARS. Musk anticipates 1 Trillion of savings. https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/business/money-report/doge-chief-musk-says-hes-running-his-businesses-with-great-difficulty-as-tesla-shares-tank/4129867/?os=bingquiz.com%2Fbing-weekly-quiz-answers%2Fy0vzmaqv&ref=app Maybe eliminating social welfare is going a step too far, but you'd have to look at ways to cut it or you'll end up like Greece, Italy, Spain, Germany, France or the UK. Obviously this creates a culture of laziness.
  11. You live in an economics fantasy world, where countries would transact "with anyone other than the USA". In reality Canada, Mexico and China would give their right arm to do business with the USA. Why do you think the leaders of Mexico and Canada call Trump and tell him they are now beefing up immigration controls? Because they are DESPERATE to do business with the USA. Why? Because they are not guided by their dislike of Orange Man, like you, they are guided by one thing only: profit. And the USA just happens to be the most desirable, richest and profitable domestic market worth 27 TRILLION USD. So what you predict, countries ceasing to do business with the USA, it will never happen. As for raw materials, we've already talked about this, the world is a market place and the US can easily replace Canadian lumber, potash etc. Yes it may cost more, but in the long term you have to weigh up this cost with the benefit of US consumers buying US products instead of foreign ones, ie retaining US jobs and creating US jobs. This is more important than the profits of large corporations. Service sector economies do not create long term wealth? Again, you live in economics fantasy world, how do you explain the 27 TRILLION GDP of the US, where most is produced by the service sector. You're just wrong on literally every point you make.
  12. Only because Americans have benefitted from social welfare, cushy government jobs and bloated corporations exploiting Asian workers, however, with Trump's courageous and necessary cuts to government spending and hopefully welfare spending economic necessity will of course motivate Americans to take unpleasant jobs that pay. Just a matter of rewards and risk.
  13. I wonder if this is the imbalance of power Karl Marx foresaw. Now that the US has woken up to its own market power and is extracting money for access to its market in a grand fashion, could it be that down the line the pillaging of other nations resources by military force by the US forces could be on the cards? Will colonialism make a return? Except this time it will be the US exploiting other nations by military force?
  14. I remember trading the UJ and it was in the 138 range, the UJ has a lot of room to fall, but then the USD Index also fell a lot and thus room to go up, so this is a very interesting constellation and what makes trading FOREX so fascinating.
  15. It's amazing he was arrested at all. What's going in in Phil?
  16. The US does not need to manufacture or produce most of the tariffed items. Whilst that is preferable, the beauty of this modern world is that it is a market place. With a 27 TRILLION GDP the US can obtain the tariffed items elsewhere. Yes, that may be more expensive in some instances, but when weighed up against the benefit of US market participants buying mostly US produced products it is a price worth paying for Americans. Because it secures US jobs and creates US jobs. Yes of course some companies will fail, some consumer items will become more expensive for some time and some people will lose their jobs, however, this is a neccessary adjustment to ensure that in the long term the money made by US workers is spent on US produced goods. This is sound economic policy and very sensible.
  17. Now THIS is interesting news for once! Bets on how soon he'll be released?
  18. The USA does not depend on Canada in the slightest. All that Canada offers can be bought elsewhere. As you say it is a MARKET and whilst yes, of course, procuring it elsewhere will be more expensive what you fail to do is to weigh that up against the gains that tariffs will produce, namely making people buy a greater share of US made products because they are cheaper, securing US jobs, creating US jobs. So what Trump is doing is he is weighing up the cost of procuring these materials elsewhere against the benefit of protecting US companies and the money the US tariffs will bring. And money they will bring, because Canada, Mexico, China will NOT stop doing business with the US, the US is far too valuabel a market, they will continue to do so even if the price is higher. Trump knows this. The stock market sell off is nothing unusual, there is always going to be periods like this, which are inevitably followed by periods of high performance. And if some overvalued companies go bankrupt, it is fine, the US population is not the SP500, it is more than that. Again Trump knows this.
  19. No, you and most US presidents before Trump grossly underestimated the importance of the US economy and the strength and depth of the US economy and its role in the world. Trump, the first billionaire president, fully understands the importance of the US economy. He knows that the US is more important to China, Germany, Japan, UK, etc than vice versa, because the US is the stronger domestic market, the more valuable market. This means that the US can in fact restructure market access to its own advantage. America is now benefitting from tariffs that will result in people in the end having to buy US made products because they are much cheaper. This will protect more jobs and create more jobs in the US, not to mention the money the tariffs will send to US coffers. If some large corporations lose money because of this market access restructuring - too bad, but it is a price worth paying in the long run because America will become richer even if some companies fail.
  20. Nobody knows how the stock markets work. That's because reality is too complex and difficult to predict. Trading in stocks is akin to gambling, but it's not the same, you can get information that will give you an edge, you can effectively become the casino, ie the party with the advantage. However, as the OP pointed out, the markets also work on emotions, it is very hard to predict. The British treasury famously tried to bet against markets and lost. Nobody can fathom and predict the market truly. You can get lucky or you can make good bets consistently. That's about it. But you can't understand how it truly works. That would be like saying you can understand how "women" work.
  21. What the EU countries really need is their own Trump, but of course he's a once in a generation appearance. A billionaire who has brains, wants to make a difference, is tough, knows how to negotiate. I guess there is no one like this in the UK, Germany or France right now.
  22. And indeed a strong and fully armed Europe is much better for Europe too. Trump is the positive force for good the world needs now, no doubt about it.
  23. Yes, it is a good idea to be aware of your monkey mind, to master it, in the sense of not attaching to wrong thought. The key is that there is WRONG thought, ie deluded thought based on false thinking and there is RIGHT thought based on right thinking. So you need the road map, you need the knowledge, to know what is right and wrong. Buddha's teaching is that road map.
  24. Wrong analogy, Ukraine is not the woman being raped, Ukraine is the woman who had a boyfriend and WHILST with that boyfriend decided to jump into bed with another guy who looked like he had more money. Then she thoroughly serviced the new guy on the mere promise that he'd marry her, which of course he didn't. No wonder the original boyfriend, ie Russia, was upset. Now cheating Ukraine has to pay the price. You probably need knee pads more than me, judging by the way you've been kissing the boots of Zelensky, btw.
  25. And that would make Ukraine, Russia's girlfriend at the time she jumped into bed with the US and Europe, a gal who likes threesomes...no?
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