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Everything posted by Tiber

  1. Plus, I lived there with unfrozen pension,check A1 its all legal
  2. Yes was tough then, making up for it now. "living longer"? I guess, came back from Thailand for "making me live longer mode" (cancer) guess it worked. I agree tho, public sector pensions out of control ,play the system,26 and half years, obtain full 30 year pension, out at 45 years of age, start paying full NI stamp ,obtain full OAP, plus pre 97 ,grad pension, plus serps whatever else was bundled up into final, throw in criminal injury claim that finished career,gawd forgive me,it came to £000000s,then DWP benefits ,shovelling it out like going out of fashion,all tax free Now 'ere I am UK still dumping money on me like its going out of fashion £200 a week mostly tax free Never to bite the hands that feed me, but I do send money to ex there in TH,so all forgiven I hope? No? well I do try lol May come back,who knows? There were loads of public uniformed at it ,should say were,mostly fin now
  3. never mind eh! lol that's why I'm sat here with a nice bundle...and your not lol
  4. Its how long the cancer was manifesting inside her before whatever operation she undertook. This was no early detection of the disease, it was only picked up on analysing whatever was removed, A pity she never went for screening if that was the case, still its a disaster Went for screening myself, picked up when it was hardly noticeable, but further scan proved it Agree about chemo ,she will not be eating hospital food for sure, but I fear a bad outcome for this one
  5. Hell of a thing, especially so young with young kids. Mine was caught early stage 1 Hers I think not, being detected after other surgery, the surgery itself would have sent the cancer cells spreading and who knows ,but its got to be stage 2 or 3 at least. She is already looking thin and drawn, not looking good
  6. Right, first on the scene collects the prize, dumps the body
  7. Its up to the frozen pensioner to either remain there suffering losses ,go to unfrozen country, or remain there in TH with UK address
  8. Id get it looked at in Calcutta, 2 hours away from BKK ,flights at around £120. Was diagnosed with cancer there, was about £20 for diagnosis, took about 5 days for results, but then back in TH immediately after test, really good, fact Id say excellent, cheap hotels too
  9. Hello there! Not just the councils leader ,but Wales now,the hole of it Vaugan Gething,get the cooking pot out
  10. Personally I think the UK will go the way southern USA was some 70 years or so, segregation, but far more severe due to smaller land mass. Mixing of the various races will not happen as the do-gooders seem to want, look at the tv ads, hard to spot a white face now. Called levelling up, more like dumbing down
  11. Look this is OAP no they do not/cannot do anything. Did start thread "When the dots don't come together" but not accepted, too much trouble
  12. Of cause it is,....but it touches on the mentality too of the frozen bunch, it is most disturbing. May put it up, depends on the flak Im going to receive
  13. Not quite,OAP is distinct to to most other benefits
  14. Can a old age pensioner with unfrozen pension living in frozen land be prosecuted? Some UK state pensions are subject to being “frozen” when received by expatriates living abroad. This means that the pension amount remains fixed at the level it was when the individual retired and does not increase annually in line with inflation or other factors. Approximately 500,000 British people living abroad are affected by this policy, which contrasts with the triple lock system that applies to residents in the UK1. While this can be frustrating and mentally disturbing for pensioners, it is not a criminal offense or grounds for prosecution, or retribution ie covered by non-sanctionable/disqualifying For example, if someone falsely claims additional benefits based on their pension status, that could lead to prosecution. Legal Considerations: Pensioners should ensure they comply with the laws and regulations of the country where they reside. In summary, while living in a frozen land with an unfrozen pension will not lead to prosecution
  15. What benefits are you referring to?
  16. Nearly choked on my Coco pops at this threads opening lol Shame the main thread finished ,hope it opens again, its needed, but I guess something like this one, a sub thread would be ideal. A get together for the frozen bunch no doubt giving themselves a (colder than cold hug) , hoping against hope that bank account checks do indeed go full throttle, but then so what? It has been stated by the Secretary of whatever that nothing will happen, no dots to join up, but if there was ,again, so what? Jealousy rules here, I'm getting it, and you aint...that sums it up. Might put a thread, something up like "When the dots don't come together, and if they ever did, who gives a toss"?
  17. Yes thank you, I remember it well. The published letters as you state were a voluntary admission to the DWP of a overpayment totalling £200 plus £50 fine for an event some 5 years beforehand, not as the individual later states "he was reminded of of it some 15 months afterwards" . This was a set up from the start from two members involvement ,you can guess one of them right now, its on record "look, look ,see what they have done" Other members at the time questioned its authenticity, stating it was Pension Credit, not State Pension, but then you could put anything through computer Word,to get the required result I did contact DWP on this letter, again "they do not respond to individual" blah blah. I asked my MP to contact the DWP for a response to this ,and he informed me to look at the letters again to pick up 3 features on the said letters that were definitely not authentic ,and basically a load of <deleted> These letters do spring up from time to time, sort of the "rabbit out of the hat" moment Thanking Pauline, head of DWP,is or was, for stating the obvious
  18. "odd few" I would estimate that far more than half of OA pensioners there are unfrozen, no fiddle ,DWP regulations say so "non-sanctionable" Yes worldwide forum, hope the NZs, Aussie members pick it up too I'm in the dragons den,sort of speak UK,but I'm being given money hand over fist by DWP,work that one out, supposed to be in here 2 of last 3 years, money flowed in just three weeks, and i did not apply for it thanking them (DWP)
  19. You can favour whatever you want sunshine, bottom line is no action has or ever will be undertaken against any pensioner claiming unfrozen pension there Am awaiting confirmation from DWP for a statement to that effect, by answering in the affirmative it surely will open floodgates, hence no reply. Already acknowledge your preamble, so that is most definitely "moot" There are no sanctions available to DWP, let alone hypocritical also hypothetical ranting, that DWP would impose Losses to the frozen bunch are emotional and without doubt financial, cold comfort when the frozen pit members get together,boy,is it cold. To the unfrozen bunch, enjoy your 8.5% increase in SP,next year more like 4.5%,but worth picking up lol
  20. "Defrauding" ? hardly ,no punishment /sanctions, nothing. However I have requested a total 2(two) Freedom of Information statements from DWP on this very subject. They (DWP) appear to be breaching their own rules,30 day replies required, perhaps you could indeed enquire too, templates are available Its spring, be happy yes miserable weather in UK ,but daffs are in full bloom, magnificent by the way,please answer
  21. Gone quiet, equate offering as this (housing benefit etc.) to frozen pension is nonsense You have never understood the meaning of Disqualified Sanction in relation to OAP,( 4 of them) " It should now be obvious" ( clear as mud) you define disqualifying sanction as "moot" is ridiculous fact is it supersedes anything after 2010 never used (never has/will be) same same potential frozen pensioner sanctions recipients in TH Happy time for unfrozen bunch £900 quid coming up, no spring in their steps, wallets too heavy.
  22. Its a dead and buried issue, gives comfort to never-ending discussing of the subject, but deader than dead Should think outcry from UK end at giving ex-pats a financial boost, that they paid themselves for their own pensions
  23. "In respect of pensions, fraud undermines the value of income for people at a time of life when sources of income become more limited, and the chances of financial recovery are reduced." Nothing will ever be done to change policy, but the above statement commissioned by DWP,does indicate a blind leading the blind approach. Just get back into your pen. Most of the plus 500 thousand ex pats in frozen countries will be supported by their own welfare system, so no hurry up from them, fact is they will probably better off
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