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Everything posted by BenStark

  1. No I know you are rich, that's why you started a topic not so long ago that wanted to apply for a loan from your pension to survive
  2. It's the same with everything, if you know what you're doing and are motivated, you will make good money in any profession. And yes influencer is a profession. I personally don't like youtubes or influencers, and will rarely watch one for longer than 5 minutes, but I have respect for those that make a living of it, and will never ridicule them for that.
  3. Of course, many of those youtubers make BIG money, it is only the cynic lowlife pensioners on this forum that think everyone is like them, living in a 25 sqm room with 1 fan. I know of a famous youtuber in the US, who owns exotic cars to a value of 6.5 million US DOLLARS, and then we don't even talk about the real estate and cash he has.
  4. Ever learned to read in your youth? I see all 5 cases explained in the article, but then again, I wasn't that eager to work on my likes count, and could be bothered to read the article
  5. Must be fake news from your beloved extreme left news source as well then? https://thehill.com/opinion/national-security/4083957-instead-of-american-capitalism-in-cuba-we-have-the-chinese-military/ Let’s hope Biden — or whoever comes next — can learn the lessons of history and put us back on a course to normalization with Cuba. That way, the American capitalist military can do what it does best: spread freedom, opportunity and hope. Philip Levine, a cruise industry entrepreneur, is a former two-term mayor of Miami Beach and one-time Democratic candidate for governor of Florida.
  6. Maybe this is not you then, posting the complete opposite on their website ? https://www.thailandlawonline.com/59-usufruct-in-thailand/4-can-my-thai-wife-cancel-my-usufruct Section 1469 (laws governing property between husband and wife) does apply and when you would divorce the usufruct could be simply terminated by a court as part of the division of assets. After your marriage in Thailand, under Thai matrimonial law, personal and jointly owned marital property between husband and wife is governed by the statutory system of sections 1465 to 1493 Civil and Commercial Code, therefore any agreements between husband and wife made during the marriage affecting their assets (in conflict with the statutory system) could be set aside by the spouses themselves or a court. Your wife is not able to cancel it when she likes, because usufruct is a registered real property right, but the usufruct can be terminated as the creation is in conflict with the statutory system of property of husband and wife.
  7. What your friend did is illegal. No it is NOT. Those who set up those constructions follow the law. They sell the land to a company with only Thai shareholders, and sell the shares to the foreigner afterwards. They then lease the land to the foreigner, so at that point the company does legal business. Good try, but no cigar Lou
  8. How many you know that lost their property because it was deemed an illegal company?
  9. OK mr Pedant, how many illegal companies are active that way for decades already?
  10. Sorry to break it for you Lou, but he can only own the property on the land if it was built with the building licence in his name. The property can not be separated from the land AFTER it has been registered
  11. Not correct. If the contract has been created while both were married already, it can be invalidated. If you divorce from your wife, and the usufruct was created after you were married, the wife can ask the court to invalidate the usufruct
  12. Any contract between married people can be challenged in court. A usufruct is a contract. I don't know up country, but here in Pattaya, the foreigner isn't mentioned in the company when they register the property, he gets added later. They learned from that a coupled of years ago when land offices started to make the issues you mention
  13. There are plenty of members on this forum who met their wife online, flew into Thailand, and married the day after arrival. No Isaan FIL needed for desperate people to get married at first sight
  14. You always can sell to a company which you are the director of. Majority of foreigners own property that way
  15. Hence he is the only heir, since he is married, and will get 1 year to sell
  16. Wake me up when that bar get raided for the third time
  17. Can't be bothered to read through all posts, so probably OP's question will be answered already. Your Google account transfers quite a lot already. If it is from Samsung to Samsung, they have their own app for that. For transferring data from a Samsung to another brand phone, I used send anywhere, which is free. https://send-anywhere.com/
  18. Of course they all accept the invitation of the Thai government. Travel and accommodation costs subsidized by the government, spend a few hours in one of the fairs, then the rest of the day, hello Nana here I come
  19. There are many rich people in Thailand. Even when I drive through Pattaya, I see so many businesses that have a Lambo or Ferrari parked in front, obviously the owners' car. That are cars that cost 20 million or more, about 3 times of what they cost in the West. Yet, since I was a businessman myself in my home country, I knew about many reputable businesses, yet only a few would own a car like that.
  20. That one was also already answered. No noisy heat source with cables going everywhere in my office. Saves my quite some space as well, since the PC is mounted on the wall in the storage room, where router - Ethernet switches and everything else is located
  21. Not so difficult if you look at the prices charged in their businesses. Especially Makro. I notice recently that products with their home brand Aro and Savepak, are now more expensive than the same product from outside sellers, which have come down quite a bit in the past month. Makro's home brand hasn't come down.
  22. Isn't it time movie companies stop wasting time and money on those sequels of decades old movies, or have they really ran out of new ideas? Has there been any sequel that has lived up to the expectations?
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