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Everything posted by BenStark

  1. Are these among the 7 kk - scb - uob and krungsri? Because they work for me. I can check 2 more actually
  2. Hard to believe 7 banking apps have issues at the same time, as they all run independent Maybe better check your phone or network. Edit : actually made 3 payments with Kasikorn in the last hour, and tried right now kk - scb - uob and krungsri app, and they all worked Yes OP, my comment may sound funny to you, hence the laughing emoji, but we are not all idiots
  3. I know of at least 2, but it may be 3, of world tour cyclists who died in Thailand in the last 5 years
  4. i just read up on that Ronald Wayne. Wow, he could be worth $95 billion today, but he is actually worth $400,000. if he hadn't sold back his stake for $800
  5. Indeed incredible, selling third world produced devices at premium prices to their cult. Only possible in the US.
  6. You believe that is any of their concern?
  7. You mean the inflation that sky rocketed under his government? The son that died in the Iraqi war?
  8. How about these? The first one is the subject of this topic. There is no doubt that gaffes belongs to the fourth one. And then we don't even talk about wandering off site while in a live program. Glad you are not a doctor. These include: memory loss. difficulty concentrating. finding it hard to carry out familiar daily tasks, such as getting confused over the correct change when shopping. struggling to follow a conversation or find the right word. being confused about time and place. mood changes. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/dementia/symptoms/
  9. Tomorrow there will be sunshine all day, with rain showers in between.
  10. It is not because the cheapest Chromebooks have a LAN port that there are no laptops sold without a LAN port. You don't know what you're talking about, so you should refrain from insulting other posters
  11. And how about that more than 50% of democrats agree that Biden should not be available for re-election, for obvious reasons?
  12. They are outnumbered by the legal experts on this forum who comment on an ex-president's legal cases. Sound familiar to you?
  13. You don't need medical qualifications for that. The only requirements are that you are not blind or woke
  14. Because you don't know that doesn't mean there aren't There are apps that scour the signal of all ISP available and show the signal strength
  15. I sure would remember if I sat next to my drug addicted son, demanding money from Chinese companies. I recall there was recently a publisher claimed she was raped, but couldn't remember when it happened, and she won the court case
  16. There are free apps for that, why would anyone pay for it
  17. I would imagine every optical shop will do that. Every technician with more than a week experience in fitting lenses will have no problem with that.
  18. I'm sure he wouldn't even remember wherever he was on that day.
  19. I wanted to post this already a few days ago. That circus clown petitioner was a PTP member in the past, then moved to Prawit. Prawit was named a few months ago as being the key to Thaksin's return. What are the chances that the clown is actually filing all those petitions on behalf of PTP?
  20. You really think you have any rights in the decision-making? WOW
  21. From the OP it sounds as if there was no doctor involved in declaring her dead. It was the family themselves who transported her back home, and changed route to the temple half way
  22. No, what I mean is when GDP is low, chances that it will improve are high. And Americans are spending now, while they still can afford it, because they realize what is on the way. And that has nothing to do with the upcoming elections
  23. And at what age they refuse to insure you? I hear that French insurers not can kick you out at any age, or on the base of long term ailments.
  24. He probably doesn't remember he has one
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