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Everything posted by BenStark

  1. My microwave is actually 900 watt, but I always thought that was not the real power usage. Maybe I'm wrong
  2. You pretend to be knowledgeable about this. Well, here is a surprise for you. ITV shares have been suspended from trading since July 24 2014, and suspended shares obviously can't be sold. https://thailand.postsen.com/live-style/135458/Anupong-points-out-that-ITV-has-gone-out-of-business-The-Stock-Exchange-of-Thailand-has-removed-the-stock-since-July-24-2014-now-maintaining-the-status-to-sue-the.html But what is more. ITV was owned for 53% by Shin Corp, that names rings a bell to you? And now is actually owned by the Thai government https://www.nytimes.com/2007/02/27/business/worldbusiness/27iht-itv.4734543.html
  3. I'm not sure about that. I eat skinless chicken breast almost daily. In my microwave it takes 4 minutes for a +200 gr breast, while in my 200 W digital air fryer it takes 10 minutes or more. I know nothing is wrong with the airfryer, because 300 gr frozen French fries take 8 minutes.
  4. My take from your post is that you are of the minority that have purchased an EV, and now everything else is not acceptable any more.
  5. It describes radical left.................oh wait, there is only radical right in their mind, isn't it?
  6. Just FYI, he didn't write it, and your reply confirms the definition ????
  7. Not surprised that the usual suspects on this forum claim not to know the meaning Woke Umbrella term for individuals who are engrossed by social justice and thinks of themselves as saviors with a moral high ground, but remain willfully ignorant to the irrationality of their claims and the problems they create.
  8. 1992 Black May violent protests, 2008 Red Shirts mowed down by military and even 2014 coups were meet with resistance from citizens. People took to the streets and fought to protest the coups. They were mercilessly confronted by heavily armed military. Not correct to say that civilians will not resist coups. I think you missed the point of the post. fists and sticks don't work against tanks and armored carriers.
  9. Why you never mention this? https://www.thaienquirer.com/49174/did-prayut-violate-electoral-laws/ While senior members of the air force were singing on stage, air force chief ACM Alongkorn Wannarot stepped off the stage to invite Prayut up on the stage and the caretaking premier obliged. He went on to sing and dance on the stage which is allegedly a violation of the electoral law. Or this? https://www.nationthailand.com/thailand/politics/40021495 Suspect donation may result in dissolution of ruling Palang Pracharath Party
  10. Why would one want to lock up his money for 4 years, and risk losing all interest in case of an emergency, at a time that interests are increasing? In 4 years interest on normal deposit accounts may be higher than that. I get 1.25 and 1.5% at SCB, 1.5% at LH and 1.10% at TTB (paid monthly), UOB 1.25% (paid monthly), and I can withdraw whenever I want. I also have a feeling that this month interests will go up at most banks
  11. Nice deflection, I provided you with links about CHINA business deals.
  12. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-54553132 https://www.foxnews.com/politics/hunter-biden-wooed-china-execs-high-level-ccp-ties-while-fundraising-film-venture-dad-vp https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2020-election/biden-s-trip-china-son-hunter-2013-comes-under-new-n1061051 https://edition.cnn.com/2019/09/27/politics/fact-check-trump-bidens-china/index.html Facts First: There is no evidence that former Vice President Joe Biden received money from China. Though when it comes to Biden’s son Hunter, Trump’s allegations are not thoroughly unfounded.
  13. You have a credible link for your accusation? Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source.
  14. I don't know if it is illegal, but the wokes make a big deal of it about Trump doing business with Russia. Maybe it's one rule for some, and another rule for others?
  15. Must be all the foreign tourists that have arrived
  16. It isn't the one and only time Biden has fallen, isn't it, and there were no sandbags to use as an excuse in the previous events
  17. Yes if you open an account as non-US citizen, you have to sign a few documents to declare you aren't a US citizen or don't have any interests in that country
  18. I think you have a point. I'm not religious. A few years ago some tragedy happened to me, and right after that I realized that I had got several warnings of it in the days prior to it. Even, right when it was happening, there was a voice in my head talking to me, as if I was demonized.
  19. This I as looking at a few days ago, and passed on it, but it seems to be sold now. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/182508971431094/?referralSurface=messenger_lightspeed_banner&referralCode=messenger_banner
  20. I can clearly notice lately a lot on both platforms, sellers offering an item at 50% of normal price. On Lazada you can then immediately see that the seller has no ratings yet for any of the 3 subjects. On Shopee it will show joined 2 weeks ago or so. I skip over all these without a second thought.
  21. Now this is all you need https://www.lazada.co.th/products/a4-1-i315392071.html?
  22. You have to give him credit where credit's due. He didn't say it would be finished in 2 months, what he said is, Two more months of construction would mean that the project would not be completed until at least August of 2023
  23. If I lived in Bangkok, I would make a hotel reservation in Pattaya or Phuket for end of July
  24. I don't think any rules need to be bent, it is more a case of not making up their own rules on the spot. As far as I'm aware, and that hasn't changed recently, there is no need for a work permit to open an account. I'm here many years, with pink card and yellow book, and recently I also got the same issues at a few banks where I was refused to open accounts............................that is until I got the head office involved, after which they were very cooperating.
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