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Everything posted by Plern

  1. What a farce. As these are not Westerners they will be 'fined' and released. I bet you could go down there today after 4pm and the same individuals will be there working illegally. You cannot set up anything on a footpath without paying for it. That is simply a fact. Maybe they could pull the ten cops off this and get them to process my 90 day report it's been sitting for a week ????????????‍????????????
  2. Yes, this morning. One full week untouched. My FBAR for United States is processed in 48 hours. Absolutely unacceptable. I cancelled and resubmitted. I wanted to just send another (2) but the initial application was cancelled. Bureaucracy smart enough to know they'd have thousands of duplicates and chaos I suppose in that they can't even manage one. We are approximately 700 days away from saying goodbye to the first quarter century and this is as good as it gets. Thailand 5.0 lol, never ever.
  3. They absolutely do not care whatsoever. They obviously cannot see how their jobs are tied if not to servicing you at least being responsible to account for you presence. We are seen as cogs. The problem is that all these little stupid tracking things while little and stupid are still things that must be done under what could be severe penalties. Ever known immigration to apologize? Though not.
  4. Yes, well aware. Been here a very long time. I've never used mail bc even that you cannot trust 100% and takes forever. Non-solution solution As I stated, I resubmitted. Mail in is a total fail. Totally and throughly. Who uses mail anymore? Only old geezers that cannot use the internet, have more time then sense.
  5. What's inexcusable is married 15 years, someone with a valid O visa that is contributing to the betterment and future of the nation. Is forced to take the better part of a workday off in order to please the police, filling out some absolutely stupid, dinosaur, arbitrary form. The taxi cost of filing in person living in central BKK and return combined with MRT is b500 which is nearly double the Thai minimum wage. Let's say 150%. The employer loses week over a year for this. They have a system. At face value, that system should work. It does not. Thailand 4.0? Sorry, never
  6. Yes If your child is heading for Bangkok school (year has started) message me, I know a good deal about the schools and have taught at many of the best.
  7. I suppose but from those teachers I know that have taught there they are no different. In the end it's the same dire Thai and farang teachers. Moreover, each of the schools you'd mentioned have special or at least different programs. I believe Prasarnmit might have three or four. Chula at least two. The old rumor that working in demonstration schools license is not technically required. Teachers I've known at those schools over at least past 7-8 years have required license or waiver.
  8. That's utterly ridiculous - broken. 90 day is 28th
  9. This is my first with new system. I'd also moved and some months ago changed pp and left the country as well. I'm registered at the new address and have made at least one 90 day at CW under new ppt and residence. This isn't the issue as the problem is a constant occurrence. Never had issues with the other system. Just a bunch of people not doing their jobs.
  10. Thanks Why cancel and not just submit duplicate?
  11. Today is the seventh day my report has sat with no activity. 90 day is in five days. Is there a number to call or some way to resolve the issue without going to CW? I was mildly impressed with the system until this. Now, just see it as a fail. One week ????????????
  12. IQ lol Teach only down to /5 haha. No, seriously /6 -/9 depending on the school the kids can be alright. Perhaps just normal, good kids. But the superstars are going to be /3 and above Above /10 is hopeless
  13. This isn't the idea at all unless you are including Susnkularb Wittayalai, Samsen Wittayalai, Satriwittaya and a half dozen other PUBLIC m1-6 schools known to be the best in Thailand. Pathumwan Demonstration is arguably the best public private in Thailand. Mahidol Wittayasorn as well.
  14. Harrow if you can afford it. St Mark's. Kaesetsart is public private out there. Horwang is on the peripheral edge of BKK. It sort of has a name for itself. St John's as well. Satriwittaya 2 it's also meh kinda sorta out there.
  15. This is school is not part of the original Triam *franchise*. I would rate it solidly average to be polite. I would never have any desire to work there. I would never send my daughter there. I couldn't imagine it's the least bit competitive in the strictest sense. It's definitely not in top 20. Better the child try Triam Pattanakarn it has its issues as well (especially in the last week or two) but it is the largest feeder for Chula Semi private - Pathumwan Demonstration and Prasarnmit are two examples. Pathumwan is highly competitive especially for M1. Arguably the best middle school in Thailand non international
  16. To my knowledge there is no failing perse. All students matriculate upward. The question is will the targeted school accept the student with xyz score
  17. You shouldn't be admitting this
  18. YouTube Don't buy those big books they're mind numbing Speak with people in English. Make a serious attempt to use advanced English and articulate yourself clearly. Speaking 1, 2 are easy to model with a friend Listening... just listening to everything you can in English. Stop reading and listen. This is the easiest skill to improve upon quickly. Reading. Read advanced newsela and do the read comp questions. Better yet, Khan academy SAT English. They have YouTube explainers on what you missed. Khan is free. All you really need to know is how each section will be presented / administered and how you can prep for each. If you can write well then further test preparation might help boost your score. Meaning ... prepare for the test rather than improving the skill itself. Writing is the most difficult skill to acquire and it's the most difficult to score above seven on. If you don't want to put in a lot of effort for minimal return don't bother. Do not go to some language center with a bunch of degrre-less, sketchy af farang in hopes of help. Very, very few can teach writing fewer still can teach it well The stuff on TPB probably will be really old and worthless
  19. This is a windup. The op would need some form of licensure to teach. The schools would have applied for either his license or a waiver but one or the other. Without those he's not allowed in the classroom probably doubly so in an international School. So my first question is how did he teach for 4 years without either? If the answer is - he was given waivers. This goes against pretty much every mid to upper tier international school that I'm familiar with in dealing with western CREDENTIALLED teachers. Moreover, the paperwork for the school will be easier after the initial professional application. Therefore, it makes no sense that this gentleman was in not one but two schools and neither bother to apply for professional license for him when it is virtually automatic by virtue of him holding certification and a Western country.
  20. Some stupid person in my condo literally ran a power cord out their window. They were told sorry, NO lol. Oops... That car was purchased. ????????
  21. Same with EV cars yes? Burn coal for ev - or just put fuel in the tank. It's not magic.
  22. It's gonna be hilarious when people start brawling over public chargers. ????????
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