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Everything posted by Plern

  1. At the subjective level you are correct. At the objective level it's difficult to see how she could ever give love or be loved. Drugs not mentioned. It's not worth trying to fix people with serious drugs problems. If she's just acting out that's probably even worse bc of the lack of mental health assistance and understanding here. We as farang are at numerous disadvantages here. It's ok to toss in the towel. We didn't move here to be hated, shi+ on or made miserable. If she's erratic and up late, odd sleeping hours, let's everything go to ruin.. could be meth. Often meth users do not exhibit erratic behavior but certainly it's not weed or cocaine lol.
  2. Rubbish Being angry or unhappy is one thing. Behaving like that, placing fear in a child. Done
  3. It's not worth it. On or off drugs. I'm all for keeping a marriage and family together but this one is just a matter of when not if. Get another apartment if you can afford two. Start divorce proceedings. Why live in that hell?
  4. 555 I could have written this hahaha. This all day long ????
  5. I really don't want to be outside central Bangkok anymore unless I'm on a beach. It's sort of minimum level intelligence for me. The air isn't clean, nor are the streets but I like the buzz and the roving packs of beauties coming and going. No car, moto. Depreciating assets plus maintenance. What's good money? Above 67.5 plus bonus?
  6. It will be very telling if they cannot simply add it into the online purchase BUT as they have a criteria - those with work permits are exempt. I know of no way that could be verified online prepurchase. Therefore, I believe it will either be 1) all farangi (wp or not) OR 2) a staffed kiosk system pre immigration or prior to exiting duty free zone. They will take cards and all currencies.
  7. Please like this post if you absolutely fresh out of fks on this one. ????
  8. Appreciate the direction but I'm in Bangkok. Zenni has nothing for me.
  9. I believe it was 500. I don't see that went away.
  10. This is an excellent question The rubbish they are fronting as an excuse (reason) is to promote tourism and vicariously to shore up ???? blah blah medical farang blah blah blah. There is absolutely no reason broke axx border jumpers should pay less except that this is just a funnel for corruption so in that respect they are easing the burden on the poors. Absurd
  11. So, all O visa farang w/o work permit and all children three years +1 day old will pay. Death by one thousand paper cuts Keep postponing because they understand clearly that it's literally a corruption slush fund.
  12. ChatGPT went live in very late 2022. From there forward this work is on its way to obsolescence. https://chat.openai.com/ > Check punctuation and grammar Then there's Grammarly as well as an explosion of AI checkers. Truer words never spoken.
  13. Is anyone aware of a good place to have lenses made without purchasing frames? I'm going to go back to Rutin for a check. I'm also very curious if anyone might know if it is possible to remove my old lenses and replace them with new ones. The issue is that they are rimless and the lenses are held only by two tiny rivets each at the nose and temple. My concern is that the technician will destroy the frames in the process of replacing the lenses leaving both unusable. I don't mind buying frames and in fact if I could find frames like the one I have I would buy three. The only thing approaching what I'm looking for are silhouette brand frames. Everything else has not been acceptable for various reasons. Yes, I have looked on the Zenni site many times and I'm sure a few others that have been mentioned here. I admittedly very picky. Does anyone have any idea how the silhouette frames value is in Thailand compared to somewhere overseas? I'm assuming that these frames or at least these types and quality of frames are probably 50% less outside Thailand. Thanks ????
  14. Is the a raspberry pi group in BKK?? Microcomputer... Sorry to hijack**
  15. I've often wondered why Thailand doesn't send it's army over the border to sort Myanmar out. This is typically bad news. Drug labs in Shan state been happening for decades Oh yeah, nevermind...
  16. Exactly. The virtue signaler could have chosen his words a bit better ????
  17. What I don't understand is why the entire lot of new guard get together and just say enough and install the prime minister. State it's done and they do not recognize court rulings AND new judges will be the first order of business. They need to get down to their level and figure out how to deliver a deceive and fatal blow to the dinosaurs.
  18. Looks like a scam. "Penny stock" billion dollar company. What's wrong with this picture? Drops one baht = 50% perspective. "Cables" not necessarily high tech. Anyone read about this IN Thailand news? More interesting. How did they ever get those loans approved? Shares and and bonds just a suckers gambit
  19. Kaesetsart Lab, Horwang, St John's, Sattriwittaya 2 she might like (girls school, not nearly reputation as 1), Bodindecha. Best schools northwards of BKK. Not uncommon for students to travel considerable distances to attend better schools. Rangsit also has a few okay schools although none are top 20.
  20. Well, better than trying not eat live animals. Why? Because vegetarians are the most unhealthy people I know. Not a virtue signaler.
  21. This product is an absolute fail. Recent articles show no one wants the sh it and no one trusts the sh it.
  22. Haha, yeah I think my last double TR was 2010. Well, that is both good and bad news for him. Mostly bad. It is no wonder why he'd take another route especially when it would probably take a week in some random country. Total idiocy. My guess his financials are top 1% of those visiting Thailand. They moan.
  23. Watch copy sellers - all foreign (S. Asian). 101%. Even the street bosses are foreign ???? Seen the same blokes for YEARS
  24. Not really, at best you get a double now as I understood a decade back. I see no issue with this guy RnR in Thailand on this type of visa. This poor attitude really needs adjustment. They beg for arrival numbers and then hassle everyone. I think this case is far different than some chancer living in between Thailand and Cambodia border hopping or whatever. I actually think they are just conditioned to complain to every single male that enters. Always pretty smooth with the wife. Far better experience than 20 yrs prior
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