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Everything posted by SuperSaiyan

  1. The Philippines has 5% of the expats and tourists Thailand has. Also a much bigger population. So it's basically uncharted territory. ????
  2. No, he won't get it. For him kcal is something magically where some people can eay 10,000 kcal a day and not gain anything while he eats 500kcal a day and gaining weight. It's hilarious. It's MAGIC. ????
  3. Cool story, bro. Everybody knows this girl and everybody uses this joke, but the reality is, she has not this insane metabolism that burns 2000kcal more than you. It's just not happening. Not even close. Her kcal range for 45kg with no muscles and "gardening" and home work is around 1200-1500 kcal per day. If she eats more than that over a couple of weeks, she will gain. It's really that simple.
  4. No, not right. Don't make it complicated.
  5. No, you just need to extend it the first time after 59. I don't have the exact dates in my head, but it is something like: Extend first after 59 days for another 60 days, then after 60 days extend it for 90 days and after 90 days you can extend it for a year or so. You can stay inside Philippines for up to 3 years without leaving! After 3 years you just do a border run by flying in and out and you can stay another 3 years! It's an absolute dream!
  6. How is it? It's great! A dream in comparison to Thailand Just go there, get the 59 days and then extend every 30-60 days up to a year without leaving.
  7. It's just simple numbers - I really wonder what's so hard to understand. Or could it be some people lack math understanding and think about some magic happens?
  8. Are you saying you don't know math ????
  9. No, food and kcal is not something magically. 45kg female means she can eat 1000-1200kcal per day without getting fat. If she eats one day 2000 and the next day 400, she doesn't get fat. It's all very simple.
  10. No, I am actually not wrong. You didn't even read what I wrote. Your answer has nothing to do with what I wrote. Also, you don't understand what pedophilia means as well, please educate yourself on the topic. Also, just for reference: In most US states age of consent is 16. https://wisevoter.com/state-rankings/age-of-consent-by-state/
  11. It's not wrong if you would ask the father for the hand of his daughter and there would be no fornication, ie. no sexual relationship outside of marriage. This would be actually utterly morally the best and should be the only acceptable way.
  12. So you paid her onlyfans and now regret it. It was just a lesson, dont be a simp next time!
  13. You're mixing age of consent with the definition of pedophile. Just because you make something up doesn't make it correct. Your Americanized understanding doesn't mean anything to 2/3 of the world population. Don't believe everything what MSM is telling you, being attracted to a clearly post puberty 16 year old girl is not pedophilia. In fact, it is used to disguised the homosexual pedophiles by the media as using the term incorrectly is watering down the meaning. I'll give you a graphic example in hope you understand the issue: In case of a newspaper title of "homosexual couple rapes child" nobody thinks of a 0-10 year old child anymore.
  14. "Foreigners flooding the Philippines" is a new one. PH has barely 5% of the expats and tourism than Thailand. But its growing! Because its cheaper, girls are plenty, hassle free visa. So, move now, before its flooded... haha!
  15. You should research again what pedophile means. Just a hint: It doesn't mean what you think it means.
  16. Oh, I understand. The never ending sleep is near. I wish you farewell.
  17. And maybe not, what allows thugs to do random beatings, this isn't the 3rd world... oh, wait.
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