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Everything posted by SuperSaiyan

  1. We actually just wanted to know about the tightness of... well, not the stuff you wrote.
  2. I agree to a certain extend that this is bothersome, on the other hand I would say, if you're rich you should pay what the tax law says. Or get a better accountant. You could easily get tax residency in some 0-10% tax country which has a DTA with Thailand and still pay nothing in Thailand regardless if 180 days stay or longer. Just look into Cyprus - that's what I am doing.
  3. Your solipsistic view of the situation doesn't apply to people owning assets. Nobody will care about your "Social Security" or whatever people get paid in their home country. Try to imagine people having money in some Swiss Trust and just sending it over. Before: No taxes applied, after: They want taxes.
  4. The earlier the better because all the girls get wet just looking at a handsome White fella in his early 20s. How do I know? I was 22 while I moved to Thailand for a couple of years the first time. Don't let anybody stop you, especially not the gatekeeping boomers who love to have you stuck in the hamster wheel like they did for 40 years so you pay their pensions, "son, you have to work 40 years in some bullsh1t job then you can enjoy the fruits of your life when you are in your 60s". Yeah, why don't you shut the f up.
  5. Okay, but you're incorrect even if you believe you are correct. So, it's okay to believe whatever you want, I am not stopping you, I am just telling you that you're incorrect.
  6. Bro, the earth always changed it's weather. You climate deniers and climate crisis hoaxers are always so hilarious with your stats only showing a few decades. Did you know that we are at the end of an ice age? There's no emergency, nobody stole Greta's life.
  7. @Chris Daleyyou need to update your wording. It's not called "Global Warming" anymore, it's called "Climate Crisis" now to cover all angles in this hoax, f. ex. drought in Europe but market gets flooded with melons and cherries from Turkey? Summer 2023 coldest ever? Climate crisis!
  8. I assume you must be trolling, as no one can be so clueless, and no, I am not validating your rant by a lengthy response.
  9. You're wrong. "The answer to this changes based on which country you’re in. Certain Wise entities must comply with the global anti-tax evasion regimes, FATCA and CRS, due to the type of products they offer. " https://wise.com/help/articles/2932394/how-does-tax-work-with-my-wise-account
  10. Can you open your eyes? Or is this bait again?
  11. They probably enjoy both? Happier as in smile? In social settings everybody is behaving differently than while being alone. It doesn't mean people can't be happy if they are alone just because they don't show the same expressions you observe while they are in company of others.
  12. Not living totally alone, but except for gym buddies and the monthly dinners with some friends, I am 90% of the time alone and love it. I remember my childhood sitting in my room an playing 12h straight with Lego, alone. Some people are just made for it. Well and I was married for 10 years and being alone feels like being released from a long prison term.
  13. The issue is though, that this woke stuff has real life consequences. There are only 700 million Whites in the world of 8.5 billion, so we are a clear minority and mass immigration and climate change hoax to scourge us and future non-White leaders selected by an anti-White system is trying to change that even further. To conclude, it's about survival at this point.
  14. It's easy if you just ban anything opposing the approved narrative set by "The Science" which also just invented 1 million genders.
  15. Climate change not being a feature of the end of an ice age but man made? C'mon, bro, next you're gonna tell that Covid wasn't the flu.
  16. Generally yes, if your Wise account has a Thai address.
  17. I don't know what's the biggest threat to humanity but I know the only one that can save us right now is Donald Trump, if he can overcome the Matrix trying to imprison him for 1000 years.
  18. There is no assumption, it's a fact that top US universities are so woke that they are simply anti White. Proven by facts. You can't disprove and get emotional, as always on the left.
  19. The definition is wrong, though. So, you don't know that Harvard and all other top US universities don't just admit based on grades. They have a "personal rating" system, which in fact means if you are non-White you win. Please educate yourself on the topic.
  20. You're just delusional about your surroundings. Harvard admissions: https://nypost.com/2023/06/29/supreme-court-affirmative-action-case-showed-astonishing-racial-gaps/
  21. No, essentially it means being anti White.
  22. I totally agree. I am not able to find any nice place with sea view even though the Philippines shouldn't be lacking sea view. Well, yeah, but I only eat imported food anyway. After years of rice + x I kinda got a phobia. So, it doesn't really affect anybody serious about it. There are tons of nice restaurants in every city in the Phillipines, so, it's clearly not lacking food choice. So, what about Chiang Mai and Bangkok? Chiang Mai gets awarded yearly for the worst air in the entire world. Clearly disinfo on your part. True for the Internet but it's not bad as in it's not fast or good in the Philippines, Yeah, you should go on as your arguments aren't that big of an explanation why Thailand is better. Is that what you explain people? I choose Thailand because it has a bit better Internet than in the Philippines? What about major life changing stuff like taxes and visa options for under 50 yo's? Or clean sea water? Or girls as you put it. Isn't that something more important than a slightly better Internet?
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