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Hunz Kittisak

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Everything posted by Hunz Kittisak

  1. And also Prayuth’s cronies not getting the cabinet appointments
  2. Don’t forget Khun Thaksin wanted to buy over Liverpool FC back then he started the ball rolling for Leicester City FC fairytale
  3. Senior statesman pulling his weight to help peace process he’s not only going to make Thailand great but the region too i wonder what’s his angle
  4. The saviour of Thailand Make Thailand great again !
  5. This was Khun Thaksin’s baby way back when he was PM Hope they finally pass this as it’s long overdue Money been flowing out thru the border casinos for decades
  6. I agree wholeheartedly it’s a world that’s out of whack vile Hamas the perpetrators playing victims now
  7. Good luck with that They’ve been saying that for decades Thailand is known as the land of a thousand generals
  8. Chiangmai home is like his Mar-a-lago Make Thailand great again.
  9. Casinos are aplenty along the borders of Thailand. And Thai all flock across the borders to gamble anyways. Having legit casinos in Thailand with proper controls and supervision is the best way forward. If this becomes a reality please credit esteemed Khun Thaksin coz he was the one who mooted this idea way way back when he was PM. Really a man with great foresight
  10. He will make Thailand great again Earmark this post for 5 years later
  11. Big Joke has a powerful backer in the form of Prawit. He will never get in any serious trouble as seen from previous episodes
  12. Fresh out of hospital and already helping Thailand to strengthen ties with neighbour. what a great man. Khun Thaksin make Thailand great again
  13. Christmas came early! have a good rest your Excellency and return soon to make Thailand great again
  14. You seemed to forget Thaksin and his sister and also his brother in law were all democratically elected and then undemocratically ousted
  15. The most important one has his back and that’s what’s matters
  16. Is the governor general a Buddhist? it’s weird for the Supreme Patriarch to host what is effectively a Head of State. Where’s all the Thai government officials?
  17. Why should he fade away? he’s the man to make Thailand great again!
  18. He did suffered the years in exile
  19. Where is the vid of the incident? I’ll have to see the clip to form my verdict
  20. Happens in every country doesn’t it? even in the freest country in the world USA you should see the POTUS motorcade….complete with helicopters and fighter jets above
  21. What tipping point? He has the support of half of Thailand. Even those who dun support him dun care two hoots about his release or incarceration for that matter.
  22. Let me refresh your memory Thaksin was making Thailand great when he was disposed
  23. Thaksin to make Thailand Great Again only he and him alone is able to do that
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