Will we have to do, that flaming dance soon with the rolled up news paper.
Like those naughty sailors used to in Singapore
Just to get a new 12 months extension.
Oh come on, Your just showing your age and level of grumpiness.
I live in a condo when in pattaya,
dry clothes on the balcony, no problem at all.
Did you forget to buy a condo with a balcony
The real problem is not the quality of shocks.
It's the over inflated tyres.
Let a few psi out the front and rear, it will make so much difference.
i have a Honda wave.
28 in the front 32 in the rear standard Tyre size and all in good condition.
works fine. ( I ride two up most of the time )
When you find one.
He will be able to paint, do electrical work and also plumbing to a very high standard.
Ps Do it all yourself, it will be way less disappointing.