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Everything posted by rocketboy2

  1. Op, Bye. We will miss you so mut.
  2. Nice to see the real Thailand. Made me think of that swiss guy a few months back It's just not in the same universe. 3 wai's and on your way. Amazing Thailand.
  3. Ok, I cant help you there. But this is an 18 year old Honda civic. It's not anything special, so why all the up grades. Ps, I do like the idea, of prolonging the life of a car. rather than just throwing it away and getting an Ev. good luck with your project.
  4. Why not fix the engine you got. Better than a P.O.S you know nothing about.
  5. What a wingnut. The Tories have lost. Silly, useless incompetent, sods.
  6. Troll or Bot thread. Go have a look at what threads, it has started and not returned to them.
  7. Why, we all know his a tosspot.
  8. What a joke, Joker. The whole barrel is rotten, to the core.
  9. Billy Idol and one of my guitar hero's. Steve Stevens. ( Billy does look a little bit like Skeletor now days )
  10. Thailand thinking they are still special. Thailand sold itself down the river for money years ago. suck it up. as for respect, what a laugh. , most have no clue of the meaning of the word.
  11. Yes , keep that hate up there. You look so cool.
  12. Not if you bank in the isle of man or the channel islands.
  13. Bet she gave the monks utensils a right old polish.
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