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Everything posted by rocketboy2

  1. Hi Need some advice. I need to upgrade my two showers from 4500wt To 6000 wt units. I was going to upgrade the wiring to 4mm square. 3 singles in yellow pipe. From the old 2.5. square in yellow pipe. Plus a new RCBO breaker 32 amp Schneider type. Now the new shower unit is going to be a sharp SHARP WH-X HOT6 ( not bought yet) But looking at the installation manual. It states use 6mm square wire double insulated. My run max length will be 10meters max, do I really need 6mm square double insulated wire.? I’m not an electrician so unsure. Don’t want to try and get 6mm wire down a tube in a wall if I can help it. Any help would be great. Thanks.
  2. Should have let the families, pop down the cells to give her the verdict. would save us , the tax payers loads of money.
  3. Beach, yes. Street, no.
  4. Oh well A sad day for Thailand. It's back.
  5. Your not coming back. It's a one time deal. Best make the most of it.
  6. More like 3 days here.
  7. Maybe even a goblin teasmade, just for good measure.
  8. Yes England. your right. But they still beat all the boys from the uk. ( bunch of over paid hair cuts ) Argentina defeated France in the last boys world cup. no UK teams in the final. Well done ladies, putting the boys to shame.
  9. Well done UK ladies for getting to the final. Put the UK boys team to shame.
  10. A normal Uni education in Thailand, could be a clue.
  11. 500 baht would be an ok amount. can't expect people to do this for nothing.
  12. using cheap ass tape, what do you expect.
  13. Nah. Can't go interfering in the pattaya jobs / kick backs for life program that's in place.
  14. But that's different !!!! Ps Would they like some free Soi dogs. got a pack of 20 behind my condo. Can delver.
  15. Not one gone yet. They are to busy doing motor cycle food deliveries now in the uk. no time to catch the flight
  16. Over staying. Or, Gate crashing a country are not the same thing, like is going on in the uk right now.
  17. And you still listen to your wife. Best joke Asean Now 2023.
  18. Be Brave. Ps Obviously a bit to cryptic for one poster. ,
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