Yes , they were at the Balihai flyover, where Jomtien meets pattaya today.
They had all the Arabs over, i went through there cheek point twice,
waved straight through.
Good job BIB
Seat belts, yes a great idea. i'm all for them.
But best, not to have the accident in the first place.
But you don't truly care do you Thailand.
Carry on the madness Thailand.
Your the 100% experts at that.
Yes i enjoy it. it certainly is an urge that needs sorting.
but if i ignore the urge, it does subside. but why waste it.
Yes i have always been like this. in my teens and up to about 35 sex was
a marathon. i have always been a one shot guy, but can control and last a long time back then.
1) Yes. with some internet porno sometimes.
2)a why not.
2)b No
Morning glory, is few and far between now days.
unless i'm bursting for a pee.
Ps had to buy a left handed mouse last week.