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Everything posted by rocketboy2

  1. The uk have decided, on a back to basics entry for next years contest.
  2. Just ride it. It works fine. It ain't broke so don't fix it. Wait until , it's broke proper, to find fault. Or pay dealership to fix, ( Somchai works at dealership as well ) they will be happy to run you up a bill. Ps make sure it has oil, petrol and the brakes work, your good to go.
  3. So, it's just a little bit of gambling then.
  4. Maybe Tax evasion. And loose lips. TIT.
  5. Looks like the cyclist went native. ( never slow down, stop, or look ) Get out the way, I'm coming through. Not the best idea to have with a bus. He got off lightly, could have easily gone under the wheels of the bus.
  6. Sometimes, it's a little bit embarrassing to be a Brit, when this is the type of fool gets on the internet. What a total pussy. A true ambassador of the snowflakes.
  7. Ah yes, I remember that tv advert.
  8. Greta should have taken Rosie Jones advice, something about drinking Lambrini and getting ?.
  9. They have been in it, a very long time. Israel has won the contest on four occasions: in 1978 with the song "A-Ba-Ni-Bi" performed by Izhar Cohen and the Alphabeta, in 1979 with the song "Hallelujah" performed by Milk and Honey, in 1998 with the song "Diva" performed by Dana International and in 2018 with the song "Toy" performed by Netta Barzilai.
  10. Cops will be back in business again then. Happy times ahead.
  11. Well done Thailand. moving forward and up.
  12. There you go, sorted. Now all you need, is the location over there.
  13. Ok, Yes the Philippines, not a bad idea. ( pension and all that ) and like you say, no ex wives around. Can you still do your hobby there ( radio Ham ) if so, why not do that.
  14. Op, Get yourself one of these. reckon it's right up your street.
  15. Op , you need to find an option 3 1) Stay away from an ex wife. ( trouble for sure at some point) 2) Stay away from Smokey Lao. 3) Rent house, minimum of 100k away from ex wife.
  16. Amazing.
  17. Grow a pair.
  18. One more rich film star giving it the large.
  19. Will carryon regardless , just don't care, as will most likely be dead before they catch up with me.
  20. That's called the Half mile high club.
  21. Uk properties, unfurnished, fully managed, 12% gross to letting agent. Insurance, up to date total rebuild cost, plus the usual stuff, plus public liability cover, plus some legal cover. Not had any real bad tenants, you just need to be prepared to throw money at a situation, until it's fixed. Can't complain, it pays for me to live here, and if all goes south at some point, places to go back to.
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