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Everything posted by rocketboy2

  1. Second road Jomtien, is just as bad. A Disaster zone. Cant wait until they start work on jomtien beach road, putting power cables under ground. Oh Joy.
  2. Yes for real. Just not thinking 100% yesterday.
  3. You seem to be obsessed with schools, but parents can take on this role.
  4. Yes you are right. But parents could make an effort to get there kids to learn to swim. But most parents can't swim also, so it's just not on the list of things to do. There are swimming pools in most cities. but this requires effort and money and most parents can't be bothered to travel. Result is dead kids in small ponds, lakes and rivers. all a bit sad, i think.
  5. Rivers and ponds all over Thailand. Like the one the child died in.
  6. You just want to dress up as George don't you.
  7. All a very nasty business.
  8. Oops not so easy to do that
  9. Looks like a few posters have forgot a child is dead. and that's what the thread is about. how sad of you lot.
  10. So sad. And so unnecessary, parents or schools, need to teach kids how to swim. R.I.P young man.
  11. It only needed inflating again. Bit like the auto pilot joke.
  12. Hate is on the march. how sad
  13. Thank you for confirming my point dude. Hate rules peoples minds at present over the ex president of the united states.
  14. The level of hate is staggering. how un American of so many.
  15. Nasty business. ( acid attacks ) Need to get these guys, and make an example of them. Hope the ladies recover quickly.
  16. Oh only just sported this. What a nice boy you are. Must be way past your bed time. Ps 6 posts and you are already full on, insulting people. your go far.
  17. Still wasted money on a moon landing and cared not about its people. They still have gangs raping and killing girls, like it's normal. All seams a bit sad and stupid . For the 5th largest economy in the world.
  18. Could even have been some previous upset at check-in with this group, that spilled over to the fight. Check-in staff are some times the flight attendants as well. We have all seen people, act up over baggage at check-in.
  19. Has the Op got his old job back now.
  20. Oops, sorry I assumed you were an adult. My mistake, sorry.
  21. Same me. 20 years of working in oil & Gas, travelling every 5 weeks or so to some country numerous internal flights and chopper rides. Never had any real issues with cabin staff. Just obey the 4 rules, and you can drink as much as you like on most flights. 1) Sit down. 2) shut up. 3) Seat belt. 4) Smile, no matter how drunk you are. Jobs a good'un. ( Watch out for any Karen's onboard )
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