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Everything posted by rocketboy2

  1. Yes, we send a water taxi to pick them up. Put them up in a hotels Give them money. Give food and clothing. All free. Uk, Taking care of all the world. at it's citizens expense.
  2. First car and first car had sex in, Mk 1 Escort.
  3. Ex grassed him up. But Thailand is a safer place now.
  4. Boo Hoo. Welcome to the real world Thailand.
  5. Can they do a 1000 Soi dogs a week, that would be good.
  6. Was great in the 80s Last time see him was Free GLC gig in Westminster London about 1984. Would not bother now days. But if Sham 69 did BKK, i would go. Hurry up Harry.
  7. Yes , it got me a jump as well. At a party in the early 80s, a young lady I knew, went to go home, in her Morris Minor, but she come back in to party saying her car wont go, will start but wont go. !!!!!!!!!! ok, i go have a look, bonnet up cigarette lighter for light !@! throttle cable broke, so jammed, my Benson and Hedges fag pack under the throttle . got it to work about quarter throttle, and followed her home, very slow. Got invited in for clean up and coffee, with benefits,
  8. Oops got the weld on the bonnet wrong on the Morris minor. it was just a bigger pressing. 4 inch bit in the middle
  9. For the expert, of the confused face left on my post. Have a look at this vid start at 350, it will become clear to you, and maybe others will not know this as well enjoy. it was a great car, welding them up 20 years latter, was about the norm for a car then. There was a much better vid for this but can't find it.
  10. We used to call the Morris traveler , The Shed.
  11. It was a great car. welded many up in a former life. But do a check on it's history on design/ tooling as the bonnet has a weld down it for some reason !!!!
  12. So you don't read Aseannow much then. Pull the other one cobber, it's got Changs on it.
  13. Maybe you should go tell them that. What was this fine gentleman's nationality.
  14. Don't talk to people in socks and sandals, they will bore you to death. The rest are mostly ok.
  15. Whats wrong with this picture. No Pointing. No ski masks No black jump suits. Come on lads, sort it out.
  16. Why did anyone let him have that second bottle of VB. This was bound to happen.
  17. Ha ha .ok yes your right.
  18. Yawn. now put your handbag down
  19. If you smack a Thai guy, in what ever situation. Better get ready for the pack of dogs to come to you.
  20. Well. that's different The Op showed a passport that has damage on the photo information page. That's the page that forgers will mess with. that's why it got rejected. Other passport pages, staple away, that's where Tm-7, Tm-30, 90 day reports are stapled, it's ok. But not the photo information page.
  21. So you not done the pattaya to jomtien in a baht bus at 3 am much then. The other one was to turn right and start to go up the hill to the big Buddha you push the bell to get off , he stops gets out then want to negotiate a fare to Jomtien. You not had that one as well. Not had it for a few years now, but 20 years ago, almost guaranteed, if on your own in the baht bus going back home to Jomtien. 25 years of using baht busses for me. And you.
  22. Same same. had it a couple of times over the years.
  23. Bet you get invited to all the best parties.
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