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Everything posted by 7euner

  1. A lot of stuff at Supersports. Buy online at totally different prices than their shops. I have bought several pairs of Skechers for 900+ baht. Prices begins at 4000 where I come from!
  2. And who exactly is that??? The Russians?
  3. What I meant was that it would be strange if they expect a COR if I was staying in a hotel - or many hotels.
  4. I am about to renew my first license. I am here on a METV. If they only give me 2 years based on tourist status, they can not be expecting a residence certificate, can they?
  5. Never use taxis in Hanoi as their meters are rigged. One time I tried to negotiate a fixed price, but when we left, I could see on Google Maps he was going to opposite direction. He suddenly had a new price. You might read that some companies are reliable, but that is not allways true in my experience. I was in Saigon a couple of weeks ago, and there were many taxi scammers at the airport as well. I used Grab and everything worked perfectly. You can buy an eSIM beforehand so that you are ready to go as you land. I think I paid $4 for 5 days.
  6. Everytime I read about online shopping in here - it is always Lazada. I have never used Lazada, but use Shoppee, and I never have a problem. What am I missing - is Lazada a better platform? Btw - there are "fake" shops on Shoppee, but it only takes a few seconds to spot them. Dont know if this is the same on Lazada!
  7. How is this different than Europe, except limit is €100.000?
  8. The Matrix Only the first - 2 & 3 are rubbish. Fargo + The Big Lebowski Both brilliant Coen brothers movies. Not sure which is the best!
  9. I absolutely love Survivor US, and just finished season 47. Craving for more, I checked if UK ever produced this show, only to find that there are only 3 seasons. Does that mean it is not worth watching?
  10. Tailscale is only establishing the connection and data is encrypted, so I dont think there is anything to worry about. No need to use Duck DNS as CGNAT is no issue.
  11. I use Tailscale and set my Rasp as exit node. No static IP needed.
  12. I have had similar problems with different VPNs. Now I have solved the problem for good. I bought a Raspberry Pi (a small computer same size as a pack of cigarettes, for those who dont know). It is cheap - like 2000 Baht - and uses very little electricity - so it is turned on all the time. I made it into my own private VPN server. Not only is this VPN working perfectly, it is also using the same IP as the house that pays for TV subscriptions - as it is located at there. It would be impossible for the TV distributers to know anything. Now you probably think you are going to be a computer expert to do this. Well, I know a little, but I have never worked with Raspberry/Linux before. I simply asked AI how to do this and that. It would come up with exact commandline instructions - step by step. I was very surprised I could get this working - but now it is. I can explain more about software, if someone wants to give it a go!
  13. To me it depends on the flight. If domestic or neighboring country I book the cheapest option. It is not that big a problem if something goes wrong - and it never did. Flying to Europe I am happy to pay a little extra booking at the airline instead. Important to have customer service at the airport. I never buy baggage at first. I would buy closer to departure, as you would get no refund, if something came up, and you had to cancel the trip. Also some of these companies offer the ticket cheaper, but the baggage more expensive - so book baggage directly at the airline. Done that many times with AirAsia - I am sure you can do the same with other companies.
  14. There is something really wrong with this story. The man pays 2,7m to get a 600k loan??? Does not sound like he needed the 600k in the first place.
  15. Maybe I am missing something here. She was denied entry, because she could not answer questions about her hotel. She never got to the hotel, so how would she be able to answer the questions, if she was never there?
  16. Mr. Petrov admitted to running a car rental business, advertising through the Telegram app
  17. I was skeptical about this, but decided to give it a try anyway. It works. It gets unpleasently hot for 5 seconds, but then it does not itch anymore.
  18. So this car makes the headline because of a large gas tank??? It is a hybrid - who cares if you have to top up gas after 1000 km???
  19. I always use Saint Etoile in Central Rama 9. They bake really crusty baguettes - a large one is 60 baht. I absolutely recommend it. I believe they have many branches, but I have only tried this one.
  20. In case you want to use google maps, it would be a good idea to download some offline maps, for the areas you need.
  21. For some reason, Da Nang always seems to be the cheapest international destination from Bangkok. Book at least 2-3 weeks in advance, and you can find oneway tickets for 1500. Hotels are really cheap. You can have an ok hotel close to the beach for 300 baht.
  22. I have a noname model, which is working fine, but there are surely better ones on the market. The important thing for me, is that it has its own SIM card. Google maps is essentiel when driving in Bangkok. Data only SIM card is around 1500 a year if I remember correctly. So make sure it has the SIM option.
  23. Why would a router have Bluetooth? And how would that help with port forwarding?
  24. I was positively surprised how fast I could measure the level going down on my device in one end of the apartment, and the purifier in the other. The apartment is 30 m2 and I use the Xiami 4 lite.
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