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Irish star

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Everything posted by Irish star

  1. The owners are Trumpers, where do you get your Weird Creepy News
  2. During Covid lol and gas prices were down because of Covid , he was running off Obama economy, he never had a plan look at his Healthcare program nonexistent just like his Wall Keep slurping that look aid in moobaan Nowhere
  3. We repair his disaster Presidency every day , that’s why we have to raise taxes and repair after every Republican, same same every election, your group fails in employment as Clinton pointed out
  4. Why don’t you look up his medical how ignorant a statement you made but the Cult made you say it , Creepy Weird Cult
  5. It’s probably going to be split or they sit home and Not Vote , where do you get your Non - News media , who’s in your ear lol
  6. Canadians know nothing about USA Politics , you just sit there jealous that you can’t vote Trump in so he can destroy the country , get over it or discover American Citizenship , I hate foreigners in our our Business, worry about <deleted>eshow Canada you guys have enough Problems with Immigration etc
  7. Amazing Trump is Never Fact Checked lol
  8. He will be praising Harris and Biden Next after he slobbered all over the Obama ‘s 5555, he’s Terrified of Prison
  9. Stomping lol 5555 Kennedy has blip numbers , they are still screaming for Harris , Florida is Flipping 60 to 70% favorability ganja and abortion is in the ticket , I see mass turnouts for Harris
  10. Maybe double check your health , it sounds like you both of you are Suffering BW
  11. He’s going to Prison, he’s shopping Pardons 555555 Magats just don’t get it
  12. Well my Friends and Magats , The party is Over , Trump Surrendered to Obama , yes he adores the Obama ‘s Michelle also , Weep he really has a lot of respect for The Obama’s n , Enjoy , I told you he’s a Democrat Plant , You Trump Stooges
  13. It’s truth and facts but k don’t see you fact checking me lol
  14. I could give a Rats Ass Trump wants them Deported lol
  15. Did you put that extra powder in your kool aide today , Sky News , your joking Skippy , Lefties lol
  16. Mitch what’s so Lucky about ya , Brain Worms , Mentally Challenged behavior, , KDS , Cringe Fringe, Cmon tell us Why Mitch is so Lucky, I need to hear this , since your arguments are turning Juvenile at best
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