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Irish star

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Everything posted by Irish star

  1. Just talking points and I receive a one liner , I’ve lost IQ points trying to reason with you , your lower than “Gutter Oil “ Google it it’s quite interesting what’s Going on in China especially if you travel
  2. This is Blatant Lie Geezus Christ
  3. We can talk Stock market, lowest unemployment Ever , Abortion Rights , overthrowing Roe-Wade , we can discuss Republicans in Jail and percentages, we can discuss Putin Assets , Trump , MTG most of the republican roster , We can discuss Christofascist in the Republican Party , 2025 , Kim who he owes 20 million dollars , we can discuss Logan Act , but Biden Harris passed so many Bills , how much of his term did he play Golf , you can google Biden Accomplishments it’s easy versus Trump debacle presidency
  4. 3 days 10 years you mean , he’s a Traitor and Grifter , all he cares about is staying out of Jail
  5. I fear you have trouble spelling Ted 5555, I’m debating a monkey
  6. I can type too , where your source
  7. Like I said you have added nothing to the conversation
  8. You have posted one liners all day are you Delusional
  9. You don’t blame Putin and Trump , Stopping Bi Partisanship Bill on The Wall , Trump is the enabler
  10. We have Facts , we don’t react to a Raging Cult Leader , you should really think of denouncing your Citizenship , I don’t see you enjoying you political party for next 24 years .
  11. Well Trump switched parties because of it , The Cult is easy to be lead by a Fool , I mean how many times did he repeat that remark
  12. You sound butt hurt, Dude it’s going to be a Bad year and next 12 years at least , if your party doesn’t stop disrespecting Woman
  13. I don’t watch any of those CNN , Msmbc , Twitter , they are all voting Trump , look how much money they make off Division
  14. Yeah high blood pressure and M150 lol , you seem like an expert tell us the advantages of this elixir
  15. I was told I had Cherokee blood , it was BS on DNA
  16. Try to get you to read , instead of listening to Qanon or Faux entertainment
  17. Google it ffs , didn't Dems win with 8 million more votes or so
  18. Democrats outnumber Republicans, we don’t need to rig just get people if their Butts
  19. Well you will need to register by Oct 1 I believe
  20. If your still undecided, your not voting
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