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Irish star

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Everything posted by Irish star

  1. Dude are ya trying to get the comments count up with one liners form a paragraph your lil quips are annoying and not too intelligent 5555
  2. Who told you Joe is responsible, that weird news source you will not divulge
  3. The minute you use Woke , I ignore the comment , just like DaSatan and where is his head buried haven’t heard a peep in 6 months
  4. Everyone blames Biden , Why we aren’t in control of Oz or UK or anywhere
  5. Insignificant lol I’m voting , we still participate we we want our SS and Medicare and we fight for it , Trump would take it as his private piggy bank
  6. Something Hoaxy Trump has never mentioned the guy that was killed , you would think he would make it a key talking point at every rally , more to this , Secret Service allowing him to Grandstand after before the area was controlled, him screaming for his Lifts , did you see when Reagan was shot , No Theatrics
  7. Caused by Trump ineptness and Putin War the whole world is suffering, because of Biden lol
  8. Is it blatant racism why the personal attack on her
  9. He did nothing but golf for 4 years we had healthcare under Obama , but he politicized it to discredit Obama he surely didn’t offer another health plan
  10. Then what are they lowering rates because of bad policy , did the boogie man Trump teach you how to think
  11. I had a friend from Bulgaria he’s a chef in UK he’s doing Well he’s building a beautiful home , and what’s he say The World is Collapsing because of Biden , I was Speechless, I don’t need ignorant people in my circle
  12. Like his last administration absolutely Nothing but try to Kill Obamacare
  13. Are you brain damaged , too much sun down under , I love Oz going to hell Now , bye bye you lost 30% of your economy 5555
  14. Arab covers Kuwait and USE another obnoxious crowd , they come here in school cycles “ holidays “
  15. Tell me me your Chinese without telling me your a Chinese fan boy
  16. Are you a Christofascist. Are you a 2025 supporter. Trump Fanatic, what gives ? Vance Fangirl I don’t get the draw
  17. Rallies show Same Support did you miss them , compared to RNC Sleep Convention
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