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  1. Thanks for the head's up but all I can say is that my recent transactions have been fine - and those included a one off large amount. I've had payments (in the UK) held by my UK in recent months - one of which was to Wise. The money didn't arrive in my Wise account so I called my UK bank who told me that the transfer to Wise was being held on a random fraud check. It was a small amount to my own account which I make regularly to cover household running expenses. I complained and told them to either send it or return it to my account. I was called back, asked a few personal questions and the cash was sent to Wise who transferred it immediately. Last week I had occasion to send a large amount for a car purchase and checked with Wise whether it was likely to be held or not. They told me that if it was under $50,000 US it would not be held but I might need to be verified before it could be sent. Long story short, I took a chance and just sent it the normal way. It was not held my either my UK bank or Wise and arrived in my Thai bank account seconds after it was sent.
  2. You and Trump supporters appear to live in a parallel version of the 'real world'. That's both a laughable statement and one from someone who really has nothing factual to come back with.
  3. Perhaps you'd like to tell the actual truth - the whole story on that one?
  4. He's actually creating problems - did you look at Wall Street today? I predict that this is just the start.
  5. Do you have any intelligence at all? Everyone who finds Trump's policies abhorent is a 'leftist' according to you but let's placate you OK? All us 'leftists' on here find it incredible that Trump wants to normalise the relationship between the US and Putin's Russia. This after decades of calling out (by both sides) Putin's actions..........incredible, the man is a pure lunatic.
  6. Get out of here.........Republicans are running scared of Trump's retaliatory nature. Musk appears to have more power than Congress now.
  7. I'm sure you're correct but have you noticed that nobody on the Republican side of the seemingly redundant US government is prepared to criticise any of Trump's actions. Governance in the US over the last 5 or 6 weeks seems to have taken place by 'Executive Orders'. What is the role of congress these days?
  8. Yet again you need to be reminded who invaded Ukraine and started the current war......................or, much like your great leader, had you missed that point?
  9. What's your point? That Putin's actions are OK because he's carried them out over 20 years? Is he able to dictate Ukraine's destiny?
  10. NATO is a defensive organisation. They have only ever reacted to aggression, not started it. Putin has forced NATO troops to be positioned on countries such as Georgia through his own paranoid actions.
  11. Absolutely no point in debating this further with you. Like most Trump supporters........you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. However - to rebutt your point. It is well known that Ukraine suffered from huge corruption - they have been trying to deal with it but just as it is in Thailand, its not something you can stop overnight. Its also a hangover from the break up of the USSR. Where do you think all the oligarchs came from? The people of Ukraine made ot clear what they wanted in 2013. I'd also like to point out to you that defence is not warmongering - Putin should not and must not be rewarded for his expansionist aggression. If that means war - so be it. You can take it up the ..... if you like.
  12. I don't know where you get the thought that I am a war monger - I'm actually far from it. Can I just remind you that Putin is the aggressor in this situation. Ukraine is a sovereign nation and as such, just as any other nation is entitled to choose its destiny and who it aligns itself with. Putins use of not wanting NATO on his borders is rubbish, it a ruse. How would it be if Russia took Ukraine, who would it have on its borders then? You need to learn that whatever 'deal' Trump and Putin cook up together, Putin will renage on it. Trump thinks he has some kind of friendship with Putin - Putin will bend him over and ............... him. You don't go from hate to love overnight. How would Putin explain his new 'friendship' to the Russian people? For years, no matter what party has been in charge of the US, Putin has been blaming the US for everything. You might want to look back in the news since 2014 - Putin stated on several occasions that the US was behind Ukraine. Russia is proven to have interfered with several US elections . Go ahead and normalise relations. Just understand though, that what you might think of as 'normal' will almost certainly be viewed differently in Moscow. You want the US to normalise relations with Russia? A country who's people have been conditioned to believe that the West is guilty for all its woes since 1999. A country led by a thug who kills and imprisons his opposition, who authorises wholesale child kidnapping and the butchery of civillians of all ages. Yes, go ahead, normalise relations with Putin and see where it gets you.
  13. No, looking at it from a UK perspective, the UK does not spend anywhere near enough on defence to be able to defend itself. Military leaders have been warning of that for years. Its sad that we should have to worry about such things but we live in a dangerous world and never so dangerous as it is right now.
  14. Nobody wants to fight - but Putin must be stopped. The US is best placed to do that but instead, Trump's cuddling up to him. Morally - any free and democratic country has a duty to, jointly with others, stop aggression by one country towards another - if not, it may well be them tomorrow. Putin is the one who started this - its disgusting how Trump fails to call him out on that.
  15. There is only one person responsible for those deaths - Putin.
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