I don't know where you get the thought that I am a war monger - I'm actually far from it. Can I just remind you that Putin is the aggressor in this situation. Ukraine is a sovereign nation and as such, just as any other nation is entitled to choose its destiny and who it aligns itself with. Putins use of not wanting NATO on his borders is rubbish, it a ruse. How would it be if Russia took Ukraine, who would it have on its borders then? You need to learn that whatever 'deal' Trump and Putin cook up together, Putin will renage on it. Trump thinks he has some kind of friendship with Putin - Putin will bend him over and ............... him. You don't go from hate to love overnight.
How would Putin explain his new 'friendship' to the Russian people? For years, no matter what party has been in charge of the US, Putin has been blaming the US for everything. You might want to look back in the news since 2014 - Putin stated on several occasions that the US was behind Ukraine. Russia is proven to have interfered with several US elections . Go ahead and normalise relations. Just understand though, that what you might think of as 'normal' will almost certainly be viewed differently in Moscow.
You want the US to normalise relations with Russia? A country who's people have been conditioned to believe that the West is guilty for all its woes since 1999. A country led by a thug who kills and imprisons his opposition, who authorises wholesale child kidnapping and the butchery of civillians of all ages. Yes, go ahead, normalise relations with Putin and see where it gets you.