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Everything posted by MangoKorat

  1. Reading over the last few pages, you don't seem to understand that your comments have an abrasive tilt to them and are asking for insults. One example......your Ground Control to Major Tom comment, intimating that I had not understood something when in fact, the reverse was true. That point has been picked up by at least one other member who has commented that you clearly did not understand but continued 'banging on'. I'm not going to continually repeat myself - I suggest you go back over the last few pages - you might then recognise your errors. I for one, have said my last on the subject.
  2. Do you think its is acceptable for a poster to make a claim about what information is available to government agencies and not prove it? We have to accept it that it is the truth simply because you and another poster say it is? Many times on this forum, people are required to back up such claims, it may I think, also be a forum rule. I state again. I do not believe the Thai Immigration do not have access to visa information for people wishing to enter the Kingdom. I will only accept such a statement with proof.
  3. You are totally over-reacting. Please see the edit to my previous post. I have no intention of continually posting the same replies. I didn't understand your first reply and I understand even less now. There is nothing hateful in what I type, I don't know you. Let's leave it at that shall we, I'm not in the mood for further confusion today.
  4. Sorry you take it that way. It gets pretty frustrating when you have to continually repeat parts of a post to get a point across. It is equally as frustrating when things you post are read back to front. What I have stated is factual, its not something I have special knowledge of. The fact that Israel has carried out air operations in both Iraq and Syria shows it has no worries about using their airspace and reports of those activities are available on several news websites. Further, a glance at a map of the area would seem to indicate that there is no need for Israeli aircraft to fly over Saudi Arabia to get to Iran.
  5. I think you know what I am asking. He has stated that Immigration do not have access to Visa information. I don't believe that. I will accept that is a fact only if I'm shown evidence of it. I Its incredulous to think that the department that deals with foreigners either entering the country or living in it, doesn't have access to information about their visa status.
  6. No insult meant. I am being serious. I have read and re-read all relevant posts and yours just don't make sense. For example, I say Jordan is a gnat compared to Israel and you come back at me saying Israel is not a gnat to Jordan - the wrong way around I think. That facts remain that the post that started this was one that stated Israel is not allowed to fly over Saudi or Iraq. I repeat my contention that they would not need to fly over Saudi to get to Iran and as for Iraq, they have already conducted aircraft based operations including missile strikes in Iraq and Syria, Iraq doesn't worry them. Unless I myself have Alzheimer's, the above seems fairly clear.
  7. I've owned 2 Chevrolets over the past 6 years or so. I have no problems getting parts for it and there is no reason why they can't be reparied. They are nothing special, they are much the same as any other vehicle and do not require any special equipment. I'm am ex mechanic and carry out my own repairs. Most of the rubbish talked about regarding Chevrolet's not being able to be repaired, is just that - rubbish! Its simply people/garages that call their local spares stockist and give up when they don't have the parts. There was another post on here recently about that very subject where someone's Chevy was off the road because the repairer couldn't find a new starter motor - they are freely available at aftermarket stockists all over Thailand and indeed on Lazada. Chevrolet appointed GP Autoparts in Bangkok as their official spares stockist when they pulled out of Thailand and I've been able to obtain everything I've ever needed from then overnight - including parts I didn't expect them to have in stock. A lot of parts are available as Non OEM aftermarket anyway.
  8. Jeez, another one with Alzheimer's! What on earth are you talking about? On 25th November 2014 I arrived at Suvarnabhumi Airport. I was on my way to Taiwan to attend a friend's wedding with my wife who at the time lived in Bangkok. My wife and I left Thailand on 27th November and arrived in Singapore the same day. We left Taiwan 3 days later and flew wife back to Bangkok where my wife stayed and I returned to the UK. At that time, Eva Air allowed free stopovers in Bangkok which fitted in perfectly with my plans. Prior to that I had intended on moving to Thailand in late December 2014/early January 2015 (no exact date fixed) and applying for a 12 month extension of stay based on marriage. I had obtained a single entry Non O in readiness for that move. The wedding invitation came very late but it was not possible for me to change my plans and move to Thailand earlier. Nevertheless, the wedding was that of a close friend and I didn't want to miss it. I therefore arrived in Bangkok with a single entry Non O in my passport. I didn't want to use the Non O as it could make things very tight for my forthcoming extension application. The I.O. saw the Non O in my passport and insisted that I use it. I have no idea what, if any, the regulations say on that matter but when you are entering a country, you are not in a position to start arguing with the immigration officer! Stickerless or not, it is my contention that Thai Immigration will indeed have information on their system relating to visas and that it is quite possible that they will be aware of the OP's visa. You claim to have knowledge that Thai immigration have no access to the visa system - sorry but what makes you so special that you have that information? How do you know what Immigration has access to? Can you prove that? I don't believe you can, you just think its that case. It seems incredulous that a country's Immigration department doesn't have access to vital information on the status of entrants. I do not believe a word you have said and unless you can prove otherwise, I will not be moved on that. If you can prove your claims, I will of course reply and accept your claims. However, until then, I have stated what happened to me, what I think could possibly happen to the OP and that stands - I'm not about to argue further.
  9. Total gobbledy gook. Have you been checked for Alzheimer's?
  10. Just to add to that, I know you mention a Vigo - a newer model of Hilux but in your price range its doubtful that you'll find anything other than a worn out old knocker. A Tiger/Sport Cruiser is an older model but many are treated as collector's pieces and very well looked after. If you go buy condition rather than age, you are much more likely to tick all your boxes with a Sport Crusier - especially with a 4x4.
  11. I did not miss that point at all. I will repeat: When he enters, I am almost certain that his visa will show on the system. I don't agree with you that Immigration don't have access to that system. They may well be separate systems but it would seem incredible that immigration does not have access to both. How would they verify a visa's authenticity for example? A few years ago I entered with a physical Non O in my passport that I didn't want to trigger but the I.O. insisted. If I am correct and his visa does show on the system (clearly it not in his passport), he runs the risk of the same thing happening.
  12. Hilux Tiger Sport Cruiser ticks most of your boxes but as you note, they can be expensive. They have a bit of a 'cult' following these days. Really nice 2.5 D4D Sport Cruisers are advertised at up to 300,000 for a 20 year old truck! I had an old Mitsubishi Grandis - it absolutely loved diesel. Some older Navara's have serious known engine issues. Never was a fan of the older Fords. In my book that leaves you with either an Isuzu or a Chevrolet. Given that they were both almost identical and shared many of the same parts - why would you object to a Chevy. There are no parts issues with Chevrolets yet, I own one (a car) and have had no problems. If you can find a Hilux at a reasonable price, that would be your best bet, next would either be an Isuzu or a Chevy. I saw a 4x4 Sport Cruiser for sale in Bangkok recently for 79,000 but is was a 3.0L. They are quite thirsty but if you are not doing big mileages, you should be OK. The 'go to' model is the 2.5 D4D. I will be looking for a 4x4 Sport Cruiser in a few months but if I can't find one, I won't have a problem with a Z71 Chevy.
  13. I am aware of that, I am simply saying that the fact he has a visa may well show up on the system when he enters. In that case, if the I.O. on entry, behaves the same as they did with me, they will insist of triggering the visa. If they don't - great for the OP but there is no guarantee. You are claiming that Immigration have no access to the visa system and therefore won't be aware of his visa - I find that incredible as they would have no way of detecting fake visas etc.
  14. Firstly, see the edit to my last post. Secondly, I think you have misunderstood my entire meaning. Another poster stated that Israel cannot fly over Saudi or Iraq to reach Iran. I am questioning why they would have any reason to fly over Saudi. They wouldn't care about flying over Iraq - Iraq no longer has the capability of doing anything about that. Looking at a map of the region, Jordan would be the obvious route, not Saudi. As you say, Jordan helped Israel out last night so it seems doubtful they would object to Israeli aircaft flying over their territory and even if they did, I doubt Israel would care. I don't see your point - unless you have misunderstood Ground Control.
  15. I didn't say that, I said Jordan is a gnat to Israel. Meaning that Isael is far more powerful and would probably not be worried about crossing Jordanian airspace. They are not going to publish their flight plans but it seems highly unlikely that they flew any other route in their recent attacks in both Iraq and Syria.
  16. Pretty sure he's aware of that, but then, re-entry permit of not, the 90 day clock is ticking and his stay may expire before he planned it to.
  17. Are you suggesting the immigration can't check the validity of an e-visa? I very much doubt that you are correct.
  18. As I said in a previous post. A number of years ago I entered with a physical Non O in my passport. I was staying for a few days then leaving and returning a few weeks later. The I.O. insisted on triggering my visa.
  19. No idea on that one but I doubt Israel would care whether Jordan gave permission or not. In military terms, Jordan is a gnat to Israel.
  20. Altthough Sunak has been weak in his 'crticism' of Israel's recent actions, he's way out of touch with the opinions of the British people. However, although I have no love of the current UK government, I doubt any of them think war is admirable as you suggest. British forces have only been involved in defensive matters in the current conflict.
  21. I'm not playing hypothetical games. Another poster seemed to be indicating that Israel's planes would not be allowed to fly over either Saudi or Iraq. Israeli aircraft have already carried out attacks in both Iraq and Syria countries so I doubt they have any worries about flying over them. There is no need for them to fly over Saudi to get to Iran - that's my point.
  22. Really? Yes, a fountain of goodness that doesn't repress its people, imprison them and execute them for dissent........no, not Iran. They may not have initiated a war but they certainly supply the weapons for their proxy's to wage war across the entire Middle East. They just get others to do their dirty work for them.
  23. Possibly but doesn't the fact that Jordan appears to have been involved in Israel's defence, indicate that they would not stop any attacks in the opposite direction? To date, AFAIK, Israel has used aircaft based missiles on its attacks in Iraq and Syria - pretty sure they will have flown over Jordan to reach both those countries.
  24. Let's not forget - we are dealing with Thailand. How many times are you required to provide pointless information in Thailand? Why for example, are Thai citizens required to show both their ID card and their Tabien Baan as ID in various matters when one can't be obtained without the other?
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