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Everything posted by MangoKorat

  1. Don't foget that we already pay a 500 baht departure tax - just that they decided to hide it a few years back by putting it on to your flight ticket price. When you break that ticket price down, there are also other taxes and fees included for using the airport etc. - just as there are with other airports.
  2. Will this be built before or after the 'moon mission'?
  3. Hey, there actually are some villas in Thailand, in fact a complete Italian village - not far from my villa (house) 😁. Not sure if the tower leans though 😁. Its actually quite a sight as you pass by and see an entire Italian village on the hillside. You can be forgiven for wondering if someone slipped something into your drink last night. Toscana Valley, Khao Yai:
  4. If I remember correctly, the reports on here state that no seasoning is required. I can't be sure on this but I seem to remember one poster stating they needed a letter from the bank confirming the balance. Given that some genuine Multi Entry Non O applicants will not have set foot in Thailand, that would seem a strange requirement. I can never get the search facility on here to work correctly but I'd suggest seeking out the recent reports from Savannakhet.
  5. Sarcasm indeed - I do have a little knowledge on the subject matter but its true that what it boils down to is very simple. The right of a sovereign state to determine its own future through a democratically elected government. People can argue all they want about the why's and wherefore's but Ukraine is a sovereign nation that has every right to seek affiliations and protections from and with whoever they choose. The fact that Putin views those affiliations as a threat is simply something that exists in his mind. If his and previous Russian regimes weren't a threat, there would be no need for NATO or for his neighbours to seek protection from others. England and France were enemies for centuries but its 2024, the British Empire is long gone and the two countries no longer feel the need to protect themselves from each other. There are in's and out's and twists and turn but the carve up after WW2 consisted mainly of the West securing autonomy for some states on its side of the deal and Russia, or should I say the USSR, gaining ground on their side - Berlin was a perfect example. Over the years it has been Russia that has had hostile expansionist aims - not others. The expansion of democratic states has been voluntary and free whereas Russia's affiliations have been created by force. If you carried out an in depth analysis of the problems in the Balkans since WW2, you would find that they have their roots in old alliances and are very much influenced and on some occasions, financed by Russia. Those states, much the same as Ukraine, have a perfect right to choose their destiny. Returning to the current conflict between Russia (Putin) and Ukraine - the Ukranian people showed very clearly which direction they wanted to take during Maidan uprising in 2013/14 which ousted a Russia leaning government. It was no coincidence that Putin annexed Crimea directly afterwards. That the West didn't see that coming was shameful. Putin's aims are the reconstruction of Soviet borders - not ideologically, that would threaten his power, but geographically. He does not seek to attain that through encouragement, he is attempting to do it by force and infiltration. He has shown that his word means nothing and that he can't be trusted. If the West doesn't stand up to him now, there will be a much bigger fight in the future. By stand up to him, I mean kicking him out of all of Ukraine's territory, including Crimea. The sad and vexing part of all this is that it is totally unecessary. That states are still expansionist well into the 21st Century is just plain crazy.
  6. Far to wordy and complicated. Putin started the war in Ukraine - full stop.
  7. Savannakhet now require 400,000 baht in a Thai bank account for a 12 month Multi Non O based on marriage. According to reports on here and a personal e-mail from them, there is no financial requirement for a single entry. I have no knowledge of Vientiane but I seem to remember they don't offer a Multi. Their website should have that information.
  8. There have been reports of people being fined or threatened with being fined for working on their home. I've never had a problem and I'd suggest that if you do, you refuse to pay any fine and opt for a court hearing instead. If such reports are true and many are questionable, its almost certain that the 'offence' was just another police scam. I'm pretty sure that you won't hear any further on the matter bu if you do, contact a Thai lawyer. The Thai labour laws are there to protect Thai jobs, not to stop people carrying out DIY on their homes. DIY is not an occupation but note it does not have to be paid. I think you would be on thin ice if you carried out or helped carry out any DIY on a friend's house for example. I fitted a shower in an ex's house - wiring, plumbing and waste. I'm pretty sure I broke the law when doing that, I just never thought about it at the time.
  9. World Streams Pro box working fine in the UK. 3BB Fibre working fine in Thailand - I can view my security cameras without problems.
  10. There are actually 3 different ones - 1926, 1949 and 1968. Thailand requires the 1968 version.
  11. Mainly because as the virus is far less lethal now, mask wearing is ineffective. Its far better to let it run its course - as has been shown in other countries. And partly because: Of the looks and comments I get for not wearing one. Many Thai's wear them as 'chin hammocks'. Other habits in Thailand, such as food sharing, further reduce their overall efficacy.
  12. Exactly which wars are you claiming are driven by Nato? Nato have responded to conflicts, not driven them!
  13. You're welcome. I was faced with similar problems many years ago. When the practical realities of Thai/UK relationships sets in, its often the case that plans have to change. Probably the best advice I can give you is to slow down a bit. Many things can and do change. You'll find that International Schools in Thailand are very expensive. However, there is another system that I don't quite understand - others will know though. In Thailand school is not free after I think 14/15. There is an option to pay for kids to finish schooling and/or go to better schools in the area. They're not private in what we would consider the accepted meaning but they are better run, have better teachers and better equipment. Some schools also have special streams for paying pupils but they may have to pass exams to enter them. As I say, I don't know much about it but I do know that my girlfriend is currently considering where to send her child to in 2 years when she reaches 15. I can assure you that I won't be paying for that, whatever she chooses.
  14. 20 million? Yeah right! One Family One Soft Power (OFOS) plus: One Village One Thai Food Chef (OVOTFC) Sounds a lot like OTOP.........wasn't that also one of the the Thaksin family's great ideas?
  15. Jeez, they'll be wearing masks forever more.
  16. As you've already been told - its most likely they have that in Thailand already. With a 16 year old, they would have to prove that the kid had some special need to be with its mother. I've seen them ask if there's any close relatives in Thailand and if there is - with no special needs, there's no chance. For years and years a different (Asian) section of UK society has brought their aunts, uncles, cousins, grandma's etc. into the UK without it seems, much problem. That has now (virtually) been stopped. OP, don't take it from me. There will be others on this forum that have tried or know someone who has. I'm presuming that you are fairly new to Thai/UK relationships and matters relating to them? It can be both hard for you to settle in Thailand and to bring a Thai family to the UK. If your circumstances were different, i.e. you were the kids father, there would be no problem at all as they'd be entitled to a UK passport. I can't say that adoption would make it any easier but I did have a mate who adopted his wife's son when he was about 10-12. Although they never had any plans to move to the UK, his adopted son got a UK passport so the adoption may give the same rights. However, I doubt the Thai adoption process is fast so its likely that the 16 year old will be classed as an adult before you get through the process - then you really have no chance. Basically, the rules state that a dependant child under 18 can be added to a family visa application subject to certain criteria. However, in practice, the closer a child is to 18, the harder it gets. I can't give you details or specifics but I can tell you its problematic with older kids. Hopefully someone else will come along who's had direct experience. You could also try talking to a specialist UK Immigration lawyer. They's give you the exact script. There's some information here but its also confusing: https://www.gov.uk/uk-family-visa/child
  17. And that is more or less the line UK Immigration uses.
  18. Well of course you have to meet the financial requirements but as far as the family goes - its like I've already said. I used to be a member of another forum who's members were mainly Brits with Thai wives, I read a lot on there about people having serious problems gettig older kids a settlement visa for the UK.
  19. He will find it impossible to move Thai kids to the UK without an accepted and paid up course. Even if he was to try and move his wife and kids to the UK, he would have a very hard time getting a visa for the 16 year old. Even the 13 year old wouldn't be so easy. UK Immigration don't give a hoot about splitting families up. The older kids are, the harder it gets.
  20. Stick with the international schools in Thailand. From what I've seen, the level of education at most Thai schools is nowhere near that of the UK. Unless you are confident their's is better, you could be putting your future wife's kids at a real disadvantage sending them to the UK.
  21. But you're not me and I don't support mysoginistic, devisive lunatics.
  22. Just to be clear, it wasn't me who raised the 'time of peace' thing. I was replying to it. I know you know that Mr Charles but others may not.
  23. You cannot be seriously attributing that to Trump? Putin does exactly as he wants and as we are seeing at the moment, to a lesser extent so does Netanyahu. Trump would have had no effect on either conflict. His claim that he could stop the war in Ukraine in 1 day should be taken in the same way as his claim that Covid wouldn't kill anymore than 100,000 Americans. The total to date is now 1,219,487. Shame the bleach didn't work. The man doesn't even have half a brain, yet over 74 million people voted for him in 2020 - speaks volumes about the American electorate! The UK went through its own period of lunacy with Johnson - another who claimed there were witchhunts against him. Nutter or not, at least he had the decency to resign.
  24. Maybe but he's getting more airtime with his rants outside court. Listening to one of his 'Witchhunt' speeches just now, I find it incredulous that anyone at all votes for him - seriously! Make America Great Again??? All he does is make American people the laughing stock of the world - again. You can hear more sense spoken at a kindergarden. The easiest prediction ever..........if he loses the forthcoming election, he won't accept it and will launch into yet another round of stolen votes speeches.
  25. Anybody who buys 'off plan' after years of negative publicity and downright scams, needs a check up from the neck up. No sympathy.
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