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Everything posted by MangoKorat

  1. I won't even be using it....ever. Besides, I doubt that 'detector' is 100% foolproof. I once met a guy that said he could digitally analyse a photo and tell if it had been photoshopped. So I gave him two photos to check - both were jpeg's of documents and they were both 'shopped'. He told me one was 'shopped' the other was genuine. There may well be ways for people far cleverer than me to take a digital photo apart and know how its constructed, I wouldn't have a clue. However, the photo that he thought was genuine was a photo of 'shopped' photo. Whatever he was using didn't pick that up. AI just doesn't interest me in the slightest. I can see its worth in advancing medicine but very little else. As far as I can see, if its what its cracked up to be, its gonna cost a lot of jobs.
  2. I wouldn't know how and I don't want to know how. There will be no AI programmes installed on my laptop - ever.
  3. Is it the reporting or is it AI??? I quite often see words used that, although technically correct, we never actually use them in the particular context. Either the reporter's sawllowed a dictionary or its AI.
  4. So the mental health of around half of Americans still hasn't improved. Wonder if that will change if the head lunatic gets a criminal conviction? Probably not.
  5. At least one thing won't change, very odd use of English in news reports.
  6. There are lots of translation centres on and around Mahatun Plaza, Phloen Chit, very close to the BTS station.
  7. Oh that's easy..................A................T..........M Joking, take no notice. I've had them come on to me too, however, these days, I don't kid myself its because of my boyish good looks. Those one's - I play at their own game. There are younger Thai women that will genuinely accept an older man, even look for one. However, and I mean this sincerely, genuine can have a different meaning in Asia. Many girls are taught that one of the things they should be looking for in a partner is financial stability and more often than not, that's easier to find in an older man. I think though, that left to their own devices and with no need for an finance, 99% of them would choose someone in their own age group or a little older - much the same as Western girls. I think we just have to ask ourselves - when we were 25, did we find 50-60 year old women attractive?
  8. That is not a 4 or 6 month stay - its multiple stays. You are doing border runs. The way you wrote it appears to claim that you can stay 4 to 6 months without a visa.
  9. Of course a tourist can own a condo but I don't know of any tourists that have a yellow book - there may be some. When TM6's were handed out I just simply wrote my address in the pathetically small space. I don't recall being asked where I'm staying (on entry) since they stopped handing out TM6's at the airport. You can of course, show your Yellow Book - I just wouldn't tempt fate. Its totally unnecessary.
  10. Really? How does someone stay that length of time without a visa? As far as I know, a 30 day exempt can be extended by 30 days or 60 days if you are married to a Thai. That would give 60 or 90 days max. How does one stay for 120/180 days without a visa?
  11. I've never heard of anyone being denied entry who has 6 months between visits. The ones that have reported denials usually have several exempt entries without much time between them.
  12. I doubt you'll have a problem but I wouldn't recommend coming in visa exempt (a tourist) and showing your Yellow House Book. Those that have reported being denied entry on exempts usually have far more exempt entries than you have and are suspected of working in Thailand or living there without the correct visa. Showing your housebook is more likley to create suspicion, it will not make you more likely to gain entry. Its normal for questions to be asked if you've previously had a long term visa. You simply state that the visa was for when you lived in Thailand but now you're a tourist.
  13. Its amazing what a bit of fresh air can do..............................mind you, he won't find much of that in Chiang Mai at the moment.
  14. A number of years ago, not long after TM30 registration became a requirement. I had a real fight with Korat Immigration over the initial registration - purely because Immigration don't seem to understand that a Usufruct is not a lease, is not time limited and conveys much stronger rights than a lease. They wanted to treat it as a lease and as such insisted that the registered owner conducted the TM30 registration. They eventually backed down when I showed them the Chanotte for my property with my name and the Usfruct registration on the back. However, I think they backed down because they were tired of arguing with me more than anything else. I was out of the country for a long time due to Covid and when I next visited for any length of time I tried to log and got a message on the screen in Thai which I was told meant something like 'cancelled' so as I only stay a couple of weeks each trip, I didn't bother and haven't since. I will be moving to live in Thailand later this year so I'm going to have to go through the process again - probably including the fight with Immigration over who can do the TM30 registration. When I did the original registration Korat insisted it was done in person but could be done online after that (when it worked). My problem is that if they insist on the registered owner making the application and I can't persuade them otherwise - she lives 200km away! She'd most likley give me her log in details so I could use it in the future but getting her there in the first place could be difficult. She's also a major dinosaur when it comes to using computers - she doesn't even have a smartphone. She also doesn't read Thai very well as her family were Khmer and I don't think she had much of an education. She does have a Thai ID card and owns other property so I have no worries about her legality but I would have to go to her with a laptop (and a translator) if Korat no longer require in person initial registrations. A few years ago when the TM30 debate was at its height, I'm sure I read a quote from a high ranking I.O. where he was stating that he wasn't bothered if landlord or tenant completed the registration, it just needed doing - seemed sensible to me. However, I've read reports on here since then where people have been told it must be their landlord but that's been for rented property. I'm also pretty sure I've seen people report that the website has been changed now and its much easier to use - correct? Is it still only in Thai language? Just like to know other people's recent experiences on this - especially people using Korat Immigration who have a Usufruct.
  15. Vital clues there, obviously. The assailant must like Bean & Chicken sandwiches.
  16. Is the OP assuming that he can pick up salesgirls in DIY stores simply because they are bored or speak to him - which is their job by the way? You can meet girls in Thailand in just the same ways as you can in (most) your home countries but away from the P4play areas, the normal rules of attraction apply. However, having dated a few 'normal' girls in Thailand, I learned there is no guarantee that they aren't more interested in your wallet than anything else. The chances of that increase as you get older. Sales staff are often paid on commission so its not unusual for them to talk to a customer, be friendly or follow them around. I wouldn't naturally assume that just because I had a laugh and a joke with a salesgirl, that she was interested in dating and: 'if I were desperate and dateless I would probably pull this girl. She could be mine' You WOULD, would you? And what if she wasn't interested? Should they all be attracted to the OP simply because he's a foreigner? I would need a bit more of a 'come on' than a salesgirl simply being nice to me. I did once though, whilst opening my bank account, get asked about my marital status - single - to which the reply came "oh, I am 30 and have no boyfriend" - that I saw as a come on. Lucky though, I didn't act on it, she's still at the branch 10 years later and looks like the back end of a bus - mind you, she probably thinks the same too 😁. Contrary to popular belief, most half decent looking young Thai girls have at least one boyfriend already and although they may not display the fact, many are married. I'm not saying this applies to the OP but there are a fair proportion of foreigners in Thailand that think all Thai girls are available and 'gagging for it'. Probably based on the fact that they are a 'hansum man' in Sukhumvit.
  17. Is there any point in continuing this? You have made your point quite clear, as have I. It is for others reading this to decide whether they agree or not. I don't understand your views and you clearly don't understand my points. I don't intend continuing this line of discussion as there is nothing more to say. However, before we end this, I would like to set the record straight. You accused me of making a personal attack simply because I said you are living in your own world. If you consider something so slight to be a slur, what is 'you and your mate' then?
  18. No. The title is Trigger a WORLD WAR. Why is it then not legitimate to consider other conflicts between involved parties?
  19. Let me give you some clues. Who is Israel's main backer? Who is Iran's main backer? If it was 2 different parties, the conflict would probably remain 'local'. As it is, it is all linked to a proxy war between 2 main players.
  20. How would a war between Israel and Iran be a World War?
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