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Everything posted by MangoKorat

  1. Have you read the link I provided? The ability for an 'authorised officer' of HMRC to issue a third party notice to a bank or other financial institution is already in place and nothing to do with the DWP matter currently going through parliament. That bill however, will enhance the overall ability of both authorities to look into your bank accounts. If the HMRC noticed a potential issue over what look like pension payments going into a foreign account or amounts corresponding with payments in the UK, are you suggesting that they would not pass that information on to the DWP? Signatory's to AEOI are already required to firstly supply details of a foreigner opening a bank account and if subsequently requested, supply further details regarding that account. No court order required to the best of my knowledge. The third party notices and AEOI rules are extant and the bill going through parliament will simply serve to complete the circle.
  2. Right but keep a UK address and run a few UK transactions through your UK account and you shouldn't have a problem. Simply making foreign transfers won't cause your account closure.
  3. I don't want to ask Kasikorn directly about this as I don't want to risk my account being closed. I tried to open a separate account with Kasikorn a while back and even though I already have one account, they refused to open another without a long term visa. I'm divorced so at the moment I no longer hold a long term visa. Anyway, Kasikorn recently made a few changes to their accounts and I notice that my account is now called a Business Account - previously I'm pretty sure it was a 'Savings Account'. Has this happened to anyone else?
  4. The link I posted clearly stated that accounts can be accessed by an 'authorised HMRC officer'.
  5. Whether you make transfers or not, if you claim to be resident of the UK and they suspect you are abroad, they can request details of your Thai bank account through AEOI. Your Thai bank should have advised HMRC that you hold a Thai account. Whether that only applies to accounts opened after Thailand joined the AEOI system or to all expat accounts, I know not. Why would making foreign transfers cause your UK bank cancel your account? I send transfers to my Kasikorn account through Wise every month to cover household running costs etc. and I've never had a problem with my UK accounts. I suppose if the only transactions going through your UK bank are outbound to a foreign account, your UK bank may suspect that you are in fact living abroad.
  6. As I posted a short while ago, it seems that HMRC can authorise investigations themselves.
  7. No I didn't - the investigation was triggered, I believe, by several large cash payments into my private account whilst I held business accounts. I believe they suspected I was trying to hide what they thought were actually business transactions in my private account. I wasn't, the transactions were legitimate and not taxable. As a result of the investigation I actually received a tax refund 😀.
  8. I'm not about to get into an argument with you about this but I don't agree - having been subject to a tax investigation a few years back, I know that HMRC can look into your bank account. Now, with the AEOI provisions, they can also request details of your bank account in Thailand. The information below would appear to suggest that you are a little out of date on the law. HMRC it appears, can give itself permission to access your bank details through a third party notice, in particular the Financial Institution Notice granted by a HMRC 'authorised officer'. https://sterlinxglobal.com/non-compliant-to-uk-tax-laws/ I am under the impression that under the new proposals currently passing through Parliament, the DWP will be able to access your information through the HMRC. Those powers are granted to access information of those that claim they are 'non-compliant' with UK tax laws. Its inconceivable that such powers do not also exist for 'tax compliant' citizens. However, let's say you are correct and a court order is required, how many times do you think a court would actually refuse access? Its a given that however they choose to do it, your details will be revealed. Just about all countries are joining together these days under the guise of 'Anti Money Laundering'. Privacy is the realm of the rich but even that's not guaranteed these days. There's a few very angry Russian Oligarchs out there at the moment who's bank accounts have been frozen. Swiss bank accounts no longer have the privacy they used to - IT is making life very difficult for both those who simply wish to keep their details private and those who wish to do the same for tax avoidance/criminal purposes.
  9. Well look, most of us have relatives in the UK and I for one would want to return from time to time to see my kids and grandkids. All you have to do to gain access to any pension increases is to return to the UK from time to time and register at a relative's address. I've heard it said that you have to stay 6 months to be able to do that but I'm not sure that's correct. I heard the same information relating to accessing UK healthcare if you've been abroad. The truth in fact, is that all you have to do is provide proof of a UK address - no 6 month requirement.
  10. And how many times do the authorities follow what just cause means? A parallel would be the powers that the UK police were given to stop and check any vehicle without reason. They had that before anyway because in reality they just used to say that you were driving erratically.
  11. I can't speak for others and I'm not receiving a pension but if I was, I would have no quarms about avoiding being denied any inreases in the state pension. Why? Because its totally unfair and there is no justification for it. People visit doctors and hospitals far more as they get older so cost the UK more money. Those outside Thailand are not accessing those doctors and hospital services so in fact, they cost the country far less than someone resident in the UK. Why should you not be entitled to the same pension as everyone else, just because you live abroad? Did you not pay in the same as everyone else?
  12. That is not correct, the UK authorities have access already to exactly where your flight is heading - from the moment the airline enter your passport details on the system at check in. Granted, you may not always be staying in the final destination point entered but most are. There are ways of leaving and entering the UK that are not recorded on the UK's systems and would require further investigation to locate your movements but computers/technology are slowly removing your privacy. I read yesterday that banks in countries that are signed up to the Automatic Exchange of Information System (AEOI) are required to notify the tax authority of an expats home country that the expat has an account with them. The tax authority can then request further information if they require it. Thailand joined the AEOI system last year: https://www.mazars.co.th/Home/Insights/Doing-Business-in-Thailand/Tax/Automatic-Exchange-of-Information Therefore, those transferring money into Thailand can no longer be assured of privacy and the sources of that cash will be revealed to UK authorities if requested. This would for example, show up any convoluted methods such as a family member transfering funds (your pension) into your Thai account. Under the new rules on pensions and banking discussed in other posts here, HMRC, who will be the recipients of information gleaned under AEOI, will now share information with the DWP. UK government departments are finally starting to join up. All I have to say is Cash is KIng - but even that's getting harder.
  13. There's a very good reason why 20+ year old Toyota Sport Cruisers are still fetching 200k+. However, I would stay away from a 4x4 of any flavour unless you really need it. Less MPG and more parts to fix/replace in the future.
  14. POTENTIAL DEPOSIT SCAM Not sure if this is the same but there's been a scam going on for a few years on several online car sales sites. The scam usually involves cars for sale at very low prices. The seller's state that they've had a lot of interest because of the price but they'll hold it for you on receipt of a small deposit - and that's all they are interested in, a deposit. This is offered to anyone who enquires and clearly the 'seller' is hoping for several deposits. They state that if the car is not as they described or has faults when you arrive, they will of course refund your deposit so your money is safe - its not. There is no car and they will stop all contact as soon as they receive your deposit. There's a number of stories used about why the car is so cheap but the most common one given used to be that the owner has now returned to their home country and left the car behind. The photos used are often lifted from other sites where the car may genuinely be up for sale. This has been going on for quite some time and they have no doubt got better at it but the first time I saw one the car was supposed to be in Thailand but had a UK tax disc in the window (UK tax discs were abolished years ago) and the houses in the background of the photos were clearly not Thai houses. There will be lots of variations and the scammers will no doubt have upped their game but the main pointers are the extremely cheap price and the request for a holding deposit.
  15. I agree that Hamas do all of that and that their aims are clearly stated. However, to say that the IDF try to avoid killing civilians is stretching the narrative to say the least. I would possibly say, the IDF kill civillians that get in their way. A lot seem to have got in their way though. They call it 'collateral damage' - well that's the excuse for it but if flattening an entire apartment block to get at one suspected Hamas occupied apartment is 'collateral damage' then I guess the term is correct. Not long after this conflict began a battle hardened middle ranking British ex soldier was interviewed on UK TV and asked to comment on the methods the IDF were employing - which at the time included attacking a major hospital in Northern Gaza. He was quite clear that under his terms of engagement, he would not have been allowed to fire on the hospital regardless of the suspicion that the enemy was operating out of it. A hospital that contained patients under treatment and medical staff was just out of the question under any circumstances. He added that such an attack was considered a war crime. I don't doubt that Hamas embed themselves amongst the general population - even in hospitals and schools but in my opinion, rooting them out in such circumstances, abeit that its clearly an extremely difficult task, is just something the IDF has to deal with. You can't just kill say 50 patients and staff in a hospital to get at 5 terrorists. I would add that 'collective punishment' is also a war crime under international law. https://casebook.icrc.org/a_to_z/glossary/collective-punishments I sincerely hope that every suspected war crime, committed by either side is fully investigated and that those found guilty are duly punished. The list of offenders should also include the political and military leaders of both sides - that would be Netanyahu & Herzi Halevi of Israel and Mohammed Deif & Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas. As each day passes we hear horror stories coming out of Gaza and some of those stories come from trusted Western, non Muslim sources - they cannot be considered as Hamas propaganda. I fear that when this conflict finally comes to an end, we are very likely to hear many, many more. The question must be asked - Why does the IDF refuse to allow international observers into Gaza? I would point out that according to several TV news reports, they have even refused US observers. I make no apologies for appearing to be anti Israel in this matter - I am actually anti killing but I think Israel has gone way beyond any legitimacy it might have held as a result of the 7 October massacre. It also calls Hamas terrorists, they are but are Israel's military actions any better? Israel states it wants a once and for all end to attacks from Hamas. What they are actually doing is creating thousands more future terrorists that will continue to seek revenge for years to come. They are also creating the circumstances where attacks are likely to kill civillians in external countries in the future. Israeli's travel outside Israel and there are Jews in just about every country. Islamic groups have had few problems in carrying out several attacks on European soil and let's not forget 9/11.
  16. Maybe not but I can at least spell 'travelled'
  17. Yes that was me, laughing at MY LOSS 😁😁🤣🤣
  18. Which part of 'I will not debate this with you further' do you not understand?
  19. This will be my final reply to you. You post as your evidence on Climate Change, a graph showing only 80 years and centering on Thailand? Climate Change is global not Thailand centric. You have selected that graph because you think it agrees with your position. I suggest you look at the evidence from international organisations that cover the planet. How about this one 'This graph shows the change in global surface temperature compared to the long-term average from 1951 to 1980. Earth’s average surface temperature in 2023 was the warmest on record since recordkeeping began in 1880 (source: NASA/GISS). NASA’s analysis generally matches independent analyses prepared by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and other research groups. Overall, Earth was about 2.45 degrees Fahrenheit (or about 1.36 degrees Celsius) warmer in 2023 than in the late 19th-century (1850-1900) preindustrial average. The 10 most recent years are the warmest on record.' https://climate.nasa.gov/vital-signs/global-temperature/
  20. 1. A mild movement is all that's needed - events take place when they are triggered and they have been triggered. Water boils at 100 degrees, not at 99. 2. Its not my evidence you are trying to prove wrong, its that of the world's experts. 3. Again, they are not my views and neither are they alarmist. They are proven facts, driven by studies and data examined by the world's top brains who've spent decades investigating the matter. As I said earlier, your views are invalid and of no consequence, by far the majority of the world's countries have accepted Climate change - the debate is over! You seem to be claiming you know better than the world's best scientists. Perhaps you should go and talk at COP30 next year?
  21. There is no proof, you know that very well - how could there be? However, its clear to me - and the world's experts, that we are in very dangerous times and the potential for something stupid to spark a much bigger conflict is very real. I posted a link to the views of British experts on the subject, there are plenty more from others around the world. I'm not going to enter into a circular debate with someone who would preach that black is white until the cows come home. All you would do is argue with any links I posted.
  22. In fact you didn't - your temperature chart for example, the one that you say shows temperatures are roughly the same - in fact shows a steady trend upwards. In measuring any statistics, its the trend that's usually of importance. Furthermore, temperatures illustrating climate change are considered using a range from around 1750 to the present - the period during which industrialisation has caused the current damage. The change between then and now is around 1 degree and that has been enough to trigger Climate Change. What is being attempted now is to prevent the temperature rising any more than another 1.5 degrees - so far we are failing and world weather events illustrate that. I haven't posted and statistics to back up my points because I didn't think there was anybody left who didn't take Climate Change seriously. What would the point be in debating the subject further with you? Your points are invalid and have been proven so countless times by people who know far more about the matter than you or I. Debating the matter would be like raking up the Brexit debate again, whether you like it or not, its happened. Climate Change is a fact and has been well proven over decades. I don't need any convincing, I've both seen and studied the evidence and have no interest in debating the subject. What you think is insignificant and I mean that in the nicest way. The world's governments have accepted the existence of Climate Change and are acting on it. Some are not doing enough, others are doing better but we all need to do more. Thankfully the deniers case no longer has any validity and the argument has switched to how to tackle Climate Change, not whether it exists or not.
  23. There is no alarmist intention in any of my posts - however, they are being taken that way by many, mainly focusing on 'nuclear winters' etc. That has little to do with the original question which was asking how safe expats feel in Thailand given that the world is in a dangerous state and Thailand will almost certainly align with China in any potential conflict - I doubt they'd be allowed to do anything other than that.
  24. Ahh so you're a climate change denier? All the world's top scientists are wrong? Fair enough, discussion over.
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