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Posts posted by MangoKorat

  1. 2 hours ago, tandor said:

    sure..a 30 deg bend is ideal..i am just saying here a standard 90 deg or 'T' bend doesn't have a threaded cap for accessing. Maybe you can get them online or from factory..Ive certainly never seen them at any of the larger hardware stores, hence installers don't use them.

    I know the ones you mean and I actually have a brass topped screw cap near the house end of my sewerage pipe. Its part of a very small inspection port.  By the time the waste pipe gets nearer the tank it would probably be too deep to use that type.

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  2. Disgusting but not at all surprising - after all Thailand and Russia have a few things in common:


    Fake democracy.


    Huge corruption.


    Opposition often locked up on fake charges.


    Maybe he wants to learn how to murder disidents living in exile abroad and get away with it?


    Either this guy is stupid or he doesn't care that Putin is subject to an international arrest warrant and has no intention of carrying out any such arrest.


    The PM needs to think long and hard if this is a serious invitation, Thailand is already on thin ice over assisting Chinese companies to re-locate to Thailand to avoid sanctions.  A visit by Putin and no arrest would very likely result in those sanctions being transferred to Thailand with a few more banged on top as a punishment.


    Thailand - always trying to ride 2 horses.


    However, top and botton of it - I doubt Putin will take a chance and accept the invitation with the price on his head.

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  3. On 10/18/2023 at 1:12 AM, tandor said:

    i would get a friend o/seas to mail you some 30 and 90 deg. bends with IOs so you can access in event of a blockage, same applies for 3 or 4" drain Ts

    That would require inspection chambers at each bend and its not necessarty really - if swept bends are used, drain rods will clear any blockages.  I use them in the UK for a pipe run that is 30m from the nearest inspection chamber to the septic tank, 2 swept bends involved and they work fine.  However, if swept bends are used, blockages are rare. I've had to clear 2 in 15 years, both caused by cooking oil/fat.

  4. 12 minutes ago, scorecard said:

    Yes there is a requirement to prove you have submitted and cleared your personal Thai taxes for at least 3 consecutive years.


    Plus you must prove you have held a valid Thai Work Permit for 3 consecutive years and still holdig a Work Permit when you lodge your application for PR.


    Re Exit / re-entry stamps. There is no need to have this stamp until you have travel plans. The idea that you have to have an exit/re-entry stamp all the time is NOT correct. You get the stamp when you need it.


    It's available for one trip, and yes you can get a multiple exit - re-entry stamp, valid for 1 year for unlimited trips out and in for that 12 months. 

    OK, thank you.  Clearly there's time yet but whilst these things are in my mind, I'd like to ask a couple more questions.


    RE: The re-entry stamp. Is the office that provides these open 24/7?  I presume that if you leave without a re-entry stamp, your PR is cancelled? In the event of an emergency, in that I had to leave urgently, I wouldn't want to arrive at Suvarnabhumi, find the office is closed and lose my PR.


    RE: Work Permit. So provided you have held a work permit & paid taxes for 3 years + still hold a work permit at the time of application, you could retire immediately after making the application?


    How long in total did your application take?

  5. I understand that foreigners who work in Thailand have to pay Social Security and I believe that as a result of that, you are eligible to receive treatment at Thai hospitals - correct?


    However, I believe that things change when you reach retirement age.  I seem to remember reading that when you are over ?? years old, you still pay Social Security but you get it back at the end of each tax year?  Does that also mean that you would not be eligible for free hospital treatment when you reach that age - even though you are still paying tax and SS?


    What is the position if you don't start working/paying tax until after the Thai retirement age?


    Any other things I should be aware of regarding tax and SS?

  6. 17 minutes ago, scorecard said:

    The value to me is that there's 99.9% chance I will never be separated from my wondeful Thai family because of some visa change / visa issue / visa complication.

    Having already invested significantly in Thailand and planning to invest substantially more next year.  I would also like to have that security - although I am aware that I will have to go though a lengthy process and pay tax for at least 3 years (I believe).


    Do you need to get an exit/re-entry stamp each time? Or are multiple ones available?  Given my particular Immigration Office, I'd like to visit there as little as possible.

  7. 2 hours ago, Jackbenimble said:

    The ladyboys take a never-ending barrage of verbal abuse from foreigners so it's no surprise if they react/over-react sometimes.

    Whilst I don't disagree, ladyboys create a lot of their own problems.  Having been attacked and robbed by a group of them a few years back, they are not exactly, my favourite people.


    You can probably understand that most tourists are not so happy to be grabbed in the crotch by a guy!!


    At the time the police in Lumpini told me that Ladyboys were responsible for the majority of street crime in central Bangkok.  Apparently they commit most of the robberies and pickpocketing etc. and when the police get called to a fight - many involve ladyboys.

  8. 1 hour ago, scorecard said:

    Correct, PR is for lifetime, never ever needs any checking or review etc.  90 day reports no longer needed. 


    To be specific no visa is ever needed again.


    As above PR holders never have toi visit Immigration again except when they need an exit/re-entry stamp. There's no questions re PR, there's no review and no  interview. 


    And yes never ever have to give immigration any personal financial details.

    Sounds good to me.

  9. On 9/10/2023 at 10:57 PM, scorecard said:

    I got lifetime PR 27 years ago, my name is in the standard dark blue cover Tabien Baan book.

    If I understand correctly, once you have PR you no longer need a visa - correct? If so, is there also no requirement to prove your income anymore?

  10. 7 hours ago, Kerryd said:

    Which may be why so many of them get into trouble down there as well.

    I think its more likely that they go to beach road because they've heard about the katoeys and go to view them as if they are some kind of tourist attraction. They can also avoid having to buy beers in a bar - something that seems popular amongst Indians/Chinese. If that is the case, I have some sympathy for the katoeys. Only some though.

  11. 8 hours ago, tkramer said:

    it's a 'GUY...IN A DRESS'...!



    The next thing we'll be hearing is the old claim that men who sleep with katoeys are not gay - they are. I don't understand that denial, its as if they are ashamed of being gay and somehow think that because the katoey dresses like a woman and/or may have had cosmetic/surgical changes, its different. Katoeys are born male with male genitalia. They do not have the internal organs required to produce or feed a baby and are therefore male. To date, it is biologically impossible for a human being to completely change gender. Such people may only be attracted to katoeys and not at all interested in 'normal' males. However, sexual activity between two males is known as 'homosexual' - a term which has in recent years, become known as 'gay'.


    Before someone pipes up, I am fully aware of the existence of hermaphrodites - that is an entirely different matter. I am also aware of the fact that some people claim they have the right to 'identify' as they so wish.  They are welcome to live in their own fantasy world but in reality if they are a man that wishes to 'identify' as a woman, that does not make them a woman. It does however, render another male that has sex with them as homosexual.


    I await copious amounts of flaming from our some factions of our community. I would point out however, that I both accept and respect gay people.  What I will never accept is these new fangled terms, identifications and made up genders.  Was I gay, I'm pretty sure that I would be offended by people who try to name homosexual activity using alternative terms as if ashamed of it.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  12. 8 hours ago, tkramer said:

    Unfortunately, you are incorrect here, grasshopper...


    The Role of Genes in the Obesity Epidemic (nutritionfacts.org)

    In fact you are incorrect, 'MONOGENIC OBESITY' although rare, can be traced though familes. I had neighbours when I was a kid where the mother was obese and her two children were like carbon copies of her in terms of both looks and obesity.


    However, I was using genetic as an overarching term to cover other types of 'involuntary obesity'.  There are several conditions that cause someone to be fat whilst only eating the amount of food that they need.  Some of these conditions are the result of complex chemical interactions between the body and nutrients.  Some of these conditions are fully understood but they are very real.


    There are also hormonal factors - as I personally know very well.  Part of my treatment for Prostate Cancer included Hormone Therapy.  I was told that I may put on 'a little' weight, particularly around my waste, whilst receiving the treatment.  Having had an almost flat stomach all my life I developed a 'beer belly' and put on over 10kg within 3 months whilst eating nothing more than my usual diet.  For some reason this fat has been very hard to remove - something I was also warned of. A usual programme of dieting resulted in me losing weight elsewhere whilst the fat around my waist more or less remained.  It is going slowly but it is very difficult to move - and I've been receiving advice from a professional dietician.


    Whislt I would accept that most obesity is self inflicted through over-eating, lack of excercise and poor diet, I can assure you that it is not always a 'voluntary condition' - grasshopper!

  13. 7 minutes ago, Walker88 said:

    "others" can do nothing about it? What % is "others"?


    Funny how those 'genetics' really only started to be expressed in the last few decades.



    I hate to 'rain on your parade' but an awful lot of things have only been discovered in the last few decades.  Its a phenomenon known as 'advances in medicine' - khao jai mai?


    I don't support those that intentionally make themselves fat but some, and I have no idea of the percentage, are not fat by choice.


    End of. I'm not going to engage in a pointless, off topic argument.

    • Haha 1
  14. 13 minutes ago, Walker88 said:

    Now fat people are fat because they lack discipline and self-control. Fat is 100% the fat person's fault. They are lazy, slovenly and gluttonous. They should be ashamed. The world needs to stop indulging this fantasy of 'body positive'. Nothing positive or attractive about it.

    For someone who appears to support other minority groups, you seem to have a strange way of thinking.  You're also wrong in some of what you say.  Whilst some people cause themselves to be fat, there are others that can do nothing about it - its genetic.


    I'm not fat by the way ????.

  15. I don't know about the 'Ultra Rich' from elsewhere but there was a time when the 'Ultra Rich' of Thailand regularly holidayed at Koh Kood.  Judging by the prices at The Soneva Kiri resort on the island, they still do.


    A 3 bedroom villa at the Soneva Kiri runs at around 225,000 to 270,000 baht per night in high season - I kid you not.


    Thankfully, us lesser mortals can visit Koh Kood these days with prices from around 2500 baht per night.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  16. 21 hours ago, DrJack54 said:

    For 90 days you could even enter visa exempt obtain 30 day extension and do one border bounce. 

    He could yes, but based on personal experience, if he's asked why he's entering and he says to visit his child, he could have a problem. It would depend on his visa/entry history.


    As I've posted previously, I was given a warning when my Multi Non O ran out and I entered exempt. I was told that visiting my wife was not considered as tourism so I should not enter exempt or on a tourist visa (I had expired Non O's and Tourist visas in my passport). I was told that visiting my wife required a Non O and I would not be allowed to enter again without one.


    That was at odds with the wording on the Royal Thai Embassy's (London) website at the time which stated that a tourist visa could be used for short visits to family. I considered e-mailing the embassy on that point - telling them their wording conflicted with advice from I.O.s  in Thailand but based on previous experience when I've pointed out mistakes on their website (there used to be many), my notification would fall on deaf ears.  As far as I know, the advice that a tourist visa is suitable for family visits is still on their website.


    Whatever, having received one warning, if I was the OP and the purpose of the trip was to visit a family member, I would rely on what I was told at the airport and obtain a Non O - they are the people who decide if your getting in or not.

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