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Kinok Farang

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Everything posted by Kinok Farang

  1. Every year these spoilt kids come to LOS and disrespect everything Thai. Fining these shiitbags will do no good at all as Mum and Dad have all the oil money needed to such an extent that Money means nothing. But maybe the boys in brown look forward to their yearly bonus from these privileged pricks.
  2. But i bet her boyfriend could still knock her out.
  3. Hahahaha,brilliant. I'd still bum em though.
  4. Not doing too well up to now though is he?
  5. Shouldn't your avatar read Simple1ton?
  6. And the Thai lasses can't wait to integrate.
  7. And the Afro Caribbeans who came over on the Empire Windrush were a bunch of chancers that came over on a cheap ticket when the ship was short of cargo.Look it up.
  8. While the animals that broke the police-lady's nose are walking the streets.
  9. Shouldn't that be mouse's?
  10. Oh for the days when there was only bumboys,dykes and trannies.
  11. Me too,all too rare in any type of news now.
  12. Her Thai husband.
  13. Are any of them to be trusted? I think Our Lass is as good as most. In 20 years she has given me thrush a couple of times. Oh nearly forgot i got crabs off her one time after she visited her family for a few weeks.
  14. And we in the UK fondly reminisce about Enoch Powell.
  15. Loads of lads on here with first-hand experience of GWs. Hope none of you live in the same town as me!
  16. Roger will be grateful he has petroleum jelly the first time he gets bummed.After that it gets easier so i'm told.
  17. I use Agoda to book most of my hotel rooms.(best of a bad bunch.) In the past i have drawn little bits of money back using their cashback scheme.Press a couple of things then he presto the cash is back in my bank. However now they want all your bank details,which seems strange because they already have them as i book my hols with a debit card. Maybe i'm paranoid but it seems over the top. Has anyone on here had any problems with this or is it super safe? Thanks,K.
  18. And of course unless we forget,Muslims think it perfectly ok to beat ladies up as was proved at Manchester Airport recently when a Pakistani guy broke a police-ladies nose.
  19. Cis,just a wasted word by someone who is down with the trendies.
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