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Nick Carter icp

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Everything posted by Nick Carter icp

  1. The USAID was sending Palestinians $50 million for sexual health issues and Trump just said condoms for short
  2. Just seen this from a FB page "New 60 day on arrival visa, arrived in November on 60 day tourist visa and got 30 day extension at Buriram, went to Vietnam for a week, arrived back in Bangkok and they would not let me back in the Kingdom, said I was staying too long, put me in a room with a bunch of Africans, luckily my partner of 5 years was with me and she had to sign a form and after an hour I was allowed in,"
  3. Lexi Thompson will not be entering the mens golfing competition and winning it because she s physically stronger than the other participants , like men do when they compete in woman's sports
  4. *A league of their own* is a fictional sports comedy drama film from 1992 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_League_of_Their_Own
  5. Which woman are allowed to compete in mens sports ?
  6. Forget about showers and toilets . What are the rights that they don't have ? The rights that everyone has and they don't . (I dont have the right to go into woman's showers and toilets and neither should any other biological man )
  7. Shower facilitates are divided by what genitals you have . People with knobs go in one shower room and people without knobs go into another shower room . Some people don't want to follow the rules and them being able to use whatever shower room they like . They think that no rules or laws apply to them and they can use what ever shower room they want to
  8. A Woman is questioning him . Its true . All you have to do is say ONE wrong thing and a woman will never forget and just keep going on about it all the time . She's going to get a few years mileage of out this
  9. The LBTG mob seem to think that no rules or laws apply to them and they can do whatever they like . They seem to think that they can behave inappropriately and without being criticised "But I'm LTGB and you're a bigot" , if they don't get their own way
  10. You need to give examples of what you are talking about , rather than just keep repeating that its not fair and not equal . Why is it not fair and not equal ?
  11. In what way are they not being treated equally ?
  12. Its for the best, she would have probably drank too much whisky and guinness , then started shouting at everyone and then got a Palestinian flag out an waving it around whilst giving Nazi salutes at King Charles and then pulling down her trousers and doing a moonie . You know what the Irish are like . The Palace then would have stopped inviting people over to stay for the foreseeable future . She did the right thing
  13. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 198 seconds  
  14. Why Isn’t the World Angrier About the Creation of the Wuhan Flu? Going through those heat testing machines every time I went into a shop used to annoy me no end . I used to get heat tested numerous times everyday Did those machines ever actually detect anyone with covid ?
  15. Not everythings is about Trump or Biden . There has been a bird flue outbreak in the USA and 23 million chickens needed to be killed , so eggs become a rarity and the price increases , so nothing do do with either POTUS
  16. Did Antonio Guterres say that again recently , or are you still referring to when he said it in 2023 ?
  17. You didn't ask me any questions, that's the reason why I didn't answer the question, because there wasn't a question asked
  18. The intention of this war was to fight back against the Palestinian invaders and to bring those war criminals and violent attackers to justice and to stop them doing it again, by means of killing them all . The only way that there will be peace in the future is if the Palestinians are removed from the land . There will be constant war and violence if the Palestinians remain on the land
  19. Didn't Judaism come from Mount Sinai when God sent some messages to Moses ?
  20. You made eleven different points in that post . Eleven different bullet points . I really dont have the time or inclination to reply to every bullet point you made . Not only that, not ONE of your bullet points was even on topic
  21. The first sentence isn't included in the link, you added the first sentence to change the context This is the full paragraph from your link What is Zoroastrianism? When did Zoroastrianism start? How was Zoroastrianism founded? Where has Zoroastrianism been practiced? What are the major beliefs of Zoroastrianism? Zoroastrianism: temple fireModern Zoroastrian priest wearing mouth cover while tending a temple fire. Zoroastrianism, ancient pre-Islamic religion of Iran that survives there in isolated areas and, more prosperously, in India, where the descendants of Zoroastrian Iranian (Persian) immigrants are known as Parsis, or Parsees. The Iranian prophet and religious reformer Zarathushtra (flourished before the 6th century bce)—more widely known outside Iran as Zoroaster (the Greek form of his name)—is traditionally regarded as the founder of the religion. Zoroastrianism contains both monotheistic and dualistic features. It likely influenced the other major Western religions—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. For a discussion of the context in which Zoroastrianism arose, see ancient Iranian religion. You changed the questions at the top and added a new question and the answers then didn't fit to the questions
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