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Nick Carter icp

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Everything posted by Nick Carter icp

  1. I am genuinely curios as to why everyone takes such an interest in the Palestinians cause and has no interest about any other groups in similar situations
  2. Begs the question , Why do you just focus on one group of people and ignore all the rest ? If the Palestinians weren't not fighting against Jews , they would get as much World public support as the Catalans do
  3. No, Raghad Al-Khouli was evacuated to Jordan and she is no longer in Gaza . Typical of the Palestinians side of the war , your side is holding kidnapped Israeli babies (who have probably died and you are still holding the bodies) and you just focus on Palestinian children who Israel helped to move to another Country and claim that Israel is treating the children badly . Its YOUR side who is treating Israeli babies badly . Israel should have refuse to evacuate Raghad Al-Khouli until your side releases the Israeli babies
  4. There's about 5000 groups of people who all want a homeland for themselves : Catalans, Basques , Shan , Marsh Arabs , Uighurs , Kurds , The Tooting Popular front , Tibetans The Palestinians will just have to accept that they cannot have their own Country, just like all the other groups have to do
  5. Many of them came from Egypt , many have typical Egyptian surnames, They can like move over the border , its a stones thrown away
  6. Come in Mal, dig that old photo out, the one you've been hanging on too and cherishing for 25 years , the old photo about no Israelis allowed into that restaurant on Ko Samui .
  7. They are a security threat to Israel's very existence and they also destabilise the whole region and also give the Worlds anti-semites a unifying cause . Israel needs to act in its own interests and nullify the Palestinian threat to their very existence
  8. Really, how come that you haven't mentioned that before ? The World needs to know all about that . How come that its been kept a secret for so long ? -S
  9. Israel previously was willing for the two state solution , but the Palestinians never would accept a two state solution . So now Israel doesn't trust the Palestinians to have their own state . They have shown time and time again that they will wage war against Israel at every opportunity they get
  10. Are you for real ? There was nothing underhand about my post , it was the complete opposite to underhand
  11. Well , I have . Seems like you were one of the people giving then abuse , thus you didn't see it yourself or you just regarded it as normal behaviour , abusung Jews
  12. Anyone who isn't Anti semitic must be a Jew themselves ? (BTW, its against forum rules to request other posters personal info )
  13. It will take another year or so to finish knocking it all down , then it would take a few years to remove all the rubble , say about five years , then they have to design the whole city, get plans drawn up by architects , they have to find the funds to finance it . Its going to take 30-50 years to rebuild Gaza
  14. Did you write that in Norwegian and put it through google translate ? Or was that subtle reference to the Holocaust ? ("Hearth" being a fireplace )
  15. Could you please delete that claim ? The claim that they are my people ?
  16. Do you disagree with me ? Are you saying that Israelis are the ONLY employees in the world who try and underpay their workers ? Are you really saying that Jews are the only employers in the World who try and screw employees out of money and no other people in the World do that , whilst at the same time denying being anti semitic?
  17. Many young Israelis have just spent 3 years in the IDF , where they spend 3 years living a restricted regimented life and often being out in dangerous situations where the locals abuse them and want to kill them .They are also from the Middle East and people are often hot headed . They them also get quite a lot of abuse from other travellers when they go abroad . Other travellers would jeer at Israelis , just because they were from Israel . Its little wonder that they can be rude at times , especially when they are young and just come out of 3 years military service
  18. But was you working in Russia , China , and India and USA and UK ? You are hardly likely to try and get "screwed out" of your salary if you weren't even receiving a salary . I can assure you , employers from every Country can behave similarly
  19. Malcolm : Are you going to post that one sign from 25 years ago that said "No Israelis" again ? Wasn't there 1 sign on Koh Samui and you've been making 1 point ever since ?
  20. Is that the Jews in Australia who have been attacking tens of thousands of innocent woman and children every day ?
  21. Similar things are said about the Russians , Chinese , Indians , British , Kuwaitis and Americans
  22. Man up . Get a grip of yourself . Don't let them see you scared . Be brave and some some resilience . If you are scared, then don't show it to them Keep it your yourself
  23. Raghad Al-Khouli went to Jordan for treatment , she went there with her Mother . Palestinians are still holding Israeli babies hostage . Israel assists Palestinian children , whilst Palestinians deliberately kill Israeli children and also take them hostage
  24. We are talking about the withdrawal of USAID and its effects . Your story is nothing to do with the withdrawal of USAID . We aren't talking about the Palestinian war
  25. Look , you do not know and you have no idea about who will be starving You cannot answer the question , its YOU who is deflecting . Can you answer the question ? Nope
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