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Nick Carter icp

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Everything posted by Nick Carter icp

  1. This a news report about biasedness from the BBC . Biased , favour one side . Did you understand that as being "fair" ? Did you not understand what was written ? Or is it that you don't favour fair reports and you favour reports which are biased to your side ?
  2. Stayed in Thailand for 3 months and did another border bounce at the same location , this time paid an agency 4300 Baht for guaranteed entry. Went straight into Lao and back again and got stamped into Thailand with no questions asked . Asked the immigration about doing the same visa run again and they said they will only do two consecutive land border crossings and so next time I will have to fly in . Worked out that they would be pocketting 240 000 Baht a month from this entry service
  3. Then what would happen then ? If Gaza was rebuilt , Hamas began another war and Israel flattened Gaza again. What should happen after that ? When the newly built Gaza has been flattened again ?
  4. Just like Hamas are walking all over the IDF and winning the war in Gaza ?
  5. Those deaths were caused by the Hamas attack on Israel on Oct 7 th Had Hamas not attacked, then they wouldn't have died . Hamas are responsible
  6. You need to back that up with some evidence or some proof . Do you have any proof or evidence of your intelligence ?
  7. The Doctors are supporting the group who caused all the deaths Hamas caused all the deaths and Doctors are wearing Hamas badges
  8. Everyone knows that Anti semitic refers to a hatred of Jews . This is no time to be changing the meanings of words
  9. This has been debunked many times already . Hamas have been shown to have changed the age and gender of those killed in Gaza and also Hamss figures are unreliable . Everytime Hmas gets criticised , their supporters wheel out the "Woman and children" slogan . Its a sad fact that people get killed in all wars . Anyway, need to get back on topic *But Israel...................* is off topic
  10. This thread is about Anti semitism within the NHS and NHS employees showing support for a terrorist organisation that recently massacred Jews en masse . Continuing the attack on Jews isn't a solution to the problem . Once again : *But Israel...............* is just defection
  11. We are talking about whether Hamas are a terrorist group or not . Wheeling out the old well used woman and children slogan doesn't change the fact that Hamas are a terrorist organisation who have committed atrocities, war crimes and terrorist acta on a mass scale *But Israel................* isnt addressing the point that Hamas are a terrorist group
  12. The attack by Hamas on Israel was a terrorist attack . There can be no denying that Hamas are a terrorist group and war criminals . They are showing support for mass murderers and criminals who have committed horrific crimes
  13. Same as Westerns who are ignorant of Asian atrocities Like Westerns wearing Chairman Mao tee-Shirts
  14. He did also get the hostages released , although Biden is now trying to take credit for that
  15. A Palestine has never ever existed . It's a new concept invented by Muslims who oppose Jews and a Jewish state
  16. Trump is backing Israel up to defeat the the new Palestinian Nazis . Biden removed Israel's ability to fight back against them
  17. Wasn't fascism Italian, so it would be Rome and not Munich
  18. Is it actually written in the O.P ? I've read the O.P three times now and I cannot locate that sentence . Could you quote the whole paragraph (so that I can locate that sentence) ?
  19. Who says that and where ? Where is that stated ?
  20. That would then be her Dads fault for starting the war and also for not providing a safe environment in Gaza
  21. The woman is responsible , she wasn't let down by anyone
  22. It isn't a baseless claim . Although the report seems to have disappeared from the internet . I went to find it again and was unable to locate it . Maybe its been moved to page 27 or something
  23. Which pro Israeli lobbyists are those ? I do hope that you aren't just once again holding Israel responsible for everything . The report was published by a USA magazine and nothing to do with Israel
  24. How can she justify staying on American India land which was over taken by Europeans a few hundred years ago, whilst also opposing Jews living in Israel ? Isn't that hypocritical ?
  25. The USAID was sending Palestinians $50 million for sexual health issues and Trump just said condoms for short
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