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Nick Carter icp

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Everything posted by Nick Carter icp

  1. Hamas was founded by the Palestinian scholar Ahmed Yassin in 1987 Ahmed Yassin was also affiliated with the Muslim brotherhood in the 1970's .
  2. You are posting that on page 4 of a thread . I haven't seen any posters state that its Anti-semitic to be critical of the Israeli guys behaviour .
  3. Could you do a Google search ? "Can Israelis visit Malaysia " I will do a websearch for you https://www.google.com/search?q=Can+Israelis+visit+Malaysia&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  4. Aren't most Americans , Australian's Canadians and New Zealanders of European descent as well ?
  5. They will criticise Trump whatever he does . Not talking to Iran - Trumps ignoring the Iran issue Talking to Iran - Trumps meeting with fascist dictators Going to war with Iran - Trumps a war monger Whatever he does, they will criticise him
  6. If you want to remove Israelis from the land, then you would be pro genocide . You seem to be in favour of a genocide . Also, about 30 % of Israelis are descendants from Europe , 70 % of Israelis are not descendant from Europe
  7. So you are saying that this is the first time that a foreigner has ever smoked in a Thai hospital ? No foreigner has ever smoked a cigarette in a Thai hospital ever, this is the one and only time ?
  8. Trans guys can no longer beat woman in sport Like they cannot punch and hit woman in women's boxing matches or win against woman in women swimming competitions Men who beat woman are not the "tough guys . Compete against men if you want to win
  9. Seems like someone employed a method actor to say extremely racist things whilst acting as a Reform candidate and they published it as factual expecting no one to realise and expecting people not to vote for Reform because they are extreme racists
  10. Yes, the public are allowed in there with permission , family and friends are allowed in to visit the patients
  11. Wasn't that shown that he was an actor commissioned by an unknown group to make a film with him saying outrageous things ? He was an actor who was paid for the scripted role, if I remember correctly
  12. Nope, once again I was asking you a question and you pointed the other way again instead of answering . Racists and bigots are also attracted to the Labour party . I would say that the Left attract more racists and bigots , its just that they hide it and it only reveals itself when they let their guard down
  13. Trump really doesn't need to ne mentioned in every single thread . Israelis misbehave in Thailand and you think about Trump ?
  14. You were working illegally as well . Working illegally was and is against the law , and the Thai authorities found that unacceptable and clamped down on it
  15. You guess is wrong . It would be unprofessional behaviour for a Police chief to state that they were targeting just one Nationality based on the behaviour of a few
  16. Read through his posting history , he even refers to American Jews as being Israelis
  17. Would you describe Anti smites and being racists and bigots ? Do they fit into that category?
  18. You made the false claim that MAGA hats are made in China, where as in fact MAGA hats are made in the USA
  19. I directly quoted a paragraph from the O.P and responded to that and the info in that paragraph . Are you suggesting that that is off topic ?
  20. What makes you say that I should try to relax too ? Just pointing out that its rather hypocritical of an illegal worker to criticise other peoples' bad behaviour
  21. So he was working illegally , whilst at the same time being critical of other people behavior ? . Anyway, that was 40 years ago
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