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Nick Carter icp

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Everything posted by Nick Carter icp

  1. That really isn't a really serious issue . Israelis are used to their comrades getting taken and held against their will and they are trained to get their comrades back . The public are allowed into those rooms
  2. You did accuse me of a personal attack, and personal attacks are against forum rules, so, I thought that it would be better to end that discussion rather than get into a bickering exchange . I don't want to bicker or argue , I've got better things to do .
  3. Not too long ago I was walking through Chiang Mai's Red light district (well road) at night and as usual there were some ladyboys plying their trade and there were two young western tourists in discussion with a ladyboy and I walked slowly past I heard one the the youngsters say to the ladyboy . "We come from Israel , you know, where Jesus comes from , can we have two for the price of one , it will be a Religious experience for you" They were trying to get the ladyboys survives for half price . They must have thought that I was weird because I just started laughing as I was walking past
  4. I don't think that I was, no . But you accuse others of being arrogant , but you just seem to want to tell everyone about how much you've travelled and where you've worked and it all being about you . Maybe you don't like Israelis because they don't want to talk about YOU all the time ?
  5. Nope , I didnt think that I was posting in another thread , I was asking you a direct question but the answer is "Look over there are that other thread " .
  6. His personality reminds me of Sinead O Connors , Both made good music when they started out and both remain in the limelight by making controversial comments when they stop making good music
  7. What about the Anti semites ? Have they moved over from Labour to Reform ?
  8. They just are not obsessed with Trump is, like the anti Trumpers are
  9. I don't seem to be able to see them, maybe they have gone . But people from all Countries can appear to be arrogant with a sense of entitlement . Rather funny, An American accusing others of being arrogant with a sense of entitlement 🙂
  10. OK, dont give any examples then , up to you . But some people do make claims and then cannot back them up
  11. Israelis, Homosexials . MAGA;s and now Irish. You seem to have a bad word to say about numerous groups . What do you think about Black people ?
  12. Considering your behaviour, its understandable that they have no respect for you . The are are plenty of people who queue jump , actually, its mainly UK influenced countries that do not queue jump , all the others seem to
  13. Could you give some examples of how they portray that ?
  14. They do not have a right to that privilege
  15. Each to their own, but I find some of the Western older guys behaviour in Pattaya to be a lot worse than the Israelis , you know, the no condom disease spreaders who don't care about girls getting pregnant and just want have condom free sex . You know anyone like that Mal ?
  16. Its common knowledge that some people hate other people, just to make themselves feel good about themselves . Like "I know that I am a terrible person, but those (Some group) are worse than me . So, I'm not too bad*
  17. Eh, I was asking him whether he deliberately wrote "Hearth" or was there a mistake and did he mean to use a another word instead and I also wasn't sure that this meant "even proofs talks against you and them" and its quite possible that something could have got lost in translation . Also he was nt criticising me, he was making accusations
  18. He will be around his Uncle's house with the motorbike parked outside , thats where they always hide
  19. What about Chiang Rai airport ?
  20. Just found some Phuket to London flights in March for 8000 Baht one way https://book.omanair.com/flights/oneway
  21. I am genuinely curios as to why everyone takes such an interest in the Palestinians cause and has no interest about any other groups in similar situations
  22. Begs the question , Why do you just focus on one group of people and ignore all the rest ? If the Palestinians weren't not fighting against Jews , they would get as much World public support as the Catalans do
  23. No, Raghad Al-Khouli was evacuated to Jordan and she is no longer in Gaza . Typical of the Palestinians side of the war , your side is holding kidnapped Israeli babies (who have probably died and you are still holding the bodies) and you just focus on Palestinian children who Israel helped to move to another Country and claim that Israel is treating the children badly . Its YOUR side who is treating Israeli babies badly . Israel should have refuse to evacuate Raghad Al-Khouli until your side releases the Israeli babies
  24. There's about 5000 groups of people who all want a homeland for themselves : Catalans, Basques , Shan , Marsh Arabs , Uighurs , Kurds , The Tooting Popular front , Tibetans The Palestinians will just have to accept that they cannot have their own Country, just like all the other groups have to do
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