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Nick Carter icp

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Everything posted by Nick Carter icp

  1. Hi , Chiang Mai zoo has a new Giraffe and Zebra
  2. Did you see when he posted a photo of his lovely sexy Thai Wife ? Someone did a websearch and the same photo was on a Australian Female Escort site ????
  3. I was drinking with an 18 year old female German backpacker recently and I asked whether she wanted to come back home with me for some sex , she said that she needs to get to know people first before having sex and we agreed to meet the next day . I woke up the next day with a leg infection and couldn't walk and so was unable to go and meet her
  4. It wasn't a false claim though , my claim was that the British left Hong Kong willingly , rather than being kicked out
  5. You have asked that question in the right place . You could even start a thread about it ?
  6. That is a ridiculous suggestion and the U.K will not be deporting people because they look foreign , you need to keep fiction separated from fact
  7. His UK Wife refused to have sex with him , many years of sexual frustration , now he's so relieved to be able to have sex any time he wants , he needs to tell everyone about it . Theres that old saying : There's people that do things and there are people that talk about doing things
  8. The history channel says " Hong Kong–a small peninsula and group of islands jutting out from China’s Kwangtung province–was leased by China to Great Britain in 1898 for 99 years." https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/britain-agrees-to-return-hong-kong-to-china
  9. I was replying to a posted who claimed the British were chased off from Hong Kong and I replied that the British left Hong Kong willingly after the 100 year lease expired .
  10. I prefer to keep my personal life private . Like..................... * I ave sex with the woman who works in the offy three times a week, on Monday , Thursday and Sunday afternoons when the shop closes , how often to you have a sex* ????
  11. It is abnormal to tell everyone about your sex life , that info is kept private . Its just the strange guys who tell everyone else about themselves having sex , most of us don't share that info with others
  12. Point being that the U.K left Hong Kong willingly and were not chased off , although Hong Kongers seem to want the British back, rather than having Chinese rule
  13. I was in a similar situation , dropping my GF a similar salary , but she left me when my currency plummeted and I was depressed for a few days then realised that I have an extra 50 000 Baht a month to spend on myself and I have been single ever since
  14. I don't think so Big businesses raised their prices Heinz baked beans and Mr Kipling doubled their prices a few months ago , now they are on special half price offer in supermarkets . ALDI apple pies are just as good as Mr Kiplings, I wont be going back
  15. You paying them to be with you is their job , so they are self sufficient. You are paying for a service they are providing = Self sufficiency
  16. These days, woman can fend for themselves and don't need a man to give them money . Woman are self sufficient these days and can take care of themselves
  17. Like, doing a websearch for a particular subject and then posting all the results and all the reports are of a few people making unsubstantiated claims . Someone tweets "I got racially abused on the streets " , numerous media outlets report on that and then post all the media outlets that reported it and then it becomes true .
  18. You can stay around my place tonight if you want to ?
  19. I was replying to him , I quoted his post
  20. You cannot correct me, because what I stated is true
  21. I wasn't there no . I once bought a flight from Philippines to Hong Kong in about 1990 , I went out for a drink the night before , got slaughtered , missed the flight and didn't ever end up going to Hong Kong
  22. The British were not actually kicked out of Hong Kong , they leased the land from China and the lease expired
  23. Where can I get flights to "Hong Kong years ago " I would like to go there in 1983 if possible
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