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Nick Carter icp

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Everything posted by Nick Carter icp

  1. There are not scams all over in Thailand and those other countries you mentioned are just as scammy or even more than Thailand . Like in India , there are scams everywhere and much more than in Thailand
  2. It was in the other thread and one poster asked about it
  3. Whether being interested in naked 16 years is normal or not, is debatable . If Asking whether a 60 year old man whether he will masturbate or use prostitutes is normal or not is also questionable . If that is normal, I would rather not try it , thanks all the same
  4. I do think that its rather impropriate to be talking bout naked 16 year olds and one wonders why youre sat at home and reminiscing about naked 16 year olds . Naked 16 year olds , 60 year olds masturbating . Maybe George should switch off ASEANNOW for the night ?
  5. Why don't you want to pay ? Should the content makers work for free and not get paid for their job ? Are you a free loader who wants everything for free and doesn't like paying for things ?
  6. Why do you take an interest in that aspect though . *Are you going to use prostitutes or masturbate" is a rather personal question and its not socially acceptable to ask other people about it . Are you an Aussie ?
  7. Why the hell would you want to know that !!!!!!!!! That is a weirdo question You want to know whether a 60 year old man will masturbate !!!!!
  8. Its quite simple . Immigration make it very difficult to get a visa extension . People then use an agent, pay an agent to make it easier Immigration then get a slice of that agent money and they then don't check the documents with such vigour
  9. If you lost her and couldn't get home, what would you do then ?
  10. Its not too difficult to know what fruits are in season , markets are usually quite central near a main road and if you look on market stalls and they have a huge tray of ripe mangos on sale , its quite probably mango season . Does your girlfriend make you wear a fluorescent jacket when you go out ?
  11. Its not financially viable to leave 800 000 Baht in a Thai bank for a year . You can put that money in a Western Bank and earn 50 000 Baht interest and then pay an agent 14 000 Baht for a retirement visa and you have 36 000 Baht extra for yourself
  12. That is a sticky rice balls existence , which is about 15 K Baht per month, rather than 60 K
  13. Also, the Guardian report is a report about a Polish community hall in Hammersmith with suspected derogatory graffiti about Polish people . Its worth noting that Hammersmith has a high Black population and Black and Polish youths often didn't get on to well . So, the Guardian report may have been British Black people telling White Polish people to "Go back home" , rather than White people telling Black people to go back home
  14. I did learn how to go shopping many years ago , its quite easy Just go to a shop, get a basket, put what you want in a basket and pay for them and take the items home and put them in the fridge/freezer or cupboard
  15. Lots of bitter Remainers posting things on Twitter reported by the equally bitter Remain BBC that may or may not have happened . The Left wing Remainers often make things up or make racist posts and blame others for it . A person tweeted about what someone allegedly posted on Facebook and claimed in her tweet that the facebook post was racist !!!!!!! Those are not reliable sources
  16. I still have the odd bunk-up here and there , I just don't want or need a constant hand holder when I go out
  17. I can give you their contact details and you can ask yourself , if you're young fit and handsome, then you could get a freebee Best of luck to you in your quest
  18. There are other things in life , not just females . He may not want to have a girlfriend , he may not need a female to walk around holding his hand
  19. That isn't true , anyone doing that would have been arrested for race hate offences
  20. There are a few posters who seem to think that everything is always about themselves , they seem to start every sentence with "I"
  21. If a few of them got shot dead, then the rest of them would stop doing it . Would be better to get a Black Policeman to do the shooting though
  22. Was that a private hospital or a Government hospital ?
  23. You could ask a Thai person , they would know . Its more than likely that the Childs parents will know, as they are Thai
  24. Where the thieves Thai or were they Foreign ? Its not quite clear in the report...............????
  25. I was talking about the ASEANNOW poster making up a story , rather than Russel Brand changing his story , also , your memory capacity is irrelevant to this story
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