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Nick Carter icp

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Everything posted by Nick Carter icp

  1. They began having Female toilet attendants in the U.K Male toilets in the U.K from about the end of the 1960's
  2. When was the last time you were in the U.K ?
  3. As if I am going to state the location on here . There would be about half a dozen ASEANNOW members all walking around that toilet with their knobs hanging out within a few days
  4. There are Female toilet attendants in Male toilets in the U.K as well , not just in Thailand , But Russel wasnt in a toilet when a female attendant entered the room
  5. Saying that you are going to do something isn't asking whether you can do it or not . He did not ask for sex , he got his knob out and said that he was going to do it . Nothing further happened because he got interrupted by someone banging on the door
  6. He said that he was going to "F*** her" with his knob , she hadn't consented to sex with him, sex without consent is rape (The rape word was mine, rather than his)
  7. I do think that the Western money being given to Ukraine could be better spent at home, rather than giving the money to Ukraine and its a squabble between Russia and Ukraine and I don't think that Putin is going to move on to other Countries after Ukraine
  8. Guys (or girls) getting their knob out really doesn't happen regularly in pubs and clubs all over the Country on a Saturday night . Getting you knob out is indecent exposure , but he got his knob out and threatened to rape a woman with it
  9. Another nut case who still thinks Russia wants to rule the World
  10. Another simplistic reply . "Anyone who I disagree with is a nut case "
  11. I have some bad news for you, the C word you used really isn't a teem of endearment anywhere
  12. Scare mongering there , suggesting that Russia will starve Europe to death if they win in Ukraine . Russia has more right to the Ukraine than European Countries do , Ukraine is Russia "breadbasket" its not Europeans breadbasket
  13. Should the wealthy pay more tax ? (Wealthy being anyone who receives over 20 000 Baht per month ?)
  14. If Thailand introduces a 90 % tax on all people living in Thailand , would you happily give the Thai Government 90 % of your income ?
  15. I would expect that girls go there to get away from guys trying to tap into them and guys that just want to tap into girls should go to bars and nightclubs
  16. When looking out a window
  17. How would you help any better ? If a person stated that they dont want to go to Chiang Mai in the burning season, what (better) advice would you give them ?
  18. I can do it when I am watching television
  19. So, just sitting there doing nothing . You can do that anywhere
  20. I gotted a U.K education and it was OK
  21. What do you do on a retreat ?
  22. They are quite similar actually , both just sitting there staring blankly at nothing much . I suppose one its just sitting there and the other is just sitting there and moving your right arm up and down every now and then
  23. Did he arrange the fly by himself to mark his own retirement ?
  24. I thought that getting canned was part of the British Public school education curriculum , don't all the pupils bend over and get the slipper or Cane on a Friday afternoon before home time ?
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