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Nick Carter icp

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Everything posted by Nick Carter icp

  1. The U.K made the data collection more efficient and up to date and the released figure more concise . The update in the data collection wasnt done to give a false impression of the actual figures , it was done to make the figures more accurate , France already has similar methods
  2. You are claiming that the U.K changed its figure compiling methods to give a higher GDP figure . Can you give a link to support that claim ?
  3. Postal voters are unable to kill anyone , that's what Dem areas get fewer murders
  4. I suppose that it does make sense, because the chubby girls wouldn't be able to chase after him as he drove off on their motorbikes
  5. You can read about it here https://graziadaily.co.uk/life/in-the-news/russell-brand-sexual-assault-allegations-why-now/
  6. How did the people find out about your Nationality ? Did you ever mention it at all to anyone ?
  7. Are you Scottish/Ferang again now ? You was Thai earlier in the thread and now you are a ferang again
  8. She didn't report it to the police and thus they didn't investigate it
  9. The boat people weren't even born when the U.K was warring in Iraq 20 years ago
  10. So you have no idea where the boat immigrants come from and you are just using the old "we should stop bombing their country and they wouldn't come here" excuse for them
  11. Maybe you should stop making imaginary generalisations about them all coming from war torn Countries where the UK is involved ? (People were using that excuse 20 years ago when the UK was in Iraq)
  12. That is just what you imagine happens . The reality is that young men are coming from safe Countries to work in the U.K often in criminal activities .
  13. That's like the ex-pats who used to lie about having 800 000 Baht in their bank accounts to get a retirement visa
  14. Which Countries are you talking about ? There seems to be some imaginary Country that you keep referring to about bombs bullets and refugees
  15. Can I guess where you are from ? You are from the Hippy era and your National anthem is Imagine by John Lennon ?
  16. What Countries are you referring to ? Where are they fending off bullets and bombs ?
  17. What is the connection between people blocking the coronation being removed and do gooders stopping fights to Rwanda ? I cannot work out how that are related
  18. Whoop whoop . I'm two blocks away
  19. Braverman has tried to act in numerous ways to control illegal immigration , but the do gooders keep stopping her
  20. From which Countries would that be ? Its just the normal response , take any blame away from the immigrants and try to blame the Country they are going to . The immigrants arrive with no identity papers and you are just guessing where they come from . You will look for a Country where the U.K has been militarily involved , then say *Oh the boat people come from that Country and they came because of the U.Ks military involvement there ". So, from which Country do the immigrants come from ?
  21. How many of those people coming to the U.K in rubber dinghies are qualified doctors ?
  22. The Countries were prospering during colonial rule , the recent hardships only began when colonial rule ended
  23. Yes, but he didn't say that you can inject bleach/disinfectant , he asked whether it could be used to combat the virus
  24. Have you ever praised Trump for anything before? Ever, for anything ?
  25. You were Scottish last week , what happened ?
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