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Nick Carter icp

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Everything posted by Nick Carter icp

  1. There are numerous 7/11's that don't sell cigarettes , in hospitals and airports for example
  2. What puts the price up is the deceased persons weight , it takes more wood , fuel and time to cremate larger people , so the bigger the person the more cremations cost
  3. The U.K is heading towards a secular society with the huge majority of U.K youngster having no Religious beliefs at all . The small vociferous group of older Islamists who wanted to turn the UK into an Islamist state have all gone , they all went about 20 years ago (Jailed, deported, died , retired ) The U.K will not become a Muslim Country , Religion seems to be becoming unpopular with younger people and theres just as much chance that the UK becomes Buddhist or Jewish as there is it becoming Muslim .
  4. My concern is that if I were to test positive on the day of the flight , then I wouldn't be able to get on the flight and that would ruin my trip and also I may not be able to get a refund . The tickets may be cheap , but it could end up being more expensive if you need to pay twice
  5. The airline sites seem to be updated, but they are rather vague . *A self Covid test is required, but no one will check it , just have one in case its asked for by someone" sort of thing
  6. Has anyone recently flown to Thailand via China on the various Chinese airlines ? There seems to be cheap flights available with a stop over in China , but there seems to be a contradiction in flight requirements . Some sites say you need a Covid vaccination certificate and some say you just need a self test or insurance. Self tests are not dated and they aren't attached to the person , so anyone could take the test . Has anyone flown via China recently and what are the current requirements ?
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