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Nick Carter icp

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Everything posted by Nick Carter icp

  1. That isn't a fact at all . Trump could not "disband" NATO , even if he wanted to . You may be getting mixed up with Trump suggesting that the USA could leave NATO unless other Countries payed their dues . Trump couldn't disband NATO though, he didn't have the power or authority to do that .
  2. My opinion on that are that all these charges and allegations (without any conviction) will benefit Trump as some people will view this as an attack on Americas democracy and they will support Trump to keep USA a democracy and to stop Political leaders using the law to suppress the opposition
  3. You have gotton mixed up . I said that charges are irrelevant until there's been a conviction , I didnt say convictions are irrelevant . Charges are irrelevant until a Court have made a conviction Do you realize that a charge doesn't make a person guilty ?
  4. Is Trump the first President to be President , leave office and then run again four years later ?
  5. You can celebrate charges , no one said you couldn't do that (and thus there's no need to ask whether you can or can not do that)
  6. Charges mean absolutely nothing until there's been a conviction in Court . We seem to have reached a point where allegations are the new convictions . Being found guilty seems to have become irrelevant and what counts are the allegations/charges .
  7. This is not the place to be critical of people because they are old , angry and white . This is not a forum frequented by young happy black men
  8. Not all heros wear capes ..................
  9. Why don't you sign up to take over the job of getting coconuts from the trees . If the monkeys cannot do the work, then a human will have to do it , would you be willing to do the job ?
  10. That was political banter during a debate , rather than a direct threat of intention
  11. Trump didn't say that , you made that quote up
  12. That just shows Trumps dedication to the job as President , the lengths that he will go to to be successful . He is willing to fight for his job and his beliefs and that shows a tremendous amount of dedication
  13. If Trump gets elected as President again in the next election , would he then become the worst President and the second worst President ?
  14. He never wore patches or colours , I often saw him in his bar in C.R
  15. There are numerous 7/11's that don't sell cigarettes , in hospitals and airports for example
  16. What puts the price up is the deceased persons weight , it takes more wood , fuel and time to cremate larger people , so the bigger the person the more cremations cost
  17. The U.K is heading towards a secular society with the huge majority of U.K youngster having no Religious beliefs at all . The small vociferous group of older Islamists who wanted to turn the UK into an Islamist state have all gone , they all went about 20 years ago (Jailed, deported, died , retired ) The U.K will not become a Muslim Country , Religion seems to be becoming unpopular with younger people and theres just as much chance that the UK becomes Buddhist or Jewish as there is it becoming Muslim .
  18. My concern is that if I were to test positive on the day of the flight , then I wouldn't be able to get on the flight and that would ruin my trip and also I may not be able to get a refund . The tickets may be cheap , but it could end up being more expensive if you need to pay twice
  19. The airline sites seem to be updated, but they are rather vague . *A self Covid test is required, but no one will check it , just have one in case its asked for by someone" sort of thing
  20. Has anyone recently flown to Thailand via China on the various Chinese airlines ? There seems to be cheap flights available with a stop over in China , but there seems to be a contradiction in flight requirements . Some sites say you need a Covid vaccination certificate and some say you just need a self test or insurance. Self tests are not dated and they aren't attached to the person , so anyone could take the test . Has anyone flown via China recently and what are the current requirements ?
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