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Nick Carter icp

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Everything posted by Nick Carter icp

  1. What sort of place would you like some info about ? High end restaurants or cheap street food style places ? Narrow you question down a bit and be more specific . Five star restaurants or restaurants with cockroaches on the wall ?
  2. I was asking her what sort of eating establishment she is enquiring about . Is she asking about proper restaurants (in the western sense) or Restaurants (in a Thai sense) which are Cafes . Does she mean a restaurant or a fast food join , is the question I am asking her
  3. Gecko bar on a Sunday night was quite good , 220 Baht last time I went , starts 6 PM , all the good foods usually gone by 7 though
  4. I am asking her, please let her answer herself, thanks .
  5. I wasn't suggesting that it would be acceptable to name kids those names , I was questioning whether it actually happened . BTW, did you inform your GF that Braveheart is a fictions film and its no factually based ? https://scotlands-stories.com/braveheart-historical-check/
  6. You seem to be mistaken, the O.P isn't a "He" Does that effect the invite offer ?
  7. The difference between the Nazi swastika and the Buddhist swastika doesn't depend which way the arms point . So its quite likely that it wasn't actually the nazi swastika that you saw in KL
  8. Is that actually a trend ? it doesn't state how many kids were named those names , sounds like its just made up sensationalist journalism with no factual basis
  9. Which Country are you refereeing to , Thailand, Philippines or the USA ?
  10. Are you inviting the O.P around to your house for a meal ?
  11. Yes, that has always been my point . There are Western style restaurants which are called restaurants and a restaurant in Thailand is any shop which sells food . Is she asking about a restaurant in the Western sense of the word, or a restaurant in the Thai sense of the word ?
  12. This restaurant does great plain chicken and rice two course meal for 40 Baht , first course is chicken soup
  13. The S.F cinema city food Court has a rather nice shrimp Pad Thai for 50 Baht , well worth a visit
  14. (Stop with all this "BS" all just talk normally, thanks) I do know what the word restaurant means, you don't need to give me a dictionary description . "Restaurant" has a different meaning in Thailand as it does back in the West , like a Fish and Chip shop wouldnt be referred to as a Restaurant back in the West , whilst a 50 Baht chicken and rice shop in Thailand is often referred to as "going to a restaurant" Did She ask about proper restaurants where its 400 Baht for Pad Thai , or just cheap food outlets where its 40 Baht for Pad Thai ?
  15. Are you doing the same in Thailand ? Have you forfeiting your own Western culture and fully immersed yourself in Thai Culture ? Speaking and reading fluent Thai and Wai ing at appropriate times , always smiling and driving like lunatic ? Have you fully immersed yourself in Thai culture ?
  16. What do you regard as being a restaurant ? A restaurant in the West is usually a plush restaurant with waiter service and open in the evening and quite expensive and a restaurant in Thailand can just be a shop selling chicken and rice
  17. The negative aspect of those books is that every back packer ends up going to the same few places , the same few guest houses were full of people with the Lonely Planet book and you could often find better places elsewhere , same goes with restaurants . There were quite a few backpackers who wouldn't stay in any place or eat anywhere else, unless it was recommended in the L.P
  18. Change my example to the headscarf in question then , the French school girls should be allowed to wear the headscarf (in question) in school classes
  19. Thailand is your Country now and Thai Schools do not have Nativity plays . King Charles is head of ALL faiths and not just one Faith and BTW , Nativity plays in the UK have NOT been banned
  20. You have exams to find out whether students understand
  21. So you are in favour of Schoolgirls in France being allowed to wear the full face covering Burka ?
  22. That was 17 years ago in 2006 . U.K has changed a lot since then
  23. That was 18 years ago , The U.K has changed a lot since then
  24. I have web searched that , there are no reports of nativity plays being banned in the U.K First result , Headteachers are taking the flak for cancelling Christmas plays because the Government has not issued clear guidance, school leaders have warned. Increasing numbers of schools are banning parents from nativity plays and cancelling Christmas fairs and trips because of Covid outbreaks or fears of the new variant. The Government said it has not told schools to cancel activities, but has left it to headteachers to make judgements." https://www.standard.co.uk/news/education/headteachers-backlash-cancelling-christmas-plays-omicron-variant-b969125.html
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