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Nick Carter icp

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Everything posted by Nick Carter icp

  1. The whole team has resigned and vowed never to play Football for Spain again unless he is removed from his job
  2. You miss understood what I said , Kissing and hugging many of the girls is what I meant and you also cannot seem to understand that the crotch is where the knob is . What is in his hand ?
  3. I posted a photo of him squeezing his crotch/knob on the previous page , scroll back
  4. Could you watch the news, its all over the news ? The crotch and the knob area are in the same location , its the same place . What does grabbing your crotch mean in Spanish ?
  5. ^ A Man telling a Woman that if a Man wants to kiss her on the lips without her consent , then she shouldn't complain and just accept ot and get on with it . Males telling Females that Males can kiss Females any time/ any place they like
  6. Where did the 2000 Baht scam come in ? His post wasn't too clear about where the scam was
  7. Squeezing his knob whilst looking at Females is rather suspect
  8. Well, he also grabbed his crotch and squeezed his knob area before kissing many of the girls and squeezing them and giving them rather tight hugs , there did seem to be a sexual element to it , rather than just a celebratory sports winning gesture
  9. How would you feel if a young Spanish man came and kissed you on the lips without prior agreement given whilst you were wearing tight pair of shorts? How would you respond ?
  10. It seems like every Spanish woman has said that they will refuse top play for Spain whilst he is still there .........................even some Men have said they would refuse to play for the woman teams whilst he is still there
  11. Bank holiday Monday on the U.K , the usual Nessie publicity to boost the local economy . The original Nessie photo is of an elephant swimming underwater , as there was a travelling circus in town at the time and the elephants were going for a swim
  12. You wouldn't have been allowed back into Thailand if you already had two visa exempt entries that calendar years . He wasn't scamming you, he as helping you , if you would have left Thailand , you would have had to fly back in from Cambodia
  13. Is that the same Switzerland , who like the U.K, are not members of the E.U ?
  14. You cannot ignore the advertising . An advertising video pops up covering half a post , covering the text , you then have to look at the video for five seconds waiting for the X to appear to delete the video and by the time you start reading the post again and another video pops up and you have to watch that for five seconds waiting for the X
  15. Facebook is moderated by Facebook staff and Bots as well as group moderators . so your FB post will be removed if it breaks any rules or for whatever reason and they even ban you for posting unfunny jokes
  16. They cannot be sacked , as they have already resigned and as so many players have refused to play for him , they would be able to field a team
  17. It costs 100 Baht per kilogram ?
  18. I thought that Brits were supposed to pay tax on all income although when that income comes from abroad, its usually taxed at source as so it is exempt from UK tax
  19. I haven't been "programmed" to take an interest in other people weight and I have no interest in how much our Dear leader weighs or how much our Dear Leader says he weighs . Same goes for all people and not just our Dear Leader , like I am not bothered about Vladimir Putin and how much he weighs . Maybe you need to question why you take such an interest in our Dear Leader (and his weight)?
  20. I really have better things to do than to concern myself with a 77 year old American mans weight . I really have no interest in how much Donald Trump weighs or how much he says he weighs and TBH , when I state how much I weigh, I sometimes take a few kilos off , but shuussh, don't tell anyone
  21. Could you also post a full length photo of Donald in the same pose , so that I can compare the two
  22. He does seem to have lost a bit of weight recently , so he could well weigh less now than he did a few years ago , also an extra inch could be added to his height if his hair was quiffed up
  23. I don't know, I don't even know how much I weigh , let alone knowing how much Trump weighs , I also use Kilos or Stone and not Pounds and I have no idea what a Pound in weight is
  24. I am an old fashioned male and we don't discuss other men's weight and I take no interest in what other people weigh , maybe you could ask on mumsnet ? That's kind of woman's gossip territory .
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