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Everything posted by SingAPorn

  1. In Thailand, and especially if one is a farang, no point to complain and send it back to the kitchen as they will just slightly refresh or re heat or worse...spit in the dish or put toilet bowl water. I worked in a restaurant in my teen years back home outside Thailand and saw how they treated difficult customers of the restaurant. Just pay, leave the food, make that arrogant frown face and shake your head (as they do often here) and walk out. Never go back. Then slam the restaurant on Google and ask all your friends, acquaintances to do so, until the ratings fall. That's the only way they learn. Of course, due to the harsh laws in Thailand, only slam on the internet, when abroad or get people abroad to do it for you.
  2. I also don't like it to appear on the left side all of a sudden... Don't forget. Majority of those who give a life to AN, are the elderly retired pot belly grouches who have their little habbits and any such change is totally destabilising and overwhelming !! 🤣
  3. Yet there are still foolish people in western so-called developped countries, wanting to legalize these drugs. Much of the problems in Thailand are due to abuse of drinking or drugs. But try to make a drunk or a drug addict understand in the first place that they are addicted.
  4. Not to mention many ladies still go for a quick session of hanky panky in bars or freelance-bars when the farang sponsor-boyfriend is not around but still sending the monthly "allowance". All part of the game.
  5. Have heard issues of immigration barging into foreigners private property (villa) and accusind the foreign house owner of working without a permit as the dude was doing work but in his own house and he was legally staying with Non Imm visa.
  6. Hua Hin is ok to visit once, but really is a boring place for all the overweight western retirees and their 20 year old rent-a-week, girlfriends. No public transport if you leave the main downtown beach area and one just end's up in the middle of nowhere in those Black Mountain areas with only golf courses, overpriced restaurants the the pool villa developpments that target guilable foreigners to sell their pool villas that look very nice but many are full of defects and flaws once you live in for a few years.
  7. A bit like the problems the drunks Brits cause in flights both domestic in Britain and foreign. Solution : ban all alcohol sales on board all flights (after all they do fuss if you have your bottle of water thanks once again to the absurd "safety" rules of America who set up this rule decades ago, Now current tech enables to detect any suspicious contents in liquids so why harass passengers who want to carry their water on board ? Just to enable those stalls selling water for 5$ a bottle in airports ? Solution no 2 : impose a breath alcohol test to all passengers on boarding (and the crew) and ban and arrest any intoxicated passenger who shows up drunk at the gate. Problem solved.
  8. The Bhat is overvalued. No tourists will spend of if they do spend, they will spend far less. The proper rate for the Bhat should be to give no less then 45 THB for 1 €uro handed over the counter.
  9. Global media is warning tourists that this year is not the best time to rush to Thailand.
  10. Electric car sales are crashing low all over the world. Nobody in Europe wants to switch to electric plainly because that these cars will be useless after multiple charging cycles of the batteries. Not to forget the drop in the charge in the harsh cold climates anywhere. An EV may claim say to run 500 or 600 km with one charge. But keep in mind that this capacity drops as fast as the temperatures can drop in harsh winters of the west. Really not a good deal for the moment to switch EV. Sales are dwindling all over the world as consumers are aware that for the moment it is not a good deal. Sorry.
  11. Foreigners and westerners rarely get a good deal in Thailand as they are usually cheated and overcharged.
  12. Chinese come in hoards, but they usually only spend in the places choses by their tour guides. Establishments that are generally chinese owned and of course all the money goes back to China throught the usual Chinese underground money laundering channels and networks.
  13. In Thailand, I always tend to avoid any mouthy, loud, drunk foreigners who seem to loose their heads and think they rule the place. They are usually source of trouble.
  14. Forgotten of Zelinski's name in the Pandora Paper offshore capital and tax evasion scandals ? Forgotten about the hundreds of millions of dollars allegedly embezzled by top brass of Kiev as reported by the pulitzer american journalist ? He also reported how the USA blocked peace talks that Ukraine wanted to carry with Russia. So please, stop the propaganda. In this war there are innocent victims on all sides and on the other side, plainly a bunch of corrupt politicians and/or arms lobbyists in the European Union, in Russia, in the US and Ukraine who are all making money or gaining influence, "thanks" to the war. But what is happening is that the people all over Europe suffering from the absurd US sanctions, are all voting far right now to stop this joke. If you want ot maintain sanctions against Russia fine. But before, stop pretending to ignore the war crimes in Gaza, in the West Bank and now in Lebanon, with US backed military and geopolitical support. A shame to the UN and to America.
  15. I have bumped into many europeans in Hua Hin who were more or less claiming such rubbish and considering themselves superiour solely due to their light complexion. Sorry, but there are such jerks out there and I agree with the preivous comment....most of these chaps have thai women with dark complexion.
  16. Most of the newspapers of western europe or USA, have become similar to thrash or toilet paper with their anti Trump, pro Woke, pro climate and pro Israel propaganda. Not surprising why more and more newspapers are shutting down in many countries in the west.
  17. These stray soi dogs are all over Thailand and even in posh cities so called, like Hua Hin. The authorities need to round up all these stray dogs once for all and chemically prevent them to reproduce. Same with all the snakes that can bite humains anyplace even in Bangkok or when you are sitting in the Toilet. Don't think it only happens to others. Just because it never happened to you does not mean it never will.
  18. When the Taxi or tuk tuk driver starts to overcharge a foreigner,. when the restaurant overcharges on the tab, when one see's the queue on arrival at immigration in Bangkok airport....belive me, the image of Thailand has already dropped to it's rock bottom. Not to mention all the crime, necklace snatching all over or the western bodybuilt criminals with their tatooes all over...no foreigner in his mind will want to go to Pattaya any more or even to other cities in Thailand as it's getting bad to worse all over with the massive cheating agains foreigners and the lack of respect to foreigners in various goverment offices like the DLT or Immigration in certain areas.
  19. The right question would be is your Thai lady cheating behind your back with another foreigner or with a Thai man you never heard about ? Have seen so many falang "sponsors" of Thai ladies, they finance their shops, restaurants etc...and as soon as the falang leaves for his annual trop back home, the lady goes back to playing butterfly and having "fun" all over the place. If the situation suits both, fine and apparently the westerners in Thailand don't seem to care if they catch a STD or HiV.
  20. Same in Europe and recently another innocent young college student murdered and raped by a illegal migrant as France was not able to expel the chap despite his heavy past and sentencing for rape and violence. The consular pass did not arrive in time that is a document needed to expel foreigners as they destroy their passports beforehand. By letting the borders open, by allowing those left wing woke XXL ships to assist the migrants and bring them in Europe and not plainly rescuing the migrands but sending them back to their port of origin, Europe is destroying itself, it's identity and putting it's people at risk. The EU has reached it's limits and is plainly a servant of NATO and the USA.
  21. It's almost suicidal to use antiB's to prevent STD or HiV. Sure they may work a while but at one point the body will not react to the AntiB's effect as your metabolism will get used to it. Then if you contract a disease, no medication will work. Wake up guys. Stop thinking with the willy as you are putting your life in danger.
  22. With the price hikes and the forthcomming tax threats, high prices all over, inflation, immigration hassles in Thailand and other uncertitudes, more and more foreigners with Thail ladies are wanting to shift out of Thailand and go back to their homelands in the West.
  23. MY "top of the poll" whould be the one on the lish who abolishes all the comming tax to be imposed on foreigners pensions and income, to easen the visa hassles, to stop all the absurd immigraiton reporting and TM's and last but not least, who will grant a simple tourist visa valid 6 months for any tourist with no absurd document requisites or other nosy requests. Other asian countries and India are giving out long stay visas valid up to 1 year online with absolutely no foruther hassles or red tape.
  24. The white fattening flour bread used in those XL sandwiches is no better healthwise then the ham-butter-cheese-mayonnaise fillers. Whole wheat brown bread is a better option that is often overlooked. As for the fillers, cucumbers or any vegetables. In fact even shreds of lamb or beef are better choices then pork or cheese and butter.
  25. Why on earth did this wacked polish female do such a stupid thing ? Drugs or to much booze ? Hope she is deported and banned from the kingdom for 30 years as she is a threat to public peace.
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