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Everything posted by QuantumQuandry

  1. Funny you mention predictable. When I saw the attitude of the post, I knew it was one of 3 or 4 people that wrote it. Of which you were one. Predictable, indeed.
  2. Strangest thing... So I went to repeat my WISE transfer from last month, noticed the lack of "For long term stay" option, canceled out of the transfer and ended up in this thread where the prevailing theory is to use buying property. BUT...I go back into my Wise account, hit repeat transfer again, planning to put in that it's for buying property...and guess what? The "For long term stay in Thailand" option is back! I don't know if it's replicable or a glitch or what happened. Just throwing it out there. Edit: Just went back to test another transfer. Same thing, the option is there now. Maybe it's been changed back, coincidentally, while I was researching it.
  3. Makro delivers to me for free. Afaik, GO does not. That's pretty much all I need to know. Delivery saves me time, money and hassle.
  4. Frankly, I am tired of anyone using Hitler as a proxy bad guy for whomever they don't like.
  5. You know, I was actually musing to myself that maybe the best thing they could have done was some quick thinking and call an ambulance at the debate and then say he had a mini stroke (or whatever) but now he's recovered lol
  6. The way I see it as a swing voter / moderate: Trump is a unsubtle and rampant liar. He serves himself and his ego. He is not at all patriotic. And he looks bad, to the world. HOWEVER...most of the scary <deleted> he said in the previous election turned out to also be lies and his actual policy turned out to be fairly normal for a republican. No mass deportations, barely any wall built, Mexico didn't pay for it, etc. My guess is that's because he spent time golfing and letting everyone else do policy. So he's not my ideal candidate, by a long shot. But based on his previous run, he wasn't a disaster, either. Biden did some ok <deleted> (Infrastructure law), <deleted> up some other <deleted> (immigration). I don't hate him. I don't like him. He's...ok-ish. If it was 2020 Biden vs. Trump now, I would probably not vote nor particularly care who won. But now, he's cooked. And the dems are exposed as the liars they (rightly) accuse Trump of being. I think they did some damage to their own party which is bigger than this particular election. In fact, I am guessing they may have to do some self-reflection and reinvent themselves. I am hoping that means returning to core democratic values and giving up on this hardcore identity politics crap. I mean, they have been losing minorities to Trump. If that isn't a wake up call, what is? Are they going to make up all the ground with Gen-Z voters that are being destroyed by inflation? I don't see it happening. I will vote for Trump over Biden if that's how they play it. If Biden steps down and we get a democrat I can respect (maybe Shapiro?), I might consider voting for him. That said, I think the dems are cooked, either way, this election. Maybe better to cut your losses this time and really focus on reforming your party around a candidate that can form more complete sentences that tonight's barfine.
  7. I see this as a very positive step, it's just that it needs the second step to be complete. Two geriatric embarrassments running for office. Biden gets pulled now for obvious reasons. Trump has...I don't know, a medical issue. And we have two new candidates that are relatively normal? Maybe?!
  8. It doesn't matter because it isn't going to affect what the president does. He was going to call for all of that, anyway. And you weren't going to vote for him, anyway.
  9. As someone who is pretty depressed at the thought of voting for either side, at this time... This Hunter trial doesn't matter to me. Even if Biden had been somehow slightly involved, like trying to cover it up, I wouldn't care. And honestly, the Trump conviction didn't matter to me, either. If I have no experience with a candidate, then those things might matter. But I have already seen the two candidates. I already know what kind of presidents they are and what to expect from them. Nothing in these trials, so far, has really been shocking news that is going to affect my vote.
  10. Why would it be filed? I imagine it would just be proof that you are clear of any taxes owed. A single document, stamped by Revenue Department. Immigration won't be handling that. This has nothing to do with coordinating with immigration challenges. As far as I can see this, too, has nothing to do with coordination with immigration challenges. This has nothing to do with coordination with immigration challenges. Immigration isn't facing anything. If people can't/won't pay their taxes and they don't stay, that could be an issue for Thailand and it could be a reason that this thing never gets implemented...but it's not an issue with "coordinating with immigration". There's no chaos at immigration. It's one check box added to their existing list of many checkboxes. Last time I went there, they made me file a stack of paperwork. Pretty sure they wouldn't be afraid to add one more piece of paper to that stack.
  11. US taxes global income of it's non-resident citizens. Many countries tax global income of it's resident citizens.
  12. So if immigration just says "Prove you paid taxes" the same way they already say "Prove you have income"...can you specify what coordination you think is challenging?
  13. Yay, another prognostication. We don't know. We will see. Let the people who want to worry about it...worry about it. Let the ones who don't...carry on. Yeah, some people are worried. Probably the ones that have the most to lose. And other people just bury their head in the sand and say it can never happen. Either because they are afraid or have nothing to lose, anyway.
  14. With Lazada, I might agree (though I tend to ignore the 1* as well as the 5* there). But in this case, if I was to leave a review after making a claim, it would likely be either: 1* - they didn't pay my claim or 5* - they paid my claim. Looking at the bigger insurance companies, their ratings seem to follow that pattern, as well, with the vast majority being at either 1* or 5*.
  15. Interesting how you skipped the next 5 reviews that were all 5 stars...
  16. So I know that Bangkok Hospital-Pattaya accepts them. Are you sure all/most of the ones do as well? I am not saying they don't, just haven't actually ever heard that they do, either.
  17. Oh, this doom and gloom scenario again...how original.
  18. Second page and no-one has found a way to blame those bad, bad foreigners for it, yet? I am disappointed, AN!
  19. I do not share your optimism that most politicians are only going 10 km/h too fast.
  20. All politicians are serial liars and most of them are probably un-convicted felons.
  21. It worries me that people's opinions are all based on their political party and so many have lost their ability to reason, impartially. (This applies to both sides)
  22. Just saw this comedy sketch that is on topic:
  23. Could be wrong but I think that's on the pre-existing conditions that they accept. Not all non-emergency items. Brings up an interesting question. How many procedures are not available through public hospitals? I went to Pattaya hospital a couple times and they basically didn't seem to have any specialists, iirc. But I have been to Queen Sirikit and they had specialists for everything my wife needed. Is your situation, where it's not available through public hospitals a rare edge case or is it not that uncommon? Not trying to pry about your specific case, just curious what the odds are of a public hospital being able to take care of my future needs.
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