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  1. Unlike previous GOP POTUS', such as Reagan and Bush, the majority of Trumps supporters are not in the 50-60+ age category - they are in the 18-29 age group. When Reagan retired as POTUS after doing such a great job for 8 years (best ever?) he was replaced by a Bush who screwed it all up, and the People went to Clinton, a young good looking smooth-talking personality who resonated a lot with women and the younger generations. That the young people of today (and white women) so strongly support Trump, bodes very well for future GOP POTUS candidates. I can see GOP Presidents until 2040 and maybe longer. Trump 4, Vance 8, 1st Female POTUS 4 to 8. Not predicting that - the reality is that each election is very different, and in politics a day can be a very long time. It has taken a while, including 4 years after a 'stolen election', but Trump will finally get to lay the foundation for a long GOP reign in the POTUS role. IMO in 2030 the US People will see the results, ignore the MSM lies, and vote Vance in for another term/s to keep doing what Trump has started. After that, the gods of politics will decide. https://www.newsweek.com/young-people-most-optimisitc-about-donald-trump-presidency-cbs-poll-2017544 The most optimistic people about the next four years are young Americans, according to a new poll. The survey, taken by CBS and YouGov, found that 60 percent of all Americans are optimistic about a second Trump term, and that number is even higher among Americans aged 18-29, where 67 percent of them said they are feeling good about the incoming president. And with that, after being very active in politics under many names on social media and forums, this old man is bowing out of politics. I have been active in politics for a long time, and I became very active since I retired in 2013 (sometimes too much). Now that Trump has been inaugurated, I am going to leave 'the field'. It has been a great time, and a bad time, and the best and worst of times, at times. But through it all I knew what was right and what was wrong, and I stayed true to my convictions and to the truth. It is not because he is a Republican that Trump was re-elected as POTUS in a landslide victory in an almost Reagan-like manner. He was re-elected because he is the right person to lead the American People away from all the woke liberal progressive insanity and institutionalised corruption that has been damaging their lives for decades. I leave the game and walk off the field, not to any applause or admiration or condemnation, but with knowing that I did my bit. But, I leave the field with one more post about what IMO is real and what is fake, and the real difference between those things in the world of politics. Many years ago an Irish Statesman named Edmund Burke said: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” However, that is wrong. Edmund Bourke never sad that. JFK said that. In a Presidential speech in 1961 JFK attributed the words to Edmund Bourke - but they were his own. What Bourke wrote in 1770 was: “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” JFK 'modernised' those words and gave them meaning within the context of the 1960s. The attribution is fake - but the meaning is true - and truer words have never been spoken by a politician since JFK spoke them in 1961. Trump got as close as any, when he said: 'You are all Fake News".
  2. And with that I am out of here - away from all the lunatic woke insufferables that dominate here. I would like to say a few kind words, but my Mother told me never to tell a blatant lie. Trump won and the World is a better place for it. Not a perfect man, but a man perfect to remove the lunacy of the woke liberals from western societies who are happy to have boys in girl's bathrooms, to permanently mutilate confused children, to let in terrorists who hate our culture, and to fund never ending wars. So it is goodbye from me and goodbye from him.
  3. No mate - they never will understand - brainwashed deranged haters.
  4. The upholding of laws and moral values is something you lefties dont agree with???
  5. @earlinclaifornia Cheers mate - I am pleased to know you have integrity and honour, and that you have changed your avatar having lost our bet. There is only one thing that an Aussie likes more than a man who admits he was wrong, and that is one that makes good on a bet he has lost. Credit where credit is due mate. And with that in mind, I have changed my avatar to that of Trump winning trophy, and I will only hold you to using that avatar of Trump/Vance only until the end of the week. Cheers mate - or as we Aussies say - Here's to you Champ.
  6. Yep - the left thinks that anyone that tries to "enhance people's economic security, real wages, personal security and the prospects of their kids" is far right. They are truly delusional and hopefully they will soon be removed in every western democracy.
  7. Revenge is a meal best eaten cold - and how it is going to be 😁 Trump tried to mend the divide last time, they used that against him. IMO this time he is going to do what the Democrats always do, but never say they will, Trump is going to destroy all things woke liberal. From Education to the Border and everything in between - if it is woke - it is OUT. Just like IN Argentina, Trump is going to tear them all down - sack all of them. Meanwhile Musk will be gutting what is left of the public service like a big fish. Any left wing nutter NGO reliant on Federal funding or tax breaks, is 'out of here'. Long answer - and could say a lot more - but Trump will lead for all 'real' Americans and destroy the woke liberals and their institutions and their rules/regulations that have been tearing down the American values. Peanut will be avenged !!
  8. Clean Sweep for GOP - POTUS, Senate and House - All Over Red Rover 😁 Latest Election 2024 News and Updates | Fox News Elections Center PRESIDENT SENATE HOUSE
  9. There are many things and reasons why Harris and the Democrats got resoundingly rejected by the American People. One of them that shows the divide between the Dems and the People, is that Trump supporters chanted 'USA USA USA', and Democrat supporters chanted 'Kamala, Kamala, Kamala'. The Dems are all about feelings and emotions and this results in boys being in girl's bathroom, but the GOP and Trump are about economic strength and wealth generation and morals and laws . The Democrats have lost POTUS, House and Senate - all will be controlled by the GOP. Trump will push forward massive changes, and most of that will be a total destruction of all things woke and liberal. Any GOP Member or Senator that does not support Trump should be expelled and banned from the Party. Like him or not, Trump has been given a massive mandate by the People and the House/Senate must support him achieving that. Unlike in 2016 when the People really did not know what Trump is going to do - this time around they know exactly what he stands for and will do - and they voted for him to do just that.
  10. Thanks - that worked.
  11. November 2036 - maybe. The People will not forget 2020 and its dubious results, nor the years 2021-24 for a long time. And I am sure they will be reminded by GOP 🙂
  12. Now blocked? Video could not play (removed??)
  13. They have been doing it a long time - they didnt stop in 2016 and they wont stop now. That would mean admitting they were wrong - not going to happen.
  14. A picture says a thousand words and it is glorious to see - Trump is coming back (save any last minute ballots). Latest Election 2024 News and Updates | Fox News Elections Center And even better is these pictures - It wont be long and this woke lunacy will soon be coming to an end.
  15. The woke lunacy and radical delusions is only a day away from starting to end, when Trump will win in a landslide and all the Dems supporters will accept the People's decision and back down their radical social manipulations and DEI agenda.
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