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Everything posted by TroubleandGrumpy

  1. I also had some troubles lately. And they seem to have increased their costs too. On their own website Western Union are cheaper (much cheaper). In my experiuence, when a company becomes successful and then looks to make a sellout/killing, they will increase profit ratios by increasing prices and removing costs (inc. some staff). Time to look elsewhere me think - next time I will give western union a try.
  2. I have read a few legal opinions and they all state that there are grounds for an Appeal - including the Judge's conduct of the trial. The Appeal will win, the Judge will be admonished, and Trump will win the election, and the Judge will then be subjected to impreachment and found guilty and dismissed/charged. Some Dems will support it becauser there are some rational Dems and they know is was a partisan legal sham, and they dont want the GOP doing the same thing to them in the future when they have political control.
  3. Too much to respond to... BUt - WTF does a prostitute's testimoney (and the others) have to do with a charge of booking errors.
  4. Man oh man - where to start... 1. He tried - your lot stopped him. 2. Yes. 3. No - his wealth decreased (look it up).
  5. But I guarantee that even when this is over-turned on Appeal, the loony lefties will be stating that Trump is a 'convicted impeached felon'. Somewhow, they think the partisan people in their biased justice system have given them what they need - another insult against Trump. Truly delusional - Delusional comes from a Latin word meaning "deceiving." So delusional thinking is kind of like deceiving yourself by believing outrageous things. But of course a delusional person, will turn that back on you and say that you are the delusional one - their own cognitive bias will never allow them to think for a moment that they could be wrong. Here is something for them to 'think' about. Trump is an arrogant bullying person with clear personal tendancies towards narcissism. Exactly the same as Obama and Bill Clinton - but not as good looking as either of them. But as a POTUS he did (or tried to do) what he said he was going to do - and he will do that again when he is the next POTUS.
  6. Those who are uncertain over whether to vote for Biden or Trump, but have a rational mind and know that this was a partisan trial, will now support Trump. Those see this kangaroo court verdict for what it is, but who cannot vote for Trump, will just not vote (for Biden).
  7. We will see - when your mobs started all those riots and burning etc., after Hillary lost, it was so easily started and lasted quite a while. The right wing rarely ever do that (ever noticed) - but when they do, it never ends well for the left. Long way to go to get to that point (we both hope), but this is a pivotal moment.
  8. No. The existing supporters are even more strong, and there are now many uncertains that have and will come over the support Trump. And there will be a lot more of the Biden voters that will not vote Trump, but they will not vote. The ones that see this partican political trial as just that - a low point in US politics. You love this event - not because a criminal has been founfd guilty of a serious crime - but because Trump might have been stopped from being POTUS again. You are totally ignorant of the downstream iompacts this will have - like a young silly Uni Hamas supporter deciding to go over there and 'help'. The blowback is going to be extreme - and remember you asked for and started it and got it.
  9. It will be overturned on appeal - whewn the actual 'legal proceedings' are themselves ruled unconstitutional. But it amazes me that the loony lefties here do not see what you and I and many righties can clearly see. This is not a 'win' - this is a pivatol moment in USA politics - the use of the Justice System by one side to criminalise a political opponent. Do they really think that the GOP/Right is going to all back down and say we are wrong and not respond? This is a bad moment in USA history - and everything is now on the table - the political divide in USA has forever been broken apart. At best this is a 'Phyric Victory' - but at its worst it is the beginning of the end of the USA as a society.
  10. I love how you loony left think we get our opinions from Fox etc. I have not weatched or seen Fox for years. But I know the reason why you do that - you get all your opinions from CNN etc. and so you think like this - 'My CNN is better than your Fox'. It always amazes me how quickly the lefties will parrot any phrase they are fed and so very quickly - like 'insurrection' or 'Russian Collusion'. But then I realise it is their 'hive mind' mentality - and that is also why they think Socialism is a good thing - they love the security of centralised control and guidence. Until they ever visit China or Nth Korea or Iran.
  11. Exactly - and the loony left just do not see the correlations. She was as guilty as Sin for a serious felony charge and was allowed to 'proceed' by a corrupted Justice system that the Dems have been infesting with their cronies for decades. But Trump over-valued his company's assets - a misdemeaner at most - and they charge him and conduct a kangaroo court trial - and then claim he should be politically executed. They are truly delusional - and they will remain that way until a GOP controlled DOJ and FBI does the same back to all the Dems and Supporters involved. What goes around - comes around. Not a great thing to do - and the blow back will be huge.
  12. Yep - all done by Dem Prosecution, Judge and Jury - and all designed to try and stop Trump from becomming POTUS again. The reason they are scared is because they know he will investigate fully the 2020 election, and that he will tear down everything they have built. Unlike last time, he knows what to do and how to do it - last time they delayed him and then blindsided him - never again. The convinctions will be removed on Appeal - this is going to the High Court. Why the DA proceeded with this case will be one of the many criminal investigations to be started under Trump as President in 2025. There is not a businessman alive that has not over valued his/her assets in their financial books - me included.
  13. Maybe that is part of the reason - I would like to think not - but these days .............
  14. Lots of good advice regarding Visa Banking etc. so I will stick to my advice about the relationship. Do not move up country and build a house and live there UNTIL you have lived with her in a rented property for 12 months. Then you will know if you two are truly compatible people - and only until then. Far too many Expats get taken up country straight away and spend too much of their money and then things go wrong. Take your time mate - make sure she is for you, and that you for her - you have all the time in the world. Has someone mentioend income taxes? You should read up - there is a thread on it. Some good advice some not - but be aware. Stay out of Thailand this year for less than 180 days in total - then it is not an issue - until 2025 tax year (Jan to Dec).
  15. You will have to wait for the changes to be in place - September 2024 - and then someone will hopefully know - and/or you can ask an IO in your local Office.
  16. Yes and No. Try applying to emigrate to USA, UK or Australia if you are a citizen of Somalia or Yemen or Syria. It is a fact that a percentage of people from certain countries are far more frequently in breach of their new 'western' country's laws. I know the stats in the late 90s and early 00s on the percentage of new Somalians that broke the laws of Australia - it was huge. There are several countries that do not allow immigration (and some tourism) from certain countries - and they are right in doing so, and they have the right to do so - it is their country. Japan, Hungary and Poland come to mind. And keep in mind that phrase I used - it is their country. If a large percentage of immigrants (legal and illegal) from any country refuse to adapt and aqccept the laws and culture of their new country, then they should be deported - and others from that country banned from entering. It is not about a person, nor is it about race, it is about who the majority of people from certain countries behave when in a new country. It is extremely hard to tell which are the good or bad ones, so the only answer is to ban all of them. It is only the woke PC lefty rubbish that stops the authorities in western countries from making it 'public' - but they all now do to some extent.
  17. OK - it sounded like you were on a rant about certain 'people' illegally entering countries and marrying locals. My Bad.
  18. You mean take the bullets out and check them by some means - exactly how does an untrianed and unqualified actor do that?? Remember some movies use blanks in old guns that look like real bullets as they roll into the firing chamber - not those ones with crimped heads in starting pistols. Get real mate - you obviously have an anti-gun bias and that is fine, but this media driven frenzy against Baldwin seems to me to have no substance and is all about the gun activists getting publicity for their cause - being to get banned the use of guns in movies. PS - the gun he was handed when he got into the exact position, and I mean the exact to the mm position for the camera angeles etc., was already cocked - it aint easy cocking an old gun - it takes a fair bit of effort. The armourer is in jail for not doing that correctly - and it is her job and responsibility to do that - not the actor's. Discussion over. PPS - I have been on TV and Movie sets - and it is amazing what they do and how they do it. Next time you watch a movie let the credits roll and read all the names and roles. The person delivering coffee does not get credit - but there are literally hundreds of people doing things on movie sets all the time - taking things on and off the set etc. Some people literally think is is just a few people involved - and that acting is easy. No it aint - and it is only when you see one working up close that you know what they go through to prepare themselves to be in the right mood and with all the right body and facial 'language' etc etc - again and again - really good actors are awesome to watch as they perform their craft - and they dont have the time to check what others have checked, nor to be distracted or lose focus by doing that.
  19. Another ignorant post that would have not been written if the writer had done some research. The story of the 'Rust' movie was was written by Alec Baldwin and Joel Souza - with the Screenplay written by Joel Souza, who was also the Director. The Producers of the movie Rust were - Alec Baldwin, Matt DelPiano, Ryan Donnell, Smith Anjul Nigam, Ryan Winterstern, Nathan Klingher and Grant Hill. And the Production Companies were Rust Movie Productions, El Dorado Pictures, Cavalry Media, Thomasville Pictures, Brittany House Pictures and Short Porch Pictures. The Armourer - the person responsible for weapons safety on a movie set - was Hannah Gutierrez-Reed and she was found guilty of involuntery manslughter and was sentenced to 18 months in jail earlier this year. On what planet are you people that blame the Actor for doing with a 'weapon' what thousands of other actors (and he himself) has done millions of time over the many decades movies have been made involving weapons. He was given the 'weapon' and used it in the movie take on the basis that it had been verified/certified as 'safe'. Or are you demanding that the necxt actor than drives a car with a passenger that has an accident in which the passendger is killed, due to a fault with the car, is guilty or manslaughter/murder. The Actor was not in any way at fault - it was and still is not any actor's responsibility to make sure that ANY item they are given is safe to use on a movie set. Anyone that thinks otherwise is not thinking properly. If Alec Baldwin had been shooting live rounds with that gun immediately before the movie scene, and the weapon was not checked by a professional trained armourer before he used it on the movie set - then and only then is/was he at fault.
  20. That was an illogical irrational post. Did you read my post? Obviously not because I stated that actors have been pointing guns at other people for decades in westerns. IMO the movie amourer (person responsible for weapons safety) was at fault and the movie producer/company who hired her. Judging by your responses to both mysef and others like @transam you have nothing remotely useful to say = blocked.
  21. Mike - you are talking about a western male and a Thai woman? You think your and mine 'inter-racial' marriage successes, mean all inter-racial marriages, including from males in 'less than desirable' countries now approved for Visa free entry are good? Or did you mean from 'desirable' countries - like those previously approved - in which case, then I agree with you.
  22. You are clearly locked into this delusion and refuse to think outside your own cognitive bias. I love good western movies - have you seen how many times a gun is pointed at another person and fired. Movies are not real mate - all those car crashes you see in the movies are 'faked' and some people died doing that. Just ask Paul Walker from the Fast and Furious movies. Unbelievable. Go get a life - maybe find another cause mate - go save some soi dogs.
  23. I read in the original Khaosodenglish.com story :- Medium-term measures: It will be implemented from September to December 2024. Restructuring and reducing the number of Non-Immigrant visa categories from 17 to 7, starting in September 2024. Adjusting the criteria and conditions for the Long Stay visa for elderly people who wish to spend their retirement in Thailand, starting in September 2024. Reducing the health insurance requirement for Non-Immigrant visa (O-A) from 3,000,000 baht to pre-COVID-19 levels: 40,000 baht for outpatients and 400,000 baht for inpatients. Expanding the e-Visa service from 47 to 94 Thai embassies, consulates, and trade and economic offices worldwide by December 2024. I wonder what changes they are comteplating regarding Long Stay Retirement Visas - anyone have any ideas??
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