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Everything posted by TroubleandGrumpy

  1. And whatever the Officer decides is yuour 'tax bill' must be paiud within 7 days with an option to extend another 7 days, and then and only then can you appeals - in Thai only.
  2. Click it and listen - you might learn something - for a change.
  3. Yep. And I had the stupid rattling plastic 'protection covers' removed when I got the car. It is a 4WD SUV - but I have abolutely no intention of ever going 'off road' in a Honda CRV.
  4. I read today that Malaysia has 'officially' overtaken Thailand as the second largest motor vehicles market in SEAsia (for 3 quarters in a row). This huge news because Thailand at 71 Million people was for a long long time second only to Indonesia with 277 Million. But Malaysia has only 31 Million and it has pushed past Thailand - meaning its economy is growing at a much faster rate than Thailand. As I stated above, SEAsia manufacturing across all industries is now being dominated by Indonesia and Malaysia - when 15-20 years ago it was Thailand who dominated. This 10 year Visa is a lame attempt to 'attract' wealth into Thailand via the EEC, and IMO it is doomed to fail.
  5. Yes indeed - the issue of compliance and enforcement following this rule change is a big question still unanswered by TRD. Perhaps they are writing a new section of the tax code that will cover the issues related to foreign sourced income - unknown speculation and until they provide all the answers to questions many are asking we will not know (and even then maybe not).
  6. Ditto - I use an oil extractor every 4 months and then to the shop once a year where the boys drain the oil fully and replace the oil filter - I am now too old to get under and back up without discomfort for days afterwards 😞 I can still change the engine air and cabin filters myself. When I can no longer do those things myself, then I know I am officially 'very old'. Something lik works fine - 60W 12V ไฟฟ้ารถปั๊มน้ำมันน้ำมันดิบปั๊ม Extractor Transfer เครื่องยนต์ปั๊มดูด + ท่อสำหรับรถยนต์เรือรถจักรยานยนต์ | Lazada.co.th
  7. I agree - this is IMO the way most Expats who are not working in Thailand should move forward. If anyone thinks the TRD will be OK and understand the complexities in foreign earnings and how DTAs work, they are IMO extremely misguided and/or mistaken. Just look at all the problems Expats have in dealing with their local Immigration Offices with all their trials and tribulations and different 'rules and interpretations'. Remember - those Immigration Offices are set up to do one thing and one thing only - deal with Immigration issues. That is why many speak English and they have decades of experience in dealings with 'us'. The Thailand TRD is not set up at all to deal with Expats issues/complaints, and very few of them in the boondocks (where we are) will speak English. I agree with you mate - they are to be avoided if at all possible - and I also agree they can shove it where the sun does not shine - and there are a lot of us with that view. Give us equality and rights that Thais get, and also much easier residency, and then I will be happy to pay income taxes to Thailand. IMO only Thai citizens and permanent residents should be required to pay income taxes on foregn earned income. The rest of us living here long term are glorified tourists who have to apply to stay every 3 months and then beg/pay to do that for another 12 months - while spending far more money in Thailand than the average Thai.
  8. In the past, prior to the change, the TRD just decided/accepted that retired/married Expats (those not working) did not have to lodge a tax return. I make that conclusion based on the fact that foreign Expats who are not working have been here for many decades, and I am not aware of anyone being charged or fined etc for not lodging a tax return. I do hope they continue with that approach and 'look the other way' - and they are certainly not prepared for an influx of Expat tax returns and all their associated issues/questions.
  9. If it does, then there will be a lot (more) of Expats leaving Thailand. I remember when listening to the Thai TRD person being interviewed by the Swedish Embassy person, that he said that Thailand was thinking about as a next step to introduce global income personal income taxes.
  10. Good strategy - keep the date and time recorded so that later if you are ever questioned (I doubt you ever will be), you can state that you wne to the Office and they said quote "........". Did you go alone or with someone else - that could be handy to keep recorded too. The old Thailand problem - what are the the rules and what the 'Officer' in that Office says are the rules.
  11. The wait and see approach is definitely what I recommend - and am doing. As with all things in Thailand involving the bureacracy - there are the rules and then there are what the 'Officer' in any Office decides the rules are. I have absolutely no confidence that a TRD Officer in an Isaan Province will accept any reasonable interpretation of the tax code, or the applicable DTA for my home country. TRD are not (yet) training their local TRD Officers regarding the impacts this rule change will have on their jobs - particularly for Expats. I know this because my Thai wife's sister's friend works (as a Clerk) at the local TRD District Office. She asked her about it because she has an Expat husband who is/was looking to move to Thailand full-time this year. She has given us other information too - and all that leaves me in no doubt that the TRD is not prepared for an onslaught of Expats lodging tax returns, and absolutely not prepared for those who will be trying to claim exmptions due to DTAs. If my experience is any guide, the Officers in Bangkok will be far more aware of things than the boondock Offices, who will wait until they are told what to do - and so far they have not been told much at all - and nothing about Expats being caught up in the net.
  12. BS - because you refuse to give a reason why your claim that you have spent time in that Thai jail do not resport in deportation - therefore you are BS. I dont want the details - I never asked for that - I only want to know what charge and conviction resulted in you being imprisoned and not deported. Me thinks your claim was BS and I caught you out when you responded with some rhetoric about you know what it is like being in that prison and you then stated in answer to my gotcha question that you live in Thailand. Blocked - please do the same.
  13. The majority of heroin addicts die a lot younger than they otherwise would have lived - and that includes prescriptions opioids. Sure some get clean and are 'saved' but a lot die early - both from complications sue to extended usage and also overdoses. Plus they have a seriously high rate of 'self-harm' and they commit an extremely high rate of crime (to pay for them).
  14. I think most people agree with that. But I also think that 'human rights' has gone too far in the west and being in prison is no longer a serious punishment - not as much as it should be.
  15. Then my next assumption is you are BS because you claim to have been inside that prison as a prisoner. Why were you not deported ?? You started this remember, by claiming you served time in the Thai jail, so please elaborate so I and others can understand how you were able to do something that as far as we all know, results in deportation once released, and precludes you from getting a Non-O Visa or annual extension.
  16. I was thinking maybe that - or maybe he worked for an Embassy and did jail visits to their citizens.
  17. Yes I did - for both my 'retirement Visa' and later 'marriage Visa' It was very clear that I would need to have no criminal record either back home or in Thailand. However, because of your comments I have checked the issue out and the Thai Visa Elite Visa is available even if you have a criminal record (as long as not serious) - so I assume you have that or something similar. I will stand corrected on your comments that Thai jails are better than those who are selling books and vidcasts and claiming they are hell holes. But I dont want to find out for myself, so I will continue to behave myself 🙂
  18. Good - I wish more people (especially Thais) were aware of the simple methods to help reduce the chances of being scammed. I would recommend you/everyone get at least one more bank account (2 in total) - with another bank - for another reason. If for any reason your account is locked (failed ATM attempt to withdraw) while you are away and in another Province, you will be advised to return to your original bank branch in your Province to sort it all out (happended to us but I had a second account - now I have 3 plus the wife's 4). Thai Banks are not really 'national' - they are Province by Province based and many serious issues require you to go back to that Province's bank branch.
  19. Maybe as per @oxo1947 and myself and many others, living in a semi-rural area within 30 minutes or so of a big city with all its services and attractions is an option for you and wife. I am sure the family will make good use of the house/land while you two are away, and there is always the option of going back if things dont work out. Moving furniture etc is cheap in Thailand - especially if you have relos or friends with a few covered utes/vans.
  20. I hear you and agree 100%. We are less than 20 odd minutes to everything in Khon Kean - out West past the airport. I agree that this is the best way to live as a couple in Thailand (not as a single). I could not live on a remote farm with the nearest big city many hours away - but this guy likes it - for now - lets see how he goes when he is 60+.
  21. Come on - take it like a man - it was a joke and I got you.
  22. As an Expat with a crimnal record and having served jail time in the Bangkok Hilton?? I would accept that you are back in Liverpool or wherever - but you are still in Thailand and getting annual renewals despite conviction and jail time? Could you explain how you have been able to do that?
  23. Jimmy Carr responded to a heckler complaint that he was offended by one of his jokes. He said "I am so sorry" with a look and body language of utter contempt for the person. The heckler responded with "Obviously you dont really mean that apology" Jimmy responded - "Oh, so you do understand that I can say something and not really mean it - now you are getting it".
  24. Fair enough - there are some examples of Expats not being over-charged. But there are a lot more of this sort of thing happening. “The pricing was set on an appropriate basis of socioeconomic status, and it benefits Thailand, so it therefore doesn’t count as discrimination,” the court ruling said. Dutch expat to appeal after Thai court sides with higher hospital fees for foreigners | Coconuts
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