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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. The maggots don't want to solve the immigration issue. They want to do nothing and falsely blame Biden. They don't govern. They demagogue.
  2. Not talking about right and left. Again the maga movement is fascist. That's not conservative.
  3. These days most real conservatives are democrats. Ronald Reagan would be called rino by the pro Putin maga fascists.
  4. This is absurd. Condi is a real republican conservative. Not maga at all. Zero chance of Condi.
  5. This isn't a normal presidential election year by any measure. It's wrong to regard it as another partisan horse race. It's existential. Choose a Trump dictatorship or reject a Trump dictatorship. About republican convention rules and how they could deal with a situation where Trump has the nomination locked up.and then can't run I plead lack of knowledge.
  6. I was speaking on boarders. Like roommates. They are best when they're not seen.
  7. Stefanic is the most likely. Tucker "Vladimir" Carlson wouldn't shock me either.
  8. That's how I see him and I can guarantee to you that's how many blacks see him as well. VP picks don't need to help get the top elected. They usually don't historically. Their main job is to be totally loyal (Scott is perfect for that) and not to hurt the ticket.
  9. It's not a lie. It's my considered opinion. The “Is Donald Trump a Fascist?” Debate Has Been Ended—by Donald Trump | The Nation The “Is Donald Trump a Fascist?” Debate Has Been Ended—by Donald Trump The former president’s rhetoric in a recent speech and on social media veered into openly eliminationist threats.
  10. Like everything to do with the conflict, it's more complicated than that. It's very obvious that the majority of Palestinians definitely do want Israel to end the Jews expelled and/or killed. But Americans that support Palestine are quite often unaware of that. So your logic doesn't really hold up.
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