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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Absolutely we can say what we love the most. I love Chinese the most. But those are subjective opinions.
  2. It's kind of hard to fully separate looking at Chinese culture from current political realities but it is true that the Chinese have a lot to be proud of (and a lot to be ashamed about) in their history. A famous American youtuber that I love xiaomanyc fully embraces his love of Chinese language and food (and now his wife and babies) while somehow managing to never mention anything political. I couldn't manage that.
  3. Interesting that you slipped in that off topic ignorant canard on a topic about China. Yeah, you should learn more about Chinese food. It's truly amazing. The key is that there isn't Chinese food. There are Chinese REGIONS and the food is very different accross the regions. It's folly to say this or that cuisine is the best in the world as that can't really be measured objectively.
  4. It's impossible to know at this point. The hard core republican base isn't the nation. Of that base, he got about 50 percent. Biden who admitedly has weaknesses (mostly his age) definitely has more than 50 percent of the hard core democratic base. That's all that PRIMARIES are about. Nothing like general elections at all. It's true most democrats want a younger candidate but no candidate of substance has challenged Biden and when push comes to shove the base will be with him in the general and so will many independents. Independents are the key and so of course is turnout of ALL factions.
  5. Congratulations republicans. You're so predictable. It's going to be super interesting to watch Trump run for president from prison.
  6. You went to a crap place. But you knew that already.
  7. Then don't watch such movies. Sorted. Like people that don't like cilantro. Don't eat cilantro!
  8. Never talk to the drivers. Heck, don't even look them in the eye. Next ...
  9. Why not? Having sufficient liquid cash is way preferable to not having it. Many retired people have investments. If they crash and they don't have sufficient liquid cash then they're forced to sell investments when they're low.
  10. About 2.5 million baht liquid cash (in the US and Thailand combined) including my 800K for immigration. Not including assets and investments.
  11. FINAL SEASON Coming in February. Amazing (and grateful) that it lasted this long. What's with those glasses?
  12. Can someone please post approximately WHEN this will take effect?
  13. You didn't answer the concern at all. People are not being busted for selling or buying this way now. After the change with buds that have THC levels that people actually want, even if they are allowed for shipment by Flash or ThaiPost it will become very risky for customers to receive! You talk as if things are black and white now. Now things are muddied. It's basically the wild west (and we like it). The law change appears intended to make things very clear and of course much more restricted. Again, I don't know how these FB/Line sales of buds that get you high will be able to survive this change.
  14. Seems to me Facebook / Line sales which many of us use because the prices are much much much better will be a problem. They usually ship by Flash or ThaiPost. If buds with thc are illegal how can that work?
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