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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Yeah I thought of that but hadn't realized he was that big of a star as to influence the most popular baby boy name. Don't get me wrong. Liam is a very nice name. Also, it's really great that it's not Donald.
  2. Ecuador and Peru?!? Why is this happening? Liam is an Irish origin name. Clearly it's much more than Irish origin Americans using this name. Ever more curious, Ecuador and Peru? If I had to guess, I would have guessed Juan for the USA and certainly a more Latino name for Ecuador and Peru. The Most Popular Baby Names In The World, Mapped | Digg
  3. No doubt he is willing to blow up the country, even the world, to save his sorry ample bottom.
  4. No but also consider if convicted to a prison term because of practical issues about secret service protection, he won't be going to prison. It would be something like incarceration in his home. I think that's acceptable given his previous office, but I would hope they would impose prison style food on him just to be somewhat fair to all the other prisoners in the country.
  5. Well even without factoring in weekends and holidays, SWIFT transfers can take about five business days and not be considered late even though in reality they usually go in very quickly if on business days. If you're talking about a SWIFT transfer, if not Monday, then probably Wednesday as Tuesday is an offical bank holiday.
  6. Yeah he has the charisma of a sack of potatoes. He's the politician most Americans would like to THROW a beer at. Florida -- where the DeSantis political career goes to die.
  7. As you know, Thailand has done a last minute extended six day holiday thingie to give some Thais that can take advantage of that a long break. The question here is about Monday July 31 which was the added day. On official Thai bank holiday sites August 1 is bank holiday but July 31 isn't. I know that shopping center branches will be open regardless. That isn't my question here. My question here is if Is Monday July 31 an OFFICIAL bank holiday or not? If so, it would mean non-shopping mall branches closed and money transfers not going through, etc.
  8. That's why the Trumpists need to find petty things to harp about.
  9. Nothing burger city. What's next? Did he have a small stain on his tie?
  10. I don't like that any country would either support or claim neutrality towards Russia now, but the Russians coming here are not a monolith. Many for different reasons are escaping the war so the more Russians that are not available to murder Ukrainians the better.
  11. There is no equivalence there at all! I can understand a concern about Russia taking all the arms if they won, but NATO has the power to insure that Ukraine wins. If you seriously think that after Ukraine wins, a country that very much wants to join NATO ASAP, they will turn into enemies of the west, I can't even process that level of paranoia. Also of course Ukraine will need help to rebuild and that will take decades. Zelensky knew long ago that he needed air power to stage a swift effective counter offensive. It's outrageous that he doesn't have that now and still needs to wait several months, possibly too late. Pundits and useful idiots for Putin wanting to cut Ukraine off complain that Ukraine isn't taking back territory fast enough. Who's to blame for that? Obviously the Russians of course but also it's the direct result of the west refusing to fully commit to making Ukraine WIN. Not to mention all the dead brave Ukrainian defenders and civilians that have already died because of the west's help being too timid.
  12. It's a matter of behavior. Like the Mexican chants. Speaking of sporting crowds, I'll never forget when my Dad took me to "bat day" at a baseball game. Free bats for all. Meaning the huge crowd was banging the bats on the floor the entire game. Fun for me. A deep trauma for my Dad.
  13. Life saving when it needs to be done.
  14. Why do some people (including me) avoid Phuket? Well in my case it's not the Russians but my feeling that it's overpriced and especially the public transport mafia.
  15. There are other ways to stay if you have money and many of the "dodgers" are skipping country to country with Thailand included on the circuit. Saying 1 percent is just as stupid as saying none.
  16. Of course he was wrong, obviously just trolling. Living in Pattaya we have the exact same phenom but I guess overall the Russians here aren't as rich as the Phuket ones. I can only guess based on superficial clues what percentage are here relating to the war and what percentage are more "normal" tourists. My guess of the war related ones is between 25 and 50 percent, but again I'm just guessing. Russians here would know better. But saying 0 percent, that's jyst stupid.
  17. I think you're confused. Sporting event authorities have every right to impose rules of conduct.
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