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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. It's a matter of human rights. Period. All straight ethnicities are allowed to marry regardless of statistics on how their kids turn out, better or worse than average. It's irrelevant. LGBTQ people are humans deserving of the exact same civil rights. No need to justify their existence to people looking for reasons to oppress them.
  2. That's exactly right. Russians have very few travel choices now. Thailand naturally rises in popularity just because of that.
  3. I tend to agree. Neutral towards Russia leans towards pro Russia in effect.
  4. Thailand doesn't recognize them in that way so no problem. Ignorance is bliss.
  5. White kids can feel however they feel. The idea of teaching history is to teach history. Now you're telling black people how they should feel. Now, that's rich!
  6. The Nazis intention was to murder each and every Jew sooner or later. Gutfeld is a disgusting troll.
  7. If they hadn't been coincidentally liberated as a result of the south losing the Civil War they would have died as slaves as did most slaves in the history of the American south. I think you're totally wrong. Talking about benefitting from skills is a type of right wing propaganda to soften the utter brutality of slavery. Along the same lines as the kind of garbage taught in the past such as many of them were happy to be slaves. They don't want white kids to feel bad. That's not teaching history. They have said as much and that is stupid. That's right wing INDOCTRINATION. BTW, on a personal note I have lived in the deep American south. As I do have white skin, I have wondered if modern black people wonder or even assume that my ancestors were slave masters. It's not a pleasant feeling, but I wouldn't blame them if they did. When I visited Germany as a teen I had a hard look at every older German and ... wondered.
  8. Hopefully anti LGBTQ bigots go into the closet but I'm not optimistic.
  9. I would imagine that a person that uses the word Chinky would not be very qualified to appreciate authentic Chinese food in China or anywhere else. For me, a major feature of Chinese food is it's incredible REGIONAL diversity. Of course many countries have that, but I happen to especially love some of the Chinese regional food.
  10. Again, marriage not required. But all adults should have the same options. Legal equality should at least be a goal.
  11. As I said. of BOTH marriage and unions are available to all, that's fine, because that increases choice. But as is typical unions are offered to LGBTQ and they are banned from marrying that means LGBTQ people are treated as second class citizens.
  12. Boomers elected Trump and other illiberal anti-democracy populists in other countries. 'Nuff said.
  13. From marriage equality flows all other kinds of legal equality for LGBTQ people. Actually getting married is not required. Social equality and fighting bigotry can't be legislated. Restricting gay people to an OTHER form of legal status is second class citizen stuff. It's different if marriage and unions are available to ALL. But usually the argument is not allow marriage for LGBTQ. Obviously unfair discrimination.
  14. I don't know your sexual orientation but you can bet the house a scientific poll of straight people on that question would show over 99 percent would not like it.
  15. Dude, speaking as a boomer, I don't need to read any media to know for a fact that our generation failed miserably in the values we collectively espoused in our youths. Next ...
  16. Anti gay bigots are always using "the children" as a shield. Better a child stay in an orphanage than be adopted into a loving gay family. Sure thing.
  17. Dark Pale Jim Gaffigan has done a lot of specials. I think this is one of his better ones. It is a bit darker than before, but it's Jim Gaffigan so there are limits. I was laughing out loud numerous times but I was stoned.
  18. Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll! But I guess we failed in making the world a better place.
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